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Show CHAPPED HA.NDS & FACE Sore L,ts, Dryness of Skin, etc., eto Cured at onca by HE'JEMAN'S CAMPHOR ICE Wl'tU U IjYCE ivl . E, It keeps tho bumli Full iQ all weather. Soothat yua cut HL'i EM A ':;. Suld by all lJruRsi-is. Only -j cents. Manufactured only by 11r(,kMa.i Jt C0.1 thomiib aadDriunusu. Now York. i25 MISCELLANEOUS, BAZAR LA PARIS1ENNE. JUST RECEIVED Choice Spring Goods ! Finest StyIo3 of LACE SACKS, FICHUS fc BIBS, Largo varioty of Most Clini-iulng Suits sua Walking Coituiut. OPERA GLOVED OF EVERY SHADE, ELEGANT UNDER WEAR SUPERIOR HOSIERY, Superb Collars and Cuffs, FINE LINEN. Delicate Embroideries, Lo Eon Ton HIGH BACK COMBS Andovory fashionable otcotora , ol' tho Wardrobo at MISS CANFIELD'S 107 Etmbnll Block. Ladies Bazar la Parisienne 1 I " :fefft mz mm 1 k Is H tJa Whp 'f FOR A GOOD RELIABLE WATCH, A CORRECT TIME KEEPER, UO TO CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Oliposlto Poit-Oillcc. Ho will refund tho money if any should prove to tho contrary. Call and soo his Dno Holoction of ,'tbo most BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, A COMPLETE NEW STOCK, Conslsllug or Ili-ooclies, Kar-rlugs tlnger-rlng, Studs, Blccvc-button, Blccvc-button, CJlaiiig, Lockctx, Full Sets, etc., etc. A splendid OHaorttaont of LADIES' AND G'NTS" GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, American Watches a Specially. A largo and cotnploto stock always on hand. CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Oppusito Post Offico.Salt Lake City, Notice. All Goods loft over ono year will bo sold to dofrny oxuensos. dl.i ' RARE CHANCE For a man with mall capital to make a liberal income. Nu clianco lor a I odd. Tho undersigned nuw otTom hid lodging huuao.wilh accommodations lor lilty nor sons, at a low liuuro. Leauo ut very moderate rent. With thoracoii'ta at prosunt lih-uron. tliu entire investment in-vestment will bo rouluod in ninety days. C. W. TAl'I'AN. Commercial Lodging Rooms. , , , . it Commercial street. Salt Lake City, April 7th. m'J H. tt. ULGU A.NDEESOS H. R. MANN & GO., General Insurancs Agents, FIRE and LIFE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED 'i.70O,0(XI. Offico in UankiDB Uouao of A. Vi Whitoi Co. MAIN STREiiT, Slt Lako City, foil! SPECIAL ADYEBTISEUE.MS AVA3TED. A COMPETENT FEMALE COOK CAN have ton dollars per week to cook for fourteen boarders. Must bo first claas, and ai'ply immediately at this Otiico. nil ) A SITUATION AS CLERK, SALESMAN or Solicitor, by a younK man of somo 01-perienco. 01-perienco. Address "A. ii.," this Ollico. GIRL TO DO GENERAL I10USE-I. I10USE-I. work. Apply to Airs. Colobrook, milliner, mil-liner, mlo SITUATION liY A PRACTICAL Typo Founder, Electro Metallurgist and Stereotype!. Can (ivo twenty yoor-i' good character, from England and tho Unitod Suites. Ad dross Jamos S. McLaren, at this Ollico, Uiltf A GOOD WOMAN COOK. WAGKS. S-i.W per week. Apply to JJ. M. Dultell, cor. South Tempi 0 and 5th Eist S'roots. mylU FOR I1EXT. PLEASANT ROOMS, FURNISHED OR J. Unfurnished to let. with Hoard. Apply at No. li) Clitt I'laco, West Toiuplo street, cor-nor cor-nor South Fourth. mH 1U1LDING LOTS FOR SALE OR RENT Xi noax tho Depot. Emiuiro at .ml) TAYLOR Jc CUTLER'S. TMNE NEW DWELLING HOUSE ON A North bench. Contains lt rooms. Has perfect view of Lake, Valley and Mountains. Admirably adaptod for ono large or tiro or threo small fumilioa. Kant $75 per month. Apply to Fuller, Smith Marker, 5 duors north of Post Offico. inayH BOARDERS. A FEW DOARDERS CAN BE ACCOM-uiodatod ACCOM-uiodatod wiih Board and Rooms, in a tine location, two blocks oaat of Thoatro. intjuiro at this Otiico. mH FOR SALE. A FULL SET OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; FURNI-TURE; all in good condition. Con to soofl at .No. 7 Clil'i Row. mil N ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL. A FIHST-class FIHST-class Piano (cost SiioU.OO). Prioo 8450.1X1. Enquire at the rosidenco of Rov. T. W. Has- kins, at St. Mark's School, or of Taggart, Esq., Piano Timor. F. Wm. Gajjiukl. nprJU rpHE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE CITY JL Property: Ono cornor Lot, ono block oast of Dapot, ton rods square, with two dwellings, ono containing contain-ing olovon woll-hnishod rooms, tho other five; a good barn, carriago shod and other out-hounos, out-hounos, chuioo fruit, otc Ono Lot, live by ton rods, with good briok house containing liyo rooms. "i'1" iiaooiixi, uarawaroiuoronanu A FINE Southoast oornor lot, ton rods square, situated four blocks East and ono bloak North of Deserot Nows Ollico. High (round, with a perfect view of Lako and East and West Mountains. Abundant supply of puro water. On tho wholo the best and most desirable sito for arosidonoo now in markot. Apply to JAMES M. SMITH, Keal Estate Agent, m23 6 doors North of Post Uilico. ggjSa DR. GROVES, Office, Beoond South btreet, I Three doors west of Great Western Hotel, half a block oast of Elophant Store, Bait Lake Oity. Office hours from 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. mil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "BLIND TOF CONCERTS AT Salt Lake Theatre ONE WIGHT ONLY! Tliursdny, May 15th, 18T3. UIBD APPEARANCE IN SALT LAKE CITY or tho Colobratod "Negro Boy" Pianist, "BLIND TOM" The great Mnslcal Prodigy, WfTDos'T Fail to boo and hoar this Most Wonderful Living Curiosity of tho Ninetoonlh Centurv. Doors open at 7, Commonco at 8 o'olock p.m. Reservod Seats may bo socurod in advanoo, for oithor night of tho Soriea, by application to Mr. GeorKo lluyuuldn, ut iho Uox Ollico, between be-tween tho hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. N.B. Tho Grand Pianoforte used at tho Blind Tom" Concerts is from tho Celobrated Manufactory of Stoinway Jt Sons, of Now York. mylQ naturalization! THE NEXT REGULAR TERM OF THE Unitod Statos and Territorial District Court of Idaho lorritory, in and for tho Third Judicial District, will bo hold at Malad City, County of Oneida, on tho first Monday (July -th) in July, a.d. for the transaction or Unitod Mates and Territorial business, at which timo an opportunity will be given for tho naturalization of foroignors. E.A. HOLLISTER, , Clork U. 6. Dist. Ct. , 3rd Jud. Dist. Malad City, I. T., May 2th, lbTX ml Dissolution of Partnership. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing botwoon David Clulf and Geo. White, doing businoss in Provo City. Utah County, undor tho firm namo of Cluffi White, is this day dissolved by mutual coasont. Tho business will bo continued by George Whito, who will sottlo all liabilities and collect all dobts of tho firm. DAVID CLUFF, UEO. WHITE. Provo, Way 12, 1S73. ml5 rOESALE. FIFTY YOKE" OF OXEN, ONE HUNDRED YOKE Of 1' our and Jbivo Yoar Old STEERS, ONE HUNDRED SET OF SECOND HAND UAKNESS, At tho Fionoor Stablest Second South StrooL apr30 W11. BHOWELL. DURANT & CUTTING, CONTRACTORS, Forwarding and Commissou MercUauls, SALT LAKE CITY, SANDY STATION GRANITE, AND LKUI, UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN PURE COMELLSYILLE 'COKE, Largo H ni-ply always on Imnd. Ageots (or the HOWES' U. S. STANDARD SCALES, Agents for tlio LACLEDE FIRE BRICK MANUFACTURING MANU-FACTURING CO. Sr. Louis. Wo aro proparod to Contract for any of the abovo-naiuod urticlus, including tho WYOMING HEMATITE IHON ORE, At the lowost market rates FOR CASH, Wo are also SOLE Agents for tho Celebrated COy U ILL Alt D FARM AND EKEiliiil WAUON, manufactured ciiirosaly for the Utah Trade. Agonta fortho Far West Freight Co. Cn.-'h Advances mado on ConsiEnmonta 0 Oro and Bullion. Throuirh Billi orLadinp (fiven to all points in tho United States and Euroo. SAMPLERS OF ORE AA'D BULLION. Contracts made for the Transportation of ORE, BULLUlM, and MILL MACHINERY to any point in Uuih or Nuv&du. Wo also carry tho lari-est .Strwk of Grain in Utah which wo Sell Lw lor Cosh. Good Forwardo 1 to all -mint in Utah and Nevada nith prouiptnoss and dispatch. Address all Communications to DURANT & CUTTINC, Silt Lke City, Ut-th. au ej j Hi CHICAGO TRADE. Cogswell, Weber & Co., JOBBERS OE Watches Jewelry 13 D Jewelers' Supplies. We give prompt attention to Orders by MaiL Price Lidtasanton application. 105 and 107 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. Ul'J HERBINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION FIltE aud BURGLAR PROOF- SAFES! The Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 46 Stato street, and corner 14th strco and iDdiaoa Avenue, o h 1 o j g o. M. D. WELLS & CO., HumfMtarcrt of nd Wttol.s.1. DMlcrl la Boots and Shoes, 018 Wanaih Ats, OhUago. M. T. Wells, H. J. Mao far land, E, Benedict m 8, P. Molatyrt. 'The Old Salamander. ' REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID Wholes DRUGGISTS and Faint Dealers, Have romovod to thoir Now Stores, and 0 LAUU STllKET, cornor Dearborn Stroot, (on tho old sito) UUICaGO, whore, with buildings ereotod expressly for the business, Steam Elevators, etc.. they have opened up aa immense btook, unsurpassed in the northwest. Special attention riven to Territorial bruin ess. jyi PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS! "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER," Corner of State and Lako streets.; W. W. Pago, Boston,!1: CHK1AOO, OrrmePage,1nhinR 1U- N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, N Jewelry aud Silverware, Con MADISOff A noaBOE ST8M CHICAGO, ILLS., Opposite Palmer's Grand Hotel. JOHN V. FARWELL &C0 WHOLESALE fcnsr otions, DRY GOODS, AND-1 "W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe c Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. myl 1 F. & E. JAEGER, T3 Wab&ali Avenue, near Randolph) ! CHICAGO, ILL., j DIB EOT IMPORTERS OF I Crockery, China, Glass wore, Lamps, Looking 1 Glasses, Cutlery, Britannia nnd Silver platod Goods. Tho lareost House in tho West, dl A, II. ANDREWS & CO., 166, 16S & 170 Slate Street, Opposito Palmor's Grand Hotol, aui a a o o , Manufacturers of SCHOOL, CHURCH A.HD OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES, CHAIRS of all styles. School Outline Maps, Charts, oto. Everything in tho way of School. College or Church i Uturos at Lowest Cash Prices, bond for iUustrated Catalogue and Price NATHAN DAVIS & SONS' IRON AND BRASS Founders- All kinds of C a, s t i n g- To order. AUEXTS i'OK GRIFFITH & WEDGE l'ATKNT VERTICAL POHTAULE ENGINES AND SAW MILLS, HULL'S Shingle and Heading Machines aud COPE i MAXWELL .M ANIFACTt'UINa COMPANY'S PUMPING MACHINERY. FIRST WEST STREET, NEAR MORTH TEMPLE STREET. , M ESTABLISHED 18o9. ESTABLISHED 1850. WALKER BROS. Stxl"fc XjEtlsLe City. JOliBKRS IN GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS, HAMS, RACON, CHEKSE, TOltACCOES, CANDIES, etc, c. We keep the Largest Stcok of tie abovo Goods in the Territory. TO THE TRADE. Wo era proparcd to fill Orders for all kicd3 of S T J$l. HE Hj ZEES S , At Eastern Piicofl, Freight added. Give us a Call and Examine our Goods and Prices. TO MINERS. We kcop a full assortment of Miners' Tools, Blasting Powders, Fuse, Candles, Etc., elc. JUST OPENED, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY A LARUE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK COMPRISING. EVERY TU1NO IN THE LIN-E. lllaiik. Hooks, La w :inl Commercial Stationery OUR SPECIAL1TIE ALSO CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE LATEST NiiVVS PAPER8 AND PERIODICALS. PHILIPS LORD, Apr 27 Now Briok Building, First South St-, Corner Commorcial . SfVUTHSON&WARD W r" IMPORTERS feyl V7V- ," .. DUBLIN ASSW ENGLISH. IRISH AND SCOTCH ALES & POUTERS AND FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS 1 For Sale in Bond or Dot; Paid, at SMITHSON & WARD'S, 500 Sacramento Street, Han Francisco, I - s 2 & 2 l ft 3 pH H . 5 M is w I m H S e g o 00 ? -a I El M m g CHICAGO & ALTON R. II, Th Only Flrit-Claai Hod In th West, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. New Sbort Rout from Kansas City to Chicago Without Change I Via St. Louifl, Kansoa city nnd Northern (lte North MinaouriJ and OhicaKonnd Alton Knilroads. crossing the Missinaiinii at Lou-IfiinDEw Lou-IfiinDEw Mo., and passing throuKD Jaokson-Tilio, Jaokson-Tilio, BloomlUBton and JolioL The Shortest and Best Koute to the East, via Chicago! ELEGANT DAY CARS XJtO PUUMA5PALACE SLEEFIIG CAHS Ran through Trom Kaniaa city and ;tSU Loau to Chicago, wicboat ehango I mm mm ding mi fiHQ SMOKING CARS On ail daily train i : tho only line ruanlni these oars from Kmai CltIandB(.L,oulatoCtilcaB No Line makes as Good Time, Or oloser connecttcn!', nas Dotter accommo dattooi, better trsctr, more elciintit dny can. moro luiuriAnt and comfortiiblo fleering oam. Train oi Kan.iimPneiAo and all Woo torn roada connoot clueoly with ImiDi of thia Uno, ix b'nion DopoU Kansa oity. JAS. HARLTOM, QenorI PMBpnpr and Tiokol AkobL C. ik A. R. R, L'bicauu. J. 1 .UoUULLIX, SupU, 0. k A.R. R.. ChIco. FRANK I1IOH, WwtarD TrRv.iIn Arant.0. k A. R.R. Kanlu oitr. Mo. J19 THOROUGHBRED GRAY STALLION Faugh-a-Ballagh! " (Cleab tub Way), Foaled 18G8. This Bplcodid Stallion was Sirod by LightDiDg and Lightoiog by LEXINGTON, Hence ho ia (ho Grandson of that FAMOUS RACE HCTR8E So widely known on the Turf. FAUGLt-A-BALLAGH'S DAMwas the celebrated imported Thoroughbred Mare, CICELY JOBSON: 8irod by WKTUERBIT by LIVERPOOL by IIAMILTONIAN and BO OD doWtt to tho wondorlul BUKTON BABB Maro, uioetceD ceneratiooe. XhoBo who wish to improve thoir horsoa can aoo thinslondid Stallion at tho etablo of 11. li. Clawson, northwest oornor of l'ith ward, lor ma roasoaublo. Euquiro of Mr. i'KJJJ. KMITn. At tlio Stable. MUSIC SCHOOL. McHtlmuctf McCAKTllEB A SHOWS HA VINO ononed a Music School, will nivo logons on 1'iano. Oran. Jlarp and Uuitar. I'arttoular attonlion will bo imtd to tho cultivation ol' tho voice, and aioRing In Italian and toKlish. Hcsidunco at iho houso of John W. Toung, -Esq., oiiosilo City ilall. Taylor & Cutler! Aio now recoivinr thoir Spring Stock of all kin da of LADIES' FANCY DJIKSS GOODS, LAWNS, GRENADINES, PIQUES, &c, &o Also bavorocoivod a fine Stock, of SPRING SHAWLS, WUICI11WLLL DE-SOLD CHEAP, PROM I2.WJ UPWARDS. Tboj koop a full itock of STAPLE DRY GOODS. ALSO Groceries FINK GUNPOWDER AND JAPAN TEAS, COOKJIG STOVES ALL OF WHICH WrLI-JlKSOLD AS LOW AS CAiJ UK iHJLl). C0UAT11Y OKDEKS KIl.LKn U l'l't) CAMK, AN'D PKLI VI'HKD AI TIIK DKruT. Olt ANYWIIKKI-iUN THE CITY, t'lttK OF CilAKijli. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Uiidor Taylor's Hotel. ; " air |