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Show THAT'. MEMORIAL AGAIN. i The preure upon our columns, this ! nioroinK, preclude! our giving that 8(iai:a to the document etuanauux from , the tweuty-niz legal Auuilumcn, that we could m.-.h, Lmt "the h'-iivens are full of day. " and ir' th-: I')':iifiieiit wan prepared in a hurry that i.i do reason why we nhoul'i ho io any frantic haatfi to couni'l'jr it all at uuuo. It contain;, io reality, a rkli wiuo lr working at, and by the time all ii.idijn, apuri and angle oro thoroughly explored, it-i authorri will he much ashamed ot it a Home of the unt-.m now arc. In support of the first and second chary;i;n, which.' are covered Ly the wurdn: Tins Tcriitorial lrj-M.ilan.ri: ha.i k-nortcd k-nortcd to every devio:, short ot open rehelliuo, to deprive the uovcvunr and juderf appointed by and n;pivM:iiUh: ilit; (ederal Kovernnicnt, nf all power and authority within the Territory, It rdcrd to the conferring of other juri.idictiuu upon the probate courts than that pertaining to the hi in pie mattor of probate Lumuchm. We mL'tit auk why tlio legi-ilature of Colorado haa done so Y And why it waa cited Tory recently, a an indorsement of .UUgU llwn:y, nui. bun nuiMbiuu wut of Now ..Mexico had decided that suoh .nurcaacd jurisdiction coald not bo oonl'crrcd on probato courta, if tho legislature of that Territory had not conferred it V And, furthermore, whether thcao icgwlaiurcs liavo also tacn "disloyal V" liut, while this Hubjoot of tho rinlit of Territorial log-islaturua log-islaturua to dfl so, ib dwelt upon at length in this morning's H KHALI), there ia another point wo will briefly notice Conferring original criminal jurisdiction upon tho probato courts, inwtoad of depriving tho district oourta of any power or authority, actually increases their dignity and authority, juat aa any court of appellate juris'i c-tioo c-tioo is higher, and exorcises tmperior authority to any other court from which appeals are taken to it Thoro can bo oo criminal case dooided in tho probato , courts that cannot bo carried to tho district and supremo courts of tho Territory. Why not say that tho supremo court is shorn of its power because it, too, does not exercise original criminal jurisdiction? Again, with tho probato courts possessing suoh power, all the courts of tho Territory could duly get through their judicial business, which three courts could not do, if fitting every day in tho year; and this is oue reason why tho logal business of the Territory is so much behiud; and it is au inoou-toatablo inoou-toatablo reason that congress nover designed such courts sh.mld attend to all tho judicial business above courts of justices of tho peace, for a community commu-nity bo large as reason and Uougo say Territories aro required to become botbro they cease to bo Territories and bcojmo States. |