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Show ! 8ALTJ.AKE HOTELS. ON 1HK KUROPEAN PLAN, Centre of Wotk. Wt lid- Eart Tempi. LreeL Rooms 50c, to $1.00 per Day. $5 per Week. KlKriT-ri.ASn RKKTAVHA V'f. TAVU'.iit a "Ji'TLKK. Propria-' on ... 110 TOWNSEND HOUSE, j -A.JT l,A Ki; CITY, ; THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH, .... JMBS TOWNSK.NI. I'ro, r.Mnr. valley House. j-rfnt ICcdiulloii lu lr!:oM 1 Null the Timo. B'mi'l mid room, v?r dy....?1 nit to on L)-. do. per week.. 8 00 to KI 00 Nttiffle meals . fo Siiilo bc-ds ffl Single raims, per dny 75 to 1 00 m27 DAIIL SORBNtSOy; THE RICEARD3' F0USK Fnrniehei all the 'unvenie'-F cf a . Fl UST-C h ASS Hi rVEL, Restaurant and Lodging, SAL'JON.with nhoioo Wines iind Liquor l.i'OMP furnished and unfurnifhod, 3nd South Street, oppofitu vr .ktf Dro.'n. - dJH S. W. IUUU AllUE & CO. OVERLAND HOUSE, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. First Class Accomodation for Ladies anil ficiitacii, R.,m inr Uy fritni t" i" to 11 00 Kkj-dh par Woofe , 2 V Ut ' 'f1 H' a'd r-or Wok .I'O Moili 2 ool(s. Barber Shop nrt Laundry oonnoctwi with tho Hotel. Good Rondind Koom - Km tern, os-tora os-tora and Local jS'ownpaporn. no23 HENRY BRUNTON, Proprietor. OGDEN HOTELS. R?OPEN E IJ . Ogd en - House',' Woll known thromiout tho United States as a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, Is now open for ihe ftcco-nmodution of -tjic traveling public having boon re-furnibhed And Tltoroughlj uenovatcd. BOARD Bi IHTTdXTOR WKEK-- Jnrrinijca roady at unv hour, for jileisnro i imrtiw to Ugden Canyon an 1 or her lnioret-I lnioret-I rnx plaoos. Free hion to arid fjorn tho depot. de-pot. A porter in atlendano ' git j SCAL'A', Prci'r. UNION DEPOT HOTEL AJ.D H LROAD DININC HALL, OODBN. t TAH. . MtnaUd op Hi!roa4 VlMiorm, JunotioL ol F P. and C. P. i(auroafl. m.rll " JfjlSlJ!" SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS. Grand Hotel Market,Ne HooUomwrT I tiBi SLrtoU, SAN FRANCISCO CAL. fTj k Co., FioDrieLori. . ST. LOUIS HOTELS. SOUTHERN HOTEL! FrontioB onth.sts, ami wainmoi... SAINT LOIII8, MO. LAV1.K.LE. WA11NKK k Co.. I'roi.'.. MTIIK SOl'TIIBRN OOTKL i Drstllo!! IB 1. nil IU anwiolmonl!. In tfhloJ r at all (tM, and Woorn Union Ulnc u OMAHA HOTEL. j GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Omaha, Neb. TOE LABUEST AND FINEST HOTKL J oolwera Cbjoao aal !. Jif.ncisco. OPENSD, OCT. 1, inf. OiO. THRALL, fropr'elor. oc2J ANNOUNCEMENT. PINE P'SfLAY OF CONFECTIONERY, BEST ANO CHEAPEST GOODS, AT EE. WTT-iA-CES1 I i First South. St., Salt Late City, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. JOHN & THOMAS FITCH, ATTORNEYS AND IXJUNSELOBS AT Latv, .((. Broadway, Now York. Parti-cnlar Parti-cnlar ni'utiiion given to applications for patont?,fir miniDi; ftround.nnd othor bnsiocEa Ufi.ro the U. S. Land OiLVo at Waahinnton, P- C. al7 M. THOMPSON, (Author of "The DiKost of tho Lawn of Iho i'Utrict of Colutubia,") ATTORNEY AND cmiNSELOR at LAW ("flico in M. Tiorapstn's Law Build-ii'K.lTllU Build-ii'K.lTllU Stront, (ippofito Indian Bureau, Woflhinnton. Ll.C. Piacticoa in all the Courts of tbo D sirict of Col'inibin: U. H. Supromo Court, O.uu of'tlnimi, Sun thorn Clainifl and Intrrnitinnitl ClainiH roitiniipsion". liovern-.inont liovern-.inont 1 Hcparlmonn. (Joro-nl Land Olnn.and duvo'ca fl(t.nijnn t-i In.linn Dopredntion ClfliniH. iiof-rn to thoJudj:w, Motubora of the liar, IMuirtmoiitu! i.iliciala, Hunkers. .Merrbunti' atd Uutiiiosj Mon ot tho Dimrict of Columbia, and will Kindly jivo spooial re-forenccs re-forenccs it dosited. m2J C. W. IIKNIIFTT. SKO. B, WHIMST. BENNETT & WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, OFFICE OVEB D (Jroniu'a Sforc, fltain atroot. Salt Like City. . . fo20 , C. C. CLEMENTS, tLnte U. S. Surveyor God oral for Utah), -L A N T-IW.N5NC T-IW.N5NC ATTORNEY, Tniiors for Patent i and AdvorBO Claims oar o( ally (iroparod, and patonta prooirod. QnT Ovtr White Jc MoCorniok's Bunk, Salt Lake City, Utah. fo WHEDON & SP1CER. ATT01tNEYS-AT-LAMr. PARTICULAR attention givon to eiuminint( tUle of minos and othor roal o.'tato. Olflco, Kooin No-1 Groeabnck Bleclt .Second South Stroot. D. P. Whodon, I Woll.t Spircr, Lata Roistor io tl. 5. '"lommis-iioner JJankruitoy. and Nuary Public- II. FKRLhT. V. a. CARTTH. j PERLEY & CARTER, ATTORNEYS ATLAW. OFFICE OVER First National Hunk, Kafit Toini-loetroot- dl-7 JTTh EM IN CR A Y , ATTORN EY-AT-L AW- OFFICE, NO- 5, Kimbnll'a Block, I'trat South siroet, Snlt Liko City, v2l flKO. V KN 1B1,K HU1TU B. J. JOSASBOW SMITH & JONASSON, TTORNEYSA COUN.SKI.OWS AT LAW, south ofSalt Lake Ilouso. N 3. - A Notary always in the offio'!. ;ir2 HOrtK.- Sli.tT TUKOJOSK HUHMK8TKB STOUT & BURM ESTER, ArTi H v R Y S-A T-LAW, Office on Me-c .:n-r. nearly ii.ioito the Trihune fTi-it. .l. Lflrk-. t-'iti. UUli- , .a6 - b- aiMl-aiKAll. ' M. EMKKT ATH1GE. HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW. MAIN STREET, Opiwito W-il- l"a:to .V Co . gait Lake Oily. aio MEDICAL? 7 SEYMOUR B. YOUNC, OllYSICIAN AND SURGEON, REIU-I REIU-I onoo. 12th Ward, naif block somta ot lliahop Sharp. Oirioo in front of Sovoutici' llall, half blook aouth of Ibotro, tvtf J. O.THOW1PSON.M. D., OFFICE FIlfST DOOR SOUTH LAMB A Co.'s Druif Store, East Xemplo .Stroot Kesidea at W alkor House. e2S MINING ENGINEERS, ETC. WB HE DCIVtKYER, MIXING, CIVIL AND CONSULTING Engineer,. Duput? U, S. ftiinotul ftur-I ftur-I veyor. Particular attention paid to under-gxound under-gxound nurvojs. Utlico : Kimball Block, boom No. b. iirft tjou.li Strcot- o NM. MAXWELL, W.M. C. 11ENDRIE, London, ne'Qud, Es-Suil. Son Frmoiuco. FlajsiaLf Mine, Utah. Oa', MAXWELL, HENDR1E & CO. Miiii&MetoicalEQpsrs, LONDON, ENG. And SAN F11AKCTSOO, C&l. Ti. S. A. Bhas. k Okmi-bs - Salt Lake City, Utah. Denver, Colorado. Aropropaml lo infpoct, survey and valuo Alines, undoitilre thoir innniiKomont, furnish fur-nish njcciticationB, dranmsJ estimates esti-mates for all clawos ot minicK . M-ohinery, and for all dowru-tiinn of work in connoction with minia:;, CudoU a ml Jie-vorberatury Jie-vorberatury Furnaces, Crushina Mills, KepurU c&rofully niaia onilio-a. E. B. WILDER, WINING ENGINEER. A.ID U. S. 1L Jtlnornl surveyor, mitvcvs for at-(iiii. at-(iiii. and mans of undorground workinee arourately Ad4ii,at. P. O. BxoH7. , WELLS SPICER, M J31VG 1 N E It. Salt Lake City, Utah, riLL oviaimi minoa.uiako roport'.raapi, Yy pj-iti nou diwrair.5 of inioo, and lur-niHh lur-niHh reliable absiruat? of till0-' Otj'vx in Groeubcck'n IHmIc. ' iH CEO. M. BOUTELLE, CIVIL ENGINEER, U.S. MINERAL SURVEYOR. Otlico io tho bulLl'ms occupiorf ly the 8ur-royor 8ur-royor Uonorul'i. ollloo, onl.oiito Uio rown.ojd Jlqtjflo. Salt Lako City. JAMKS IU MAKtiHKAifi HYDRAULIC AN'D CIVIL ENU1NEEH, and LANDSUKVBl'OB, LOOAX, CACHE COUNTY. Mineral olaiuiB ,ur?-)yotl. . t10 Civil EujeJugct And tl, S. Mineral Snrveyor, Oilloo in Bolldini oooariol Borrwr SPORTSWEN'S SUPPLIES. "BSC GUN" STORE. HAGUE BROTHERS, Importer, of nd Dealer. la Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Remington Sporting R'nes ON BALfi. The boat in u. Souora aic quite plenty in the Tucson market, i.nd arc sold at reasonablo rates. The wheat and barley fields on the Santa Crcz, Arizona, are beginning to head out, and give promise of an excellent ex-cellent crop. The Ai.aches now on the Chiricu-hua Chiricu-hua Reservation, in Arizona, aro to be all reniovrd to Canada, Alamosa Valley, 2'ew Mexico. The men of Tuni water, thirty strong, will commence the grading of the Olyn.pia-Tcnino Railroad through the town next Saturday. Dr. V:lbur, agent of the Papagos, reports tliat tho Papagos children are behaving well under the Sisters of St. Jcscph, at San XaTi'cr. Prospecting parties arc constantly leaving Tucson for tho mountains, aud jlho new discoveries and rich specimens that aro coming in indicate indi-cate that the opinion of those who have been most sanguine of the mineral min-eral wealth of Arizona will- bo more than realized. L X IKJ AT TUK PIOKEBR PERPETUAL KILNS CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Tho whitest Qnd Bost OiJMBNTLKG Liuio over burnt. n( Prices io (hftj G'otettion. EIGHTY rOUKDS To tho bushel : woicbod on tho premises. Dfllirerod to all parts of tho city and any poin' : alone Iho railroad. Si'ooinl ratoi to doaleii and contractors. Torm'. C O. D. Pure, Limoatono for fluxing oros in any -luantity, o'o'bod if deairod, furniehod 03 fli or test notioo. t ddros?: PASCOE & SONS, P. 0. Bos,ll7H, SALT LAKE CUT. K.lnf roir ol Wnrin Siiring tjmeltiDg Works, aW RESTAURANT. WATSON'S DELMON1CO RESTAURANT AND SALOON, NO. 80, FIRST .SOUTH ST. Hal. blouk Wort of Emporium Oornor, SALT LAKE CITY. A Parlor Home of Rlotriuioa and Luxury ia btylo unsurjias-iod Wast of the Kuokv Mountains. LOWER DINING SALOON ; conducted on the popular SAN FRANCISCO PLAN, chooFo from nn oitensivo BILL OF FARt, AaND PAY l'OR ONLY WHAT YOU OHUtlL JFULL MEALS, orvod tn'tbo LA PIES' DINTNO SALOON AT MODERATE PRfCB FRESH OYSTERS, FISH ANO GAfflE CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BAR "ROOM Furni' m m-fBrii,o -aw ( PALATIAL MAUNIPICENCB, Supuliod wlln Onoleost Hrands or tn, lalUfTB and Cuarn. and whoro only, oan b i found tho colobrated brauda of Golden nnd T'oa Kotilo Whiskiej. LUMBER. BUI Lire MATERIAL i . A i W x & 3 1 i : t 2 I l 1 s S E rk I I h m Z ' -3- Q ' J w M i h i rt p LUMBER YARD. A. II klDd( of LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, BUndg, Monldlugs, Sllnglea. Lathi JOHKS 4 FOKMAS. IBONFOUNDER8 PDMUHD WILKKS Lnta SILT LIKE IRON tfi Manufaotutu of nil kin-la ol Iron and Brass Castings, Mining, Hilling nnd SnioMni; MACHINERY, Will contract to ercot Quahtz Mills & MELTjhS compleU. Nahhoit Qauqb Railroad WoiK, SWITCHES. FROGS antl WATER STATIONS SEAT, . HAND, PUSH, and MINING OARS, BUILDING FRONTS, ORNAMENTAL HOUSEWORK, And BUILDINGS, Etc. Womj: Ono blook South of ttt, U.O.&.R B.pHmbor 3f. Ie73. , Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. SPRING TRADE OP 18 7 4. 'I ll Hi IlETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT OF Z. C. M. I. Have upenud aud now display dis-play an unusually large and elegant Stock of Ladies' spring and summer goods of all classes. Elegant lines uf plain and Fancy Dress materials and Dress Trimmings. A full stock of the most popular Btyles of spring and summer Shawls ever offered JU. -t-li-o- xuout. - Silks iind Ribbons in all the most fiishionable shades from foreign and domestic .looms. No effort has been spared iu our preparations for ihe trade ol' this season, and our patrons in town and country can feel assured that unsurpassed unsur-passed facilities have enabled us to anticipate every want. We are ako determined to give our customers the advantage in price derived from our ability lo handle these goods in laryc quantities, and to purchase thorn wherever and whenever when-ever thi'y can be bought moat favorably; favor-ably; all lines of merchandise for thi department having been carofully kc-looted kc-looted br our resident buyer hi New York. l'atrouo ordering merchandise through messengers or the mails car rely upon having their orders at i faithfully executed and upon the same terms as though they weic pereonall; present. W H. HOOPER, svrr. mi3 I i SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. L. E. SKWras MOBJUSHtWTOtl. NEWTON BRO'S & CO., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GROCERS 113 and 121 Front Strcot, Sax Foascibco, fay oapocial ntt-mtion to f ul t Lnko Ci'y trnrle. l'ric- L-ivon in .Vjnur Cirroney as il-nir--d.jl KSTAULISTIRD IN 1831. VE.AIU), Manufacturer of tho ORIGINAL CHARTRES' COFFEE And nil kind, t.ISpiPOR nnd ( alLIornia Miist.ird, to k 02T F HUNT ST., bi,t. .Incaon I'aoilic SAM FRAMCISCO. i a. a. aniFFiTii. Soalor In all kind, of PICKLED AND SMOKED SALMON AND HERRINGS, 108 AYASUIN'JTON STUKET, botwoen front i.nd Davin. All VIndfl of DrioJ. Nraokod and Pickled Fish oonstJintl? .in hand. M S. P. KOLDEN, General Commission ffisrclianl AND MEllCnANl18E UKOKER, So 321 FrontSL, SAN FRANCISCO. llorchaudio nnd Prodnno of all hinda louyht arid wold on Q lninirniio. I A B. OTIS. W-A lUCimDEAV. F, V. V .ICO nun A MACONDRAY & CO., Shipping nnd Comuusaiun Merchant Jiuportora of CHINA AND JAPAN TEAS, And all Description! of ,(:traite Produoo, J04 & 206 SRNSOHE STREET, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Agents Torrho YaDg-tie Insarnnoo Aeaoolt-tlon Aeaoolt-tlon of Shunehni. ' J. BUM & CO., Iniportrs and MnnniBCtnrom of BEKS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 218 and 220 tinnonjo-st. , San FR.'.m:iei'0, fQ Kn lk U'nrrtn-r.t.. New Vnnw. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Uanulaotiirers and Iiouortor. of BOOTS, SHOES, FliSTDINGS, ctf-.olc. 29 r.nd itl BATTKRY STUKET, 11 SAN 1'UAKOISUO. OAI 'o'oIlWIoods AUENCY OF THE Stockton Woolen Mills, 63 NEW MONTGOMERY ST., BAN FRANCISCO. Blankot. Flannels, etc., at wholo"ole tofiutt. llorsu Ulankotinz a Spejiaitr-S< Spejiaitr-S< Lakft Trado Solioito'l. GEO. M. MAIN, Agent. inl O. W. UBUU.KT. - ft. J. VjJI VOOBUlKfli " ' j. g-jotita. G. W. CHESLEY &. CO., Ituiiortora and Wholwalo Dealers In Fine Wines and Liquors, Solo Proprii-lors of CUNDURANGO BITTERS, 414 Front Street, Kan Frauc.300. 51 Front Street, Sacramonto. Jl Castle Bro s, well-taown Brani . OP i JAPAN TEAS, 3- FOR BALE AT ; Z. C. M, I. Grocery Dept. ial W. H. HOOPER. Sunt. Cutting & Co,, U'orld-Ranownod Paokors of Oali-foroia Oali-foroia Fruits, Jolll8, Jams, Vogo-tablof, Vogo-tablof, otc. Cutting k Co.'s, Cftlifornin Fruits! for Sole by al) First Class rocers. Cutting k Co.'s Canned gal mono Doliolous Arlllf Cutting k Co.'s California Peaohos rnoked In Brrup, inaHIIJ.Caai. Cutting k Co.'s JolHoSRrtd Prusorvo.1 aroinnJo from ! (lonuino Frultx and AVhlto Rofinod Cutting & Co.'s Ongon Chnmimcno Cider Is a (lood Wholoaome Bovoraijo. CUTTING & CO., OFFICE AND S-ALE5UOOM, 4(5 Front Street, San Francisco ANGORA GOATS. FOR SALE AT AUCTION HLE POSIT1VK, ON WEDNESDAY. MAA O.iy.i, tt, O'rlifuk I'.ia-. 1 will ul'-r Jit PliIjIij ht'o, to the hluhost bidder, Hovoaty h'snd o" lull-hloodei lull-hloodei Ar.curn li.iuts. iuiTioilfrd diroL-tlj fron Asia Minsr by thtir ovn..r. Mr, A. Euiy chidca. I havo i'.fr Dnlo Aldwrnsy. .ferrty an. Ayrrhlro C'attlo; alio. SilcMnn nnd Siianidl: Morino Sheep ol thu jxirtiL brood. Torma--Oash. in Unitod Statas tfi'd iin. Sacramento. Murob. (fth, Wi, m'U ROUT. UECi.'. BUSINESS CARDS. Equbt Uuriiseae Cbob insortod ia thii txilunin, under tbotr roio?tivo hoadinss, at i"i coiW per lino per woak, or 7.1 oont per line I'er month. Ibis is r.n oxcollunt opportnnltj lor n .lsoellaneouB dealers and mochanioi tc pi (ico Uieir businoas prominontlr bofora Hie I'obMo st a vory fujhII cost. TENTS A WAGON COVERS. rp ULTiiTlW. Axwfl South, opposite Com-l.mmiiul Com-l.mmiiul Ttutx from ?t to eawi. Jafl JOHN KOl.SEK'S Sail 1-oft, Fast Temple t) Strcot, tbroo do.."8 of Walkor Uro.'s. Tonts from $iu m.wnrd,. !yW. . BOOKSELLERS A STATIONERS J M1'3 liiPYRR, 41 East Temple rtreot, D.'ilor in blank Puoks, tSchool Eo0." and Kino Fr-'och yuitioncry. . , J "TurnTt ure. KdTn"VOODEY. No?. 31 East TorapU . Street imdV") Is' .South 8trcoLjcffl BAKERS. Gi '.o'tlJTJASEUY; fre?h pies, hunt, cakes T bicad. dulivored La all pnrU of tho oitF Lvo.-y morcint:. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. T .1. llOOt'EH, No. 37 Commercial V . .Sireot- Dootb andshoes mdo to ordor V JoSa BANKING.' NATIONAL BANK or SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL Wf,M AtFTUOtUV-.D CAPITAL - l.W" 00 Vtti. it. unnvpi!. P"U'"rit, II. 8. EliDRfiDGB, Vloa Pre 1 Wif. .tttoatnOG, V Direotori JOBS SHARFi I jf. ni'iii, I L. 6. UIUH.Csikie iold J)ust, Coin, Kxckango, laud WavrantB, (joUege Scrip, etc. OLLfCCriOTR M.OB AND PROMPTLY RiLiLiXTE'i). FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOB SftLE. laterost Phil on savings Durosne n3 Fiitt Xfttiaual Rank of Utah HALT T.. A rt XZ C1TV. ee Bi.eclal Advcrripcuent 011 Third Put. JUL HALT CITY NATIONAL BANK, Anthori?.Bd Capital, $500,000 B M TivRFIX. t'rwidrrt, JOSEPH i. UUKKUTT, Cnshter. Aitonitn . . . Curb e8 pok o butb i B0ST0N.N6.i.joi iJeiik, ol Nortt Anja-rlca. Anja-rlca. LitiICAilO.,.Thirrt Nuional Dank. K-r. Lulild... Third Jfttional BanJf . OTrU. A...0jrnha National Tlacb. SAN KRAN01bOO...lNauoni Oold B&r. and Trust Co. LJNDuN...Jar Coolfc McCulloch A Co, A. WUTi, - . b. M OOnSiUa, WHITE & McCUKNICK, (Sneooseon to A. W. White A Co..) BLtir TwrursT., Stut Ltsi Crrr, . Dealers In Gold Dust, Coin and Bullion Eawhf-nye on ail (ho principal ctA'.-a Of Ihe UnUed States ami ihirvpe. fftrtloular attortion ffivan to Collootioru nd prucoods romittod at our rout rate of K obbUKU on dny of uajmont. QBO. ft WHITNEY, Attorw. CCBHr'SP0J)ErTT8: Bank of Cnlifotnin Bnn Fraiioisee UidUff A Co.,Agr.Dftnk of Ucla. Now York Ghilda i Pniica .... Chic airo Omoha National Bank ......."..V.,Omaha SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS BOlLJtUiS Uf ALL KIND: UPRIGHT.LUCOSiOTIVE 03 STATIONERY Blade and Repaired. SiSOKE -STACKS AND TANKS Built lo order, and Sneot-lton work promptly prompt-ly done. IJlO DO oh 8 FOR VAULTS Oil iAFES, And Iron ihnttorsof ovory description mads Builura nnd flues bought or takon in pan -PAyroiiiit. lor work. Order.) by mix or te'ojtraph will rocrlri iiKUi((lla(o 6 U an uon. WINING SUPPLIES. NOTICE. scorr.fiiiKiLiM&co.. Aro tho Aeon) '-n Utah Territory for tho sbJ jrniy J'irk. Picks stniniiod "J Wrinht," 'it "J. W riithl, oxtru." eoininc throuih any ..ihor souron at e t. hos nnJ lnTori'ir artlcld Mipicl.8 Aro i-ointod with an oilrn qiiantitfl ifbrft, cuft Atcrsl, and ore thr Uriiiin. V.'ashofl Pick, JjatodJolrSl. 173. J. WH1011T. Fan Franoitoo- I RON, S i'K K l!sTOVe3,TIN WARE HfJNHfG TOOLS, iVrcOUQJIT TITERS, Pipe and all kinds uf FiuLas for Furnaces ajrKi TTAlt ly All E. BURDEN S HOV.SB AND A1ULB 8HOK3. I(I,CICSMITU TOOLS. BRASS U0UD3, RUHBKR 0001?. Hv 6 wo',l-aiiAVntnd Hhon. and arc pro . paxod to do all kinds of SHEET IRON AND TIN WORK; Promptly and otransonablo rates. No. 93 East Templf, Main Street. T I . FOR SALE 1 The Ftirniiin'G and Lease Twelve Rooms ONE AND A HALF TJLOCTTS FRH (l.iilbe'a enrnor. Itort of houso the Iow. 'nihil oily. Mfldcsirnbln lo'"Ua for pr vttd 'xxiriiins ijiiiHd in Salt Lako. Addroj Pi 0. bo Jji, iilt Lauu City. iaU |