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Show CRUCIFIED BY HIS FRTENDS. j Poor Maxwell: lint yesterday he! might have held bis place among a million; now there uru none so pnur I as to do hii" reverence. The Ceneral has been for three v-oiirs or more, tho ready tool of that 'ring" of venal politicians in Utah, who have nothing tit heart save, their own aggrandizement and the acquisition acqui-sition of wealth without honest labor, tlohas believed their swift assertions of sincerity; has suffered liimself to be cajoled by (lattery; has supposed them to be in earnest when they have lauded him for his military prowess, and has permitted his senses and his judgement to be led captive by the glittering generalities of a pretended friendship, and the result proves that ho has l;ancd upon a broken reed. To-day the tieneral s lauds literally alone. Those who have placed him in tno unenviaoio position now occupies, have nothing more comforting for their defeated servant, than kicks, curses mid coluv-o jokes. At heart they never anticipated lor 1 him success in leading a fur loin and tattered host of adventurers against a woll-disciplined force of vastly superior super-ior numbers, engaged in a just cause. However huk! we may difler Irom the tieneral in opinions assuming assum-ing that ho has opinion wo are not without regret that this deception should have been practiced upon him. But our grief is measurably assuaged by the velloetion that the lieuerat was a willing and earnest tool, not a watchful and hesitating one. lie accepted ac-cepted the statements and promises ol those whoso constant habit it is tc pnvctico the most rigid economy in the utterance of truth, and to manifest mani-fest a liberality akin to piodigality in expressions of falsehood. Through his whole political career in L'tah, he has manifested a credulity almost inconceivable; in-conceivable; a trust in the dishonest pretensions ol his masters fairly incomprehensible; in-comprehensible; a blind, unreasoning faith in tho impossible, absolutely incredible. Poor Maxwell ! The herd who patted him on the hack and told him how lovely he would look in the halls of Congress knew lull well that he would never occupy a beat there. They determined to use him but never to rcwarl him, While he could by no possibility he elected, ho could have the empty honor of the nomination; nomi-nation; wheneverVven the faintest hope existed that success mightcrown the el torts of tho ring the tool would he dispensed w ith. His late supporters support-ers are eager to disclaim any interest in the man whom they have elevated to a conspicuous attitude ol failure, and now usscrt that he w.is nut their choice. They no longer discover in the "scarred reteran"brainsand character of the quality required to represent such a noble constituency 1 He who went forth as a conquering hero, returns a sadly demoralized Craggier. Crag-gier. The short-lived friends who egged him ou to the contest, desert his standard in the hour of defeat and tlcgrcdation. Sich is, happily, the osoat mic oi inoc WHO wage "unjim war. To-day :is ever, "Tliric- i- In; urnp il who LaOihii ipiurrel ju.t; And In; kit naked ttninh wnipped Up in t- el, I Who;.- con-cii-nee with injti-tiiM is cor-' rupl-.d." I |