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Show Pleasure Hunters. As thc season advances and warm weather approaches thc lists of arrivals ar-rivals on hotel registers become long-1 er and an increased number of strangers is daily noticed on our streets. Pleasure-hunters are beginning begin-ning to flock across thc plains enjoying enjoy-ing a riile over tho Uocky Mountains aud thu Sierras and viewing the many sights of thc great west; while health-seekers from the cast come up to inhale the lite-giving air audsnulTthe health-restoring breezes found this side of the Missouri; and yet others, tired and worn out with the cares of business, come to tholcsi 'populous west to rest and recuperate 'for another season of figures and money-making. If the now apparent prosperity , which hovel's o'er all portions of this government continues during the Summer, thc travel acrcss the con-! tiuent will be dt-uhlc that of any season sea-son since the Pacific railroads were completed; and wc inav expect to sec this cily ' nil ul' excursionists. Ikah, aud more parliculai ly Sail Lake City, is now one of thc ubjectiv point's of tourist-?,. and almost all who travel cither east or west for plcasui will atop for a d-iy or two, or perhaj longer, in the fertile oasis, and onlv resting place between tlie Mi-souri and the Pacific. Situated as this cit is, in the centre of a four days' journey, jour-ney, travelers feel like resting for a time on reaching here, previous to embarking on another fifty or sixtv hours' railroad ride. Should our anticipations an-ticipations prove to be realities, San Lake will gather many thousands ot dollars from visitors this season. Our hotel-keepers may expect crowded houses and fu'l tables lor the next few months. |