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Show tlTE ABUSE Tli lit ts Mab'.elo Rrins on nil Indluu Wur. Chicago, 23. The Time's Washing ton, in the course of severe remarks on the subject, Buys the Indian bureau is greatly concerned about the charges j of fraud against that organizition in awarding contracts. The latest item of news to stir up the bureau is intelligence intelli-gence received to day of a deplorable rttate ol affaire among the Ute Indians of Colorado They are on the verge ol open rebellion against government. Tbey have complained of bad treatment treat-ment for nearly eight monthB. Army . officers have justified their complaints, and clearly pointed out a practicable remedy. Reports of army officers on this case bave been siugularly full and clear, sometimes uccouipanied by maps showing the exact position as to reservations, camps, etc. They have all the while testified to the daogeroiiB temper in which the ludianB have been placed by bad treatment. Their reports until very recently were utterly unheeded. A short time ago a commission com-mission of two civilians aud an army officer was appointed to investigate the matter. There is no powible excuse (or this delay of Beveral months ' in inquiring into the abuses which from present aspects may. at any moment, result in an Indian war in Ooloiadoand New Mtx co. The UM are a poerlul nation, there ton over 3 000 in Colorado and some .J.LtHJ in New Mexico. If they resolve on ' war bb is now probable, tbey would cause groat bloodshed and expense, and if this takes place u io admitted on all hands that the Indian burtsu, aud that alone, will be to blame. |