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Show I wester nr. i Dcvlnc llnttged Tne lUotloca,' etc. Snn Franci co, 14 John Devine, the j murder ot August Kamp,was hanged in the county jail at 1 p.m. to-day. He said nothing beyond tne prayer dictated by his confessor on the platlorm. Tho obsequies of general Canby took place at live o'clock this afternoon. Lieutenant Harris died in camp at the Lava Boil, May 1-th. Surgeon B.Semig is recovered. Tho Japan has arrived from China, and is quarantined with live cases of small-pox on board. A dispatch from Yreka,to-night, says, tho Alodocs have another rocky fortress which they aro making still stronger-The stronger-The troops will not attack them before reinforcements arrive. Their position is about twenty miles south of the last stronghi'ld. C. Burgess had seen Bogus Charley on the upper Klamath, and no is nt yet captured. He said bo knew nothing bout tho contemplated masracro of tho commissioners; that there were- Modocs left, who would light till the last man was killed. S-cventy-fivo men will be retained in camp to guard the stores I'll reinforce-meiiLs reinforce-meiiLs Ciiiao. |