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Show jm SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD Sati-kdav Morning May' 2. '7-i. TUK DAILY HKKALD in pubhaM ynj UorniuK. M-.mlava osoopted. at t irat aouth rtwt. iiw EMt Tompl. Suit I;ko ty hy J.bc I. Came, Edward L. blonn 'lVilhan f Dunbir. Subscription " - ,,..r nauii; parts of ft yoar at tho m n'r.ito T" ooKlyflubsribers. collection m ido b oarriur. twonLy-flvo oonu ft wook. TUB SKMI-WLERLY HERALD llah..d flor? Wednesday and Stu moraine at Mil your; parta of a yrllt lD nanio rata. roH THE ITKKALD presents IVrMt in the able reports or ill ft" irti"a of Tprrlto.devot induutrioa, and H'ON'tfliNCB from tho loading Min-Ti Min-Ti cra ' r'' Taluable feature of ttt -iinrmatlon. tho ri-orta of it correspondent correspon-dent boiiiK uhnroctoriiod by fnirnoss find reliability. Tho moat impnrUQt wwi Irum all narti of tho country is sought by tolo;aih and va ML and promptly Riven to ttio nuoiio; and information of an intcrostmj character is aolioitod from all Quart or s. ASONYMQUS eonimuntoitions will not re-oaiva re-oaiva attention. Every article must bo aeoompaniivt Tith the writ or1 ronl na mo a gun run I oo ol itood iuilb. I |