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Show CONGRESSIONAL SENATE. i Washington, 1. Washburne, Hie new Senator from MassachussotU, 1 presented his credentials, and i';i3 nworn. At the expiration of the morning hour the civil rights bill came up as the regular order, but was luid aside at the request of Norwood, who was unable to continue his speech begun yesterday. ! Hamilton moved lo proceed with the hills on the calendar, and El-inunds El-inunds to tike up the I ieucva award bill. The ion ucr motion prevailed, i and the Senate bill enabling claim-i claim-i ants to lands wilhiu tho limits of the I Territory of New Mexico to iu.-littile . proceedings and try the vahiily of their damn W::s di-cusstd at sonic length and jtusM d. r j The Senate went into cjcuutue , session and soon .titer adjourned. ' JliiJNK.- ' The House, after the parage of 'several local bills, went into Committee Commit-tee of the Whole on the Indian Appropriation Ap-propriation bill. The afternoon was 'occupied in listening to speeches on I the general Indian question and policy, pol-icy, and the IIou.-e took a recess till evening for I'luther consideration of the same bill. The House d.d nothing in the : ovcuing session. |