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Show Chicago seems determined tkcop up the farce of hunting down ininia- tcra, and in that exhilarating occupation occupa-tion Ihey manage to get off some very funny things. Here is one ol the charges they make against Presbyterian Pres-byterian Prof. Swing: Ho lias ucd langungi: in rc.-p:et ti Penelope and Sot-rate-- which U unwarranted unwar-ranted and contrary to the teaching- of th; Confusion of rVith, Chapter A, See-Don See-Don -1, that is to say, that in liii rinoD untitle! ".Soul Culture," tho following pasjigo occur-: "Thenj n no doubt the notorious Catherine II held more truth niid better truth thin was known to all eias-i'- (ireeee held to a belief in a Saviour, Sav-iour, of wlio.-e glory tliat jriiVU land knuw naught; yet, such tho grandeur of soul above mind that 1 doubt not that i.'u.;en Penclopy, of lliu dark land, and I he doubting doubt-ing Nocrates hnvn received at I Lea von 'i gate a .-weet'T welcome than gn-eted Hie ear of Kuoaia'.t brilliant but false-lived LJuocn." It is very wrong in Professor Swing t say such things from a pulpit; ho1 ought to know better. His engagement, engage-ment, at so much per annum, is to speak to his congregation in harmony with "the Confession of Eaith," and whon he gets tired of that ho ought to quit and join Beech cr, Frotliing-ham, Frotliing-ham, and tho other skeptical ministers minis-ters of the age. |