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Show GENERAL. That Other Bad Smell In Congress "Wasbingtos, 15. At tho sittings of the Ways and Means committee, President -King-, of New York, lestiritd that the letter 0f Judge Sherman claiming claim-ing $10,0 for Bervices in Washington, has been mielaid, but will probably be produced in a day or two. Ho presented pre-sented tbe report of the Sub Commitlee of the stock itxehange, to which Sherman's Sher-man's claim was referred, which sets forth that no basis for a valid claim by Sherman, was found, King produced a letter from Sherman, dated Cleveland, Cleve-land, March 27, 1ST2 addressed to L. Lock wood, Jr., wh'ch stated that at the nstanco the father of Lockwood, he, Sherman, had made an en'ort to effect changes in the law, so as to exempt bankers and brokers from heavy taxes, and his etl'orts and influence resulted in a virtual repal of those laws. The writer therefore wrote to ascertain whether the Stock Exchange commits tee would recognize them. Washington Advice. "Washington, 15. In tho senate mobi-lier mobi-lier committee, Harlan was unable to ascertain the date of the checks given him by Duranu He submitted tho names of a number of persona to whom he sent money lo aid his election. The promptness with which minister Washburne was instructed to recognize the French government, has given rise to the report that minister Sickles has been directed to recognize Spain. The attorney general has sent the pontmastar general an opinion to the ell'ect that the section of the postal act, which has been construed by tbe post otlice department as warranting the collection col-lection ol double postage on unpaid letters, let-ters, is not in accordance with toe spirit of tho act. The attorney general plainly says that only xhe amount of unpaid postage can be lawfully collected. New Torlc Intelligence. New York, 15. Robert Emmet, son of Thomas Addis Emmet, lho Irish patriot, and nephew of the celebrated Bobert Emmet, died at Hew Kochelle, to-day. Deceased was long an eminent lawyer of this city. The text of judge Davis' decision, graniing a writ of error and 6tay of proceedings in the case of Stokes, says that the exceptions are of such grave importance, and there being doubt as to tho correctness of one portion ol the charge to the jury it became his duty to give tho prisoner an opportunity to present them. The case will go to the full bench for a hearing, and this will probably involve a delay of a couple of months. Tho ship American Congress, belonging belong-ing to GrinneU & Minium, 6ailed henc for London n Dec. 7th, and has not since been heard from. She had a crew of twenty -one, and a cargo valued at $7:2,000. Her owners think she is lost. The specie exports for tho week have been $760,000, Credit Mobillcr. "Washington, 15. At the sitting of tho eenato credit mobilier committee, this afternoon, vice-president Wilson was recalled and questioned regarding the dispatch sent tho New York Times, September HUb, contradicting, by his, Wilson's, authority, tho statement that he held mobilier stock. Witness stated that the contradiction was by t is authority. Senator Harlan was recallod and road a lengthy statement, to tho etlect that Durant'a contribution towards the expenses of the Iowa election, was voluntary, and not the result of any intimation in-timation from witnesses, directly or indirectly, in-directly, nor was it made in consideration considera-tion of any Bervico performed, personally person-ally or otlicially, by witness, for Durant or any other person or company. There was no uch understanding expressed when it was paid. He believed Durant proferred tho contribution solely out of personal regard lor witness, as a lricnd, and from a conscientious belief on his part, that it would be best for the State where he, Durant, held large property, and for the interest of the nation that witness should be rot u mod to the senate. Allacell&neou. Medina, N. Y., 15. A freight train, this ovening, broke through a bridge, and let six cars into the street. It killed ono and injured the train man. Boston, 15. The supreme court decided de-cided that the medical society had a right to expel a homeopathic doctor. |