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Show TINNERS AND CAS FITTERS. r. i-HTTCBKU. DIVIDJAHM. MITCHELL k JAMES, Krapfvtlully announce lo Ino Public that thov ItEMOVKU to Ihclr Dow 1 ro- miix on Wol Torapl. Stroot, opponlUl tin. (Sty Meat Markot, whuro thiy hope, by etrict attention to businoria and small profile to merit the continued patron&Ke bo liberally bestowed upon thein. Tffl.SHEET IROMCOPPERSMTHS Gas, water and Steam Fitters i WEST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite City Meal Market BRUSHES. STZEW-A. HEAT'S CELEBRATED BRUSHES,! FOB WHITEWASH BR3. r HOUSKMKN, A"!' OEIERAL FAUILT USB. ( For Sula. Wholesala and Retail, by U 0. M. I. Grooory and Drug Depwtmoota, Mcrera. Qodbo Jt Co.. Mofsre. Taafldol X Co. ! F. H. STEWART Jk Co., ,j PiUiborgh. Pi. FIRE BRICK AND C LAY. UTAH FIRE BRICK COMPANY FACTORY 1 Corner 4th 8outh street and Utah, Southern Railroad. OFFICE : New First National Bank Building, Salt Lake CSty. No 1 Fire Brick 1 Cement. Constantly on hand. Mo will boild all kind, of Foraacei at lowest LlrinK Prlc... and by the rery Deal Mechanic. 0. W. BENNETT, STEAMERS FOR EUROPE. WHITE STAR LINE FOR Ouoenstown and Liverpool, UNITED STATES MAIL Kow and fuil-Doworful StoainihU fl-putm, RsrCBi.ro, Bi'.Tifi. Cslttc Tmnsn. ,CairJiH;0 AomtTiC. Bxujio f'iiltO!r from Neir Yurie on Sat'iMay". from Livrnoil on Th'.rs -jays, call ion at Cork Ilar pR;oTi;ror jv-comm-vlaLionn Tlfor ill darte' nn rivalled, oombioiD SJFETT, SPEED S COMFORT Saloon, Stalo-room. SmoHnjj-rooin and TJith-rvOiDf in AlILtSUir1 icction, whora loaet motion is felt. Surgeon and Steward artop. accompany tbosa steamers. Kate -Saloon. it'M.; return link eta 3140 sold. Stceraita, iJ currency, Tbosc wlshicB to no'id for friond? from too Old Country ran now obtain it datura prepaid cer-tif.-Bf.oa, k 2 i-urrency. Pa .tensers boukwi to and frora nil part ol America, Paris, II arnlmrir, Norway, fciwed-on, fciwed-on, India, Australia, Chin, Ao Drafts frDta H, up-jrar-U. Eor in.'poction of plana and o'.hnr infornjii-li'ifl, infornjii-li'ifl, nppl7 at tho Coicpjiny'a cuicas. No. H1 Broadway. Now York. li. J. COIt lLS, Agent. NOTICE, On and after tho 1st Jrinyivy. 17I, the (Jon-&ral (Jon-&ral Aconoy in tho Unltol Slates of the Oceanio btoara Navigation Company (White Siwrf-Lino) will bo con Juried t.y .Mr. B- J. Of IT 3. who ii (ally ajtnoruod to aot in bohalf of said Coin pan?. VWT'Mdwo.1, Now Y rk. Dim., 1ST,. OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO., t3 J. H. SPARKS, Attorney. F M. BAttNUM. Agent, Salt Lake City. STAGE LINES. GILLIEES, SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINE TFTROCO Utah, Southeast Nevada & Montana 'jaarinn SALT LAKE CITY, DAILY, Running Kiuth to Tintlo, American Fork i Monnt Noho, Sovie ,SU Goorge, Utah : and Flo oho, Nevada; PAS3IJao TUKOUOil Provo, SprincTille, Spanish Pork, Paynoii, Suit Creolt, Chicken Crcok, Kouml Vnllry Fillrr.ore, Corn Creek, Uaavor, Minervillo, and all the Principal 'IWm am! Minim Camps in So'iLhorn Utah and 8ouLhooM Nernd. ' Also leay CORINNB, UTAH, DAILY. Ranninjr North to '.'frgin'.A City. Holenn Fort tfnton. Door L'do, Co Jar Croflk Mlnoa, and panin(t thrnTiph ail the Prinoi-pal Prinoi-pal Towns and Mining Canjp.i in Mon'ana-INCIPAL Mon'ana-INCIPAL OFFICK: Wellu, Fargo & Co. BniMin SALT LAKE CITY. bis 9 rKic'E?a SPECIALTJ-AVORINGS, fit FlMnrlpg Ire Cream. Cakes ami Tu.slry. With Krcnt carer, hy ft new y ro'TH", n-c cxtrnct from Mwintr., m lt-cl Fniih fin' An-rin,ii(.n, cucJi cliiinulcriiillc Jlii-ror. Jlii-ror. mid proilnco Plutoriu'in of rum rrfi Ufnce. Of great Htirimtk 'and jmrfrct purity. J'o pQif'tioue Otlt. Every Jf,'i,or 19 VffiiCWutcd. Xio drsHt er.i-k bitihifnt tin 'Hurt, hvUIiiifi Oitc-ltidj 'mote ihnn en p'triorfiiig to I'oti. si'tiic quantity. Vm tf't-.m oi ice, use ro otinT. ''") mM frtirite, drlirUfUn flawr er.-r hiwIa, So rv',vrioT to tli'j elu'iip rxInictH. Aslc for 'Jr. Irk:c'H Hprfiul I'lavtu-iiiH. i-iiipu I'ficlurcd only liy STEELE fx ILICJS. 1Io(Br CHICAGO nndBT. IAJUJH. Munnfacturvr of Jjr. Priotta (jrcam GENERAL DEALERS . EAGLE MOUSE. EAGLE HOUSE. TE ASDEL & CO.., RECEIVING DAILY BY lOXl'KF.SS SPECIALTIES FOR SPRING TRADE. H ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GROS GRAIN RIBBONS (11 all Shailca of Color. CHOICE STYLES OF DRESS COODS. . mim stilus of .wls. LACES, COLLARS, RUFFLING, FLOWERS, Etc By Freight CAR LOADS o( Hams. Shoulders, Break fast Bacon and Side" Mont. Crushed, Coflcc A, Granulated and Brown Sugars. Savon Imperial, German Mottled, Olive, While Rus iian, Sterling and Eutoca SOAPS. And a full Stock irf GROCERIES, selectel with care from the beet markets this present season. All Goods delivered promptly and free of Charge. TFAsnn Ri m J31 JUST RECEIVED!" 4,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER, 3,000 PIECES RIBBONS, VELVET & SILK: TO BE SOLD CHEAP. TAYLOR & CUTLER. The hImjvc Mc-thiln present an army ot irrefuUblo testimony in fnvor o tlie followinp nun icd gooils, well worthy of the acrioiia coasidenition of all who want the hent and most economics. 1; each inctl;l represents ft decision of a acjiuntte Board of Scientific and UisintercUtl Jurnrn. No greater evidence uf siijieriurity c;m possibly bo auhmitted. Commcnta of tho Manufacturers cm add nothing thereto. DURYEAS' SATIN GLOSS STARCH, In iSt.t Timnd Boxes and One round 1'i.pern. Try it. (iives u Beautiful White and Glossy Kiniuli, beside renderii FahricH very JXirablo. Xo other ttireh so wwily twed, or do Kcononiical. Van it once mid you will one no other. DURYEAS' IMPROVED CORN STARCH, Mnmil:.itui'(i by a urcully'irnproved procew, from the Beat Helec'tsl Indi;in Corn, and warranted perfectly pure. renounced by JUROTtS or . (.JKKAT 1NTKUXATJOXAL KX I'OKITION, PAULS. 1807, TO HE TMK "I'KKKECnoN OK (JKAMTV.'I A trial will instiri: it.s popularity everywhere. iS'ono gennino without " Pur-yens'" Pur-yens'" on every package. l'"or sale by Grocers generally. Besiiro ''JJuryena' " is on ov(try package. ui 1 7 General Depot, 29, 31 & 33 Park Praco, N.Y WAGONS. CAR31AQSSAH3 BJOQISS Tli'ric iMill-known WAGONS need but liltln biiid in their tiivor. Tho; cTtuijfiivu mil cm now being umdu attcat their merilH. and they are the lavorilo Wngun now in Utah. TllKV MIK Til OliOUUHLY WAUUANTFJ) Full OMt J:A',I. ALL Sl.KS KErr IS LAIIGE STOCK. Z. C. IYI. 1., East Branch, Sell the Bain Wagon al Provo at Salt Lake Prices. We cull further uttentiou to the WALTER A. WOOD WOWING AND REAPING MACHINES, Which we sell, and are warranted to give natiHfiu Lion; uIko, the Bent SULKY JIAY UAKL.S in' the ALirkuL Wn have tlio luryrat block of BUGGIKS, OAltltlAOKS and LIGHT HPKINU VA' IONS in Ulah, and wold for tho least money. Call and ace tho C'xtemivi) rtlock (jfgfxxl work at Miich low ))riee. ! We keep tin luigdt mid bent nelectut ftluck of ILnd woul and Wagnu Material at lower prices than any bonne in Utah, lo which wo call empuvmi atlenliuii. Wo have junt completed a large two story Wurohoueo for tho accoinnioda-liou accoinnioda-liou of tho uIjovq gowls. BA IN WAGON DEPOT, Y'ml Yanl South of tho Tlicttre. HEBJiEE A KOBKBTHON, ! "AiLT 'j ADS. 'UTAH NORTHERN RAILROAD Trmin Lcare Ogdon daily at 8 30 a.m. Train Lvo Logan daily at 12 30 p.m CH A3. NIDLKY. Ota)rrI TroLht ami Ti iKot Agant-WOoK-S IUjTCHKK. Sah central railroad PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and aflor Ji.c, 1, ItCJ, N.meof j.Vo, So. S 5 2 STATION. l'Mii. I'ass, '-g m I KH Trains Loavo . u- r. m. Sitlt I.ak. A 11 :l 4i) Woo lJ Cross (! 'Jlj i S 0 GO 0 7(3 CentreTlJl t) 3t; I H 0 7&'l 00 Firmlagton. (I &0 1 -4 Ml Oo'i 30 lli ArriTO l Orlan 7 &) S -10 2 00,3 00 )'n, I'fwn, I Tra'on I.wva a, m. r. 11. j Oplon S 10 6 m! KayivHlo 1) 8! 7 10 01- 1 SO rarmlnKton 9 T2 7 81 1 a-. 1 Tj Conlrovlllo 10 4 7 Co a 10 Woods CrciM 10 lit 7 W 1 V J 30 ArrWo at Salt l.nko- 10 40 8 2 Oojl 00 MIXED TRAIUS will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKl'TKD. JjeaYlmrHF.lt IjrUo ntv at fl::tn mm. nml p.m.: and Otrdou at :;tA) a.m. aaA .l;.ii i m. For alt Inrormation ounparnlni IVelttt or ptWKu, to J AS. HUAltl" )om,rol Kriitflit and Tiakol AstaU JOHN fall AHt'.HapoHnlondotit, OMSOOTHERmiLROAD Cn and altor Janunry 1st, 1874, Name ot ri.f ,;.!! t E a, To. I nil liuavo A, i. . r. 11, Htll Ldlio 7 Oil A ll 1 11 . . Utlln Ctlonwuod 7:'.', 14 Mi 't, Junnfloit 7 10 7 15 !i 0.'i 7fi 1 V.- Arrlvo at Snndy T 4", 7 lift 9 Ifi I 00 1 75 I."hfo Mid Hnndv 7 h'i prm.or 8 U) -r. 2 m tohl H ,Ti 1 7,V'J 7r, Amnrlnnn KitIi II ?n 110,11 mi rinfunnt (Iruvu. 0 4.) 'i OOlil m Arrlvo at Train Lonvo 1 u, I 1 pr"o VI W 1 rioiMitnt Urnvo I in U) 7f, Ainorloan JfurH J 1 u Drapor. .'""'"""i'Z 2 Gu ZZ 1 i". 2 00 Arrlvo til bn,n'1 II ".I I I 60 2 50 Lnara I'ah n a. m. r. u fji'y 8 m io 11;, 4 (. '""nlli in "in1 Id Ifl 4 .V 1 7m 2 7rt LlttU Cuttonnood.. B a.V.0 10 0 an ;! oil a oil Arrlvo al Halt Lako 4 Dili 11 al 11 00 K (Ml I) i- n laid) 1 it rrt a i tnh Will run Dally, Uumlr.rn oxuo.tod. For all Inrormallon ctmoorDlng I'rolglil or aitly to if AH. RIIAHP, Huimrlntondont minmu NOTICES. I CMJJMO N ' ATlCTOltIA A IMPKUIAL TtlXNKL V and Minins Company Location f Mino, Littlo Cotton wo-d Mlnlnu JJialrift. Utah Torritory JNotloo Tho liublio no cnulionod nut to imrcha-io or ntattnto lor tho followlrg muiu'il slmrosof i'ock. an tboy ucro wold In lull at imlilio auction, on TIIUK3-duy.lholid TIIUK3-duy.lholid dny of Ai.ril, 1S7-I, for dolinauunt jufloHOOiPDt No. 2 and coBts of advorti-intt nod utile, and will not bo truoBiorrod by tho Company. Com-pany. 1 1 ho owDtr or said fJortlt'iontoa of Block aro horuhy notiticd. thut thoy may rcdoom thoir inloraitro nuid, al any tijno wit bin thirty dnysiutiir tho duto ol'Bid bi1o, l tbo nay-inont nay-inont of iho umonnt ofsiiiJ a-atBBmont and all cot of advortisinit and exptinsoB ot snla in Unitod JStfttoH Kuld i:oin. and iho lurrondur of (laid corLiQotitos to IbU oQicg. No. of No. of No. of Cortlf. Shurui. In namo of Bh'n sold. 001 60 SAOoburo fiO mi no HA Coburn f.0 C'Xi W B A (Joburn... W) BUS W HAC .burn 50 7lia 10 K A Coburn 10 -JA H A Coburn & 0; o f, S A Cobura lb 2,1 8 A t to burn 'iS ItiU Si S A Coburn..: Id K W Uuimnincu, 10 Kf'i "1 V. VV t:uinujiniB .1 3-itJ KMClurk 21 0 .'tin a 0 em ciarn a.o iM) JOJ E M C urk joo a:.i lifl K M Clark 10" UK &0 KM Clark 60 Ml nil K M Clurk 20 W 10 EM Clark '0 :1SS in K.MOiark .... 0 Hi7 )0 E M Clark 10 ;W 10 EM Clark to 8IU 6 KM Clark 5 AM 5 K M CUrk 4 4iil 5 KM Clark 6 4( 6 K M Clurk 5 401 6 EM Clark, 5 m fi K M Clit k 101 ii KMClurk 6 -107 H V. M Clark S m o K M Clark . 5 1011 5 it M Clork 5 li'W 10 Uco tv Collroll IO 1". 1" Ooo KCcltroll .KJ 740 100 WuiMDoWitt ioo Sid fiO Wm M Do Witt rf DM ' TH Darling 50 Wb 10 T S Dnrlinit... 10 t)l 'JO T S Durlinn ....20 U7 l'l T S DurliQK- 10 ins HI A P Fletcher HI m I'M J S FroU 100 IT! 'Jl J S Frpti 21 4'8 10 J S Frou. ...... 10 4tll 111 J S Fro't 10 71 1 60 J 6 i-rt-ti Mi H71 10'l J 6 Krotz 10 B7j 100 J 6 FroU. Truflioo IK) 100 .1 S FroU, Truutoo lio 7'-l I" Mii Kona Hoys 10 !OJ 10 DoWHtlioUjruo . !0 UIH 5" llonry Kaymond W Ul'l 50 ilcnry Kaymond 60 7ii5 Ifm Wm Ii Watv,n, Truto..l0'J feU ICO Geo V J Wiit ion loO Uil. it. WATriON.Socreta'y. Oflieo Booms " an i '!. No. 3)2, Montgom-try Montgom-try itreot, can Francinco, California. San PriDciwo. Arril 4th. 174. all NOTICE L. W1LLETT, yon aro hereby notified t!at it bavo p&id for you your proportion for l.-lxjr done on '.be fiit wMt oitanAion of the VciuroUo Leal, atnounting to aixty dollan, tv)) and that unlo y.u But'.lo with ui for Ico name bifore May 1871, we nhall bo- 'ruine the oiroors of yoax interest in accord- I aoce with tho law. KLOPEN'STINE k MILLBR. 1 Binbam, J an- 30th, lb74. 1 Chicago k Alton RR L'n'y Firct Ciaaa Road ln'tha Woet, LOUISIANA, MISS0U Rl New Short Koute from 'KANSAS CITY TO CHICAGO I t Without Chans. I Via 81 L"ui. Kn,no.i Clt" and Northern K late North AiiMomii and Chicago end Alton (ailrvade. eroding iho MisM'silipi at Louisi-I Louisi-I ana, Mo., and ivmR thru 1 eh JaakiODTill, U looming ton and Jolieu The S UOHTK-ST AND HBST ROUTK TO THE EAST, tia CHICAQOI Elegant Day Cars A BP P oilman Pnhr Slerpiit tars Knn through from Kunt- "11? And, St. Louli to Cbi-OAO. Pullman Palace Dinlnq Rooms. H M O K 1 N g cine On all Daily Train; tho enly Mr." running tbwe cars from KsDas CiLy and St- Louil to Chicago No Lino Makes iia Good Tlma, Crjelu'w connecting, has br-ttor R(fODimri-dntloQB, R(fODimri-dntloQB, botlor track, more olosant Day Cars, more luAurhnt and coinfortablo 1 oor I ft Cars. Trains of Kansas I'acitlo and all Western Roml.t connwt closely with Traina of this Line, in Union Depot, Kansai City. JAS. CUARl.TON, Gencrai I'Msonror an 1 Tiakct Agent, 0- A A U.K., Chicago, R. MoMULUN, TJ3sTX01r PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Until flirtlmr notiiv, , Irnlim will lenv nid arrlvo at Omln iliitly, s follows: Leave. I Arrive. PallyKxrre?s.s. i'iin, I DitivKif rwi Mi'pm Miscd .:i0inu , Mixo.! 2.aSini 1'roinht 10.;0uui I Kroikiht ll.lOani PiiTly etnini-i-l ions nirtilo nt Ogtlcnwith LI lull CVntrul ilro:nl from Knit Lako City nml ui nil points S(iutlurn llliili. At llrytm M'illi wlngiia for tiwcot witter MftllM. i jt Chf.vcnno Willi Ppnvor Piielflo K.U. I for Denver, Onlml City, llivrjji'lowii niul nil fHihilM in (,'olorndo mid iNew Alosico. Al Uniiilia willi Oliicnco nd IS'ortti-ner-lcrii, I'liienitn. liock ltiltuul niul Piaoitic itui liiijjloii niul M imnii" ! I.i vcr, K niinns Cilv, ,Si. .loo niul Council Hlnll'ti Jtailrvinil mid .Missouri Itivnr Liimof tiltininurs too ttll iiointH Knnt nnd 8 ailS. 'l icki'lfl for liab to nil points ',& t. tn ollleo of "WliUu, MoC-ornicl; it OoM:iW I Tomplo ntrool,mul fit tlm olIleiMl'UlnliCon I trial U.H.tln Still Lftko ( tity ;ulso al Ifnioi Ipneillo Jt. Jt. tiokot oluoo in Umlon which ollleo bortlis HloopiiiK boths can bo nuonrotl. ArraiiKitmpnUliM-o boon uuulo, wlioro-hy wlioro-hy pftBHongorH tln,irinuf to vii'it Donvor on tliidr wny oont run nviiil Uhiimo1vph of tin DXcurnioii rnto from i 'lioyonmi lo Donvor, ami rnlnni nt irronllv roduecil rntcn. l'or iinrUciiliirrt nnd Oil fnfonuiilion fn n'jrrd to iiuchuko, npil.v nt Ticket Olllces. J'nnmniKem Hl.miKl )u cnronil to nocuro 1 tlnir pnnuiit?o tickftn to nil Katitoru muI I Koiitl ),nnln tot OMAHA, mid tlo:g aviill llieinwi'lvf of tlio nilvfti)11,p;i'n of n HiroiiKh nloepinH civr, (Mintiluljlo nccom-niodnUoiiB nccom-niodnUoiiB and quick tinio. Tit-. L. KnriiALi,, (Joiuual Tiokul Ajto:it. T. K. Sicki.kw Cliiof Knglnnir an I Hupt. NEW YORK TRADE. E.H CAR BUTT AC07 TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, 45 W ARK EN BTUKKT, TV W YOlt IC J. II. LULUER- (28 GOOD, ROOF &,Co., Importflrs of WIM-S, LIQUORS & OILS, JlItOADWAY. KH NEW VOItTC, Fisli, Clark & Flagg, UOO BROADWAY. NEW YORK, 4IK MOW BKAPT WITH TIIEIB !OVej.TII&J IH . Men's FornisbinK Gocrls yOU THE KAI'LY SIMUNO TRAI E. jaj BENEDICT, HALL & CO.. WnDuwturen and WboleuU Dealt n is BOOTS AND SHOES 14 A 136 5iujtiT., NEW YOI K. dTT' c,,,h 0a blook ma r fi otdirei ; THOS. M. ARC ALL Co., Mto'i, Yftiu B071' and Chfldren'e CLOTHI 3STO- At WuoLnAur, J E H 1 aT e a Dic oTT Manu'.r7turer arI Whokalo Dealor.l FUltAXD WOOLHATS Straw Goods, VuK&tLLAt, rra. No. 468 BROADWAY. NJi,W YOllK JO.J'.H MCUTKa. ' CHfCACO TRADE. EAGLE WORKS MANF'G Will furnish Knrtne, Coilert, Mioine .Mtvchincry, sndull kinaa oi goods in tho Mociiine'F liao, 5cnd lor de.-criptir circular. Office, 4-i.SiJL'Tir CANAIiSt., CHICAGO PACE, bro. & CO., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER & FINDINGS "OLD CITY HOTBJ CJRSER," 'I'.T.;0"; CfuCAGO, ILLS. W, w pRTp Jlo'ton; OrvilleVwe.) . IcjlS C it Vmm. J01"". M. D. WELLS & CO., Muuf art are of and Wholesale Dealer is Boots & Shoes, 8 Wabah CH1CAOO. M. D. W.IU, B. J. MacfarlaBd, K. Bon!lirt. mM s r. lclnivra. " The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. Van Uwl, SlETfiEson J Reii, WHOLESALE Druggists & Paint Dealers, Have K-.-niovM to their New Stores, Wand 04 LAKE STREET, Comer Dearborn Stioet, on the rid lite) CHICAGO, Whore, with buildtoiTF erected ext.reIy for the businoM, fcieaiu Klevatora, eto-. thov have opened ur an immense stock, ojuarpai'ed in Lb north ww t. Special attontion uivan to Toxritorial bus-0fxJ- 14 THE NAPA U-W II EE LED IRON GANG PLOW, W Favorite on the Pacific Coast lis adeaniai;c$ are; Kirpt- It i.i a Tbroo-whcf-Uil Plow; two in front, and ono in Lho roar, hy moans of which all dniR lb avoiJod. Sncond. Ttisan Adjustnltlo Plow, tho ilriift iUolfboiiiff miv la to do tho work of raising find lowering, without any o.cr-lion o.cr-lion 011 tho part of tho driver. Third. It is Light of Draft; thu light -110m of draft enables two horved to do tho woik of throo. Tho plow is raised or lowi'pel williont lifting tlm driver's eoat, And tints this weight is nvoidod. Tourth. Tlio Lino of Draft. It is a cen-trt-diiii plow, drawing from lho nisin frftino. An tjiisiAhlo clevis connceLs dirivtly with tho beam, whom all tho totttm pull directly from ono contm, so thai when tho plow is working, it adjusts iL-olf to i-ough mid uneven ground, mid will plow to lho same uVplh in oithcr hard or soft ground. Fifth. Kn-o in Turning; by moms of tho roar wheel, thi plow can bo tuvinxi with enso in iu own length, making n grat Miving in time in ih0 coursu o? a dny 'a work, yixlli. It is Fn-v on the llor-.' Koek. liy lVfting the driver's sent on the rcyir end ol lho polo, tho weight of tho polo is balanced, ba-lanced, and relieves lho prusAirn from Lho horses ucekp. L! H FORTH, KELLOGG S CO. .land J, ln.nl Tol. SAN FKANOIIjCO. l-'nliibrnia, SIJ by 2 J OLID TYPE FOR SALE AT Til K HERALD OFFICE i DUN FORD & SONS E.N'GAGED EXCLUSIVELY AS J0BBK1IS 4 RETAIL DEALKRS IX ALL OF THE BEST BRWDS BOOTS fe SHOES, HATS &, CAPS, , GENTS' GLOVES & FURNISHING GOODS ORDERS SOLICITEU AND FILLED WITH CAKE AT LOWEST PRICES. THE al & LIBETtTY IKON WORKS Srf FRA5ER, GHALI1ES I CO., Jlxrvt 7 iuccMBora of EAGLE "WORKS MAJJTJT'o co j$fjl MAN'UFACTURFRS otJ Steam Engines, Boilers, StampKI Amalgamating Pans and Settlersf Wl riollsrsjiii Praps, Patent Stamp Sks, Concentrators, Screens, Rock Buckets HuistLi, liiif, ant! Msg Mm, Betsrts, M ai Ingot Moulds. Slag Pots and Cars. Circular and Mulay Saw Mills, Single Hills and Geaaral HKaian? IUrinK Urn ,. tlju.t 3-V, Vznwrs and M.ln.H-cM of Kle WurU XnydxOnm tlhce ttorli. nnu, rLnl -....I I,,, ;,,.. -.11 I 1 - i " r fc ' "-""'-J psitnu, oi. r ' ; 'JA con,llc' n of Engiaes Gears, PuUeys an4 riv,!hfttou. fWnak 'he Nortti West, we are prepared to continue its business in al! its branches with QnftjtL-j -Jill orders for ill descriptions of worV. and repairs without die Usual Ciy and crpee m !taB new patterns. ALSO, AGENTS AND DEALERS IN Slenm and Centrifugal Pumps, Blake Crusher, Lcffel Water Wheel, frtillwell Healer, Blowera, Wire Itope, WrouKht Iron Pipe, end General Mini and Mill Supplies, 130 to 14o Fltlton St. bet Union Si Halsted, CHICAGO. Ple-ise addrosB FRASEE, CHALIIEB3 & CO., Chicago, rjj, directoby" OF SALT LAKE OITY AND " UTAH TE EEITOEY WORK OF THE CHARACTER INDICATED BY THE ABOVE 1 title is urgently demanded by public ne.xisity. A twelvemonth, when the undersigned announced their intention of issuing such a work another Directory ws presented to the public, and they immediately with drew their advertisement. There being no proposition to publish a Directory from any other quarter at present, and the importance of Salt Lake with the growing iDdibtericB of the Territory calling for one, tbey propose issuing, on or before the 1st of APRIL, A DIRECTORY OF SALT LAKE CITY, AKD UTAH TERRITORY, COMPILED AND ARRANGED IjY EDWARD L. SLOAN, Whose former Pirectorj" of Salt Lake gave bo much eatisfsctm The Director)- of Luke City an TJtAh Territory txlST-L will contain A General Directory of Salt Lake City; ;It will also contain a (TuroQologiial A Business Directory of Salt Lake j History of tho Territory; a descrip City, ! tion of the Milling Districte, wilh , . . , I much interesting and reliablo ii A Business birect, of Oen.Froro. formation relfttive to Coniine, Alta, Bingham and Ophir, Ijne3 deveopmeilti m to the Agricultural, Mamilacturing An official Directory of every Goimty j Industrial resources of the Ter aud Municipality iu Utah. ' ritory. Canvassers iwliciting SuUjcriptions and Advertise in enta will call upon buainnss men and others in a few days. Lit is respectfully requested that every facility be extended te the Can-vasseis Can-vasseis for tlie general and business directory, by furnishing tbem comd n formation as to names and residences. Salt Lake Herald Publishing Company. isi Very Olieap ! ! ! Shingles $4.50 per M. Pascoe's Lime in any quantity. 5iX,00Jlba Co;vrse nnd Fine S vlt, SUigc Coach $A)0. 9Jcts per lb. c:v?h paid for reaches, and highest cash price lor riums and Apiicots. Groceries, Grnin and Provisions. " La Polio Wav'n Shod" and oi5co for 5f.lo, with ktiiso, aljo l.i.uo Diiot, nost to tiain Wavou Dcnt, For further particulars api'lyto J. Vi. SKKLL, ldrf ho tiioro. MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY CLASS l to l drawn Ajril Suh 71. Iipplized by SUt Authority and I Drawn iu rnblio iu St Louis, j GRANDSINGLENuiBER SCIIETilE no ooo Nil xkks. 5.880 rriaoii auiouuiEuK to $;UK) .(Jt.O j i ,ru f $:.ixxi si priMR of w i of is.wi , ,f I t of lil.lHm 0 of i 1 .. of 7...M 0 of ;i l ium of b.W u -of of , 3..W ,, of W M ,, of 1.IHX1 Si n' I'm' hi f 0-1 IStt ot KV Ii' Ol 41 tvkU of 1 VtOXKitl, l): H.M.KTU'KKVH WOur WteriM arti chart nrt bv the Sito riialwuvii iIihttii m tho tlinn nnnu-.l. a n,t ui Inrintfi arn ur'lnr th" (iirwn-i'i'Ui ,r Sw .-rr 'i"iniiiiUnrtni, ; lho oillolal .Irairlnt will bn imMUhcil ! n tho .t, Unilmmrcru, ami a ooiy of Jran I tv, scut U mm'hucr ut ti.-kot. irWe will .Intw a niniilnr (vIhmiio Iho livt ' lv "I'ovprr monlh iliiHiift tho vnir IS? I. j rltoiiiit. at iir rih. In 1Vi officn Monpy r.lorii.ltiiitorcti Loiter. Draft, or Kkitoiu. UarX.V nllAY MI1.LKR A PO.. VnofllwHox'JH t bT. Lorn, AIo. I Co P. Ha R. On anil nttr Wondar, Sep'u at, ism. Trains will lfve Ogdcn dHll-, ii folic wj; :0O..m., PaA-oBcar Train fot SartaioCt and San I'raaciMO. 5.58 p.m., Thronch Fni(it Trail for Skit iconto and San Frascifco. T. n. OOOPMAX. Gen. I'ass. and Tiskat Ar iV. K. TOWNS, tiaa'l Supt KO. H. RICK, iouiTi Salt Lako Citr, 0:S,-o n-ithSIarihall. R'fl-Over R'fl-Over W. F. A Co's Hank. TRUSTEE'S SALE, 1 n ic in : a 1 , ko n . n i w i s fs. b f hiscer:in looi of irurt. dtJ 'inA. A. P. iT;f,wid nvorded in o:" c-th c-th Iwclor 1 icc.l for alt l. Xurrilorr of 1 .ah. in mon bcok '1- ; ln:o ""l, ivovo cvl to the undewccN ' twllowtPR .lo.-:il'.-d rftl e.-tli. situ" '( an.l Ititk in thj City oi Salt Lake, Teiritoff 1 Ol I tab, to wit; I 1 h cor'airt 'ot. or rarMl of sroundi ''"J ato in niid Ciiv and Tcmtorr. t1 outh ir.-ff '. boiwocn Sewnd and Third M i Sinjctj, iroro i articnlarlr dw.'ribed J : lo is. to wit: M portion of lot vo il i W ; fillr-tivo IV-'. plat - A" oi Salt LateCiltwr- i'.v. coiuuioncini; at a point on the S n'-" comer of .-.aid let rutin ins ihenoecaM :.uM" rods, thw.00 north ten (i0( rod, thecH ill Tvd-, and thecoo south len 0'" tha strip or raical of land adjoinin M ui tho wont Wine len (l" fwt iroaB w and ten tlOi nd.d.vp. nnd bine the Wl r f lot two Ji in l.lok Hfiy-uvotM r'l . (irent Salt LnoCilj- aurroy. the whole evontT-;it ((.) foot, irontionxouth br i .101 r, dco,, .vnt-imrc in all (! 1 nd tour Imndrcl nnd f.' rtva.'.'-'N"" l oi gromid, ImicE tho stuio .vimvvl b th'Miid Livpatd wiaM, bvdc-J fh'iu H. Uonn Mead, rtwnUd in bxti "," r 1, of lho County lie ord. Tlio l-onvovnco wro i tnilt. hfWf; to Mvuro the i tij'inonl ol a eert.in pretuiwri note in Mid conrcTancc fmlj Mt f 'it' noto fisnod l)v .inid W inrf. nnd hrm( .inly i.1id. A. I w.l, for the utu cf ti'"'. fanl dollnri. aii,i ravaMo to tho ord W ollf, Frtnro ,1 ninety Avt niier Bcthor wiih intorwt liviu dale at th r'" one nud oi:elmir par cent, per monlll paid. And, wherww, tho iaid n't to'is inc pat dua. ard reniniii wholly J"" Pid;mm thotvtVns at ttu- Wit of Kal holder ol naid n. to, and in wtJJ wuh 'ho leriu and ndtilont of paid ueM 'l liuft. wo, lho undoraicuod Iruiteots a WfcDN K60 A 1", tho loth dM of MAl". hetfon the hour of ten oVlcA, .oi . lueoVloA. p,m..of thut J.v. A-thononth A-thononth front door o: the irentifv; in l Cil.v nud Tonitoiy ajorwaiJ. wll X do-.-i il-M iroport. n( ,.uMie auetu'n. I tils-hwt l.idder f,T oath, to MliMV lb m dood ol" trn.t; , and iho owl.' hcwol. THOMAS MARSH M.U '.' CiRTS!!. .ncll0'f ' . |