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Show INKLINGS. Spring beds have got Japan. . Thalberg's mnsical manuscripts aro to be 80 Id at auction. Dobuquo claims to haro improved $800,000 worth this season. The Northern Pacific haa built 174 miles of road in four months. The subject of annoiing Brooklyn to New York is again agitated. Hickory nut sociables are among the institutions of the Northwest. The New York Elovated railway waa made a success by the epizootic. Elizabeth Cady Stanton makes oath that she is only fifty-sovco years old. One New York firm has this year imported 15,000,000 gooso quill toothpicks. tooth-picks. Water is boing sold at Fort Wayne by the pailfull. The wells hare the epi-dry. The Vienna exposition is to have a salt water aquarium of 200,000 gallons capacity. An intensely moral Sao Franoisco ooncert saloon advertises for "a good lady to sing," Wilson county, Texas, has million! of grasshoppers, and Jcwott has millions mil-lions of pigeooB. "Cornhill Magazine" cstimatos that there is plenty of coal to last for the next 3,500 years. A cargo of American apples is on the way to Australia, where the fruit sells at $10 per budhel. A new Bedford man had his coat tail amputated the other day by sitting down on a oirctilar saw. The tea parties at Wintereett, Iowa, are passing around the wicked number of "Woodhull Weekly." Paper shirts wore so muoh of a success suc-cess last year that great preparations are making for next year' trade. The Wisconsin country sheet a that use "patent entrails" are cutoff by the siek horse that used to draw the stage. The distillation of alcohol from mosses and lichens is becoming an important im-portant branch of industry in Kussia. Trot out your cata I A man at Seneca Se-neca Falls, New York, will pay one dollar each for every feline expressed to him. Lewis Sharp, of Massillon, Ohio, is williog to wager that be can walk six miles in an hour, the last half mile backward. The Djvcnport Brothers have made a fortune by their "oheek," and now propose (o settle down to farm life. A boy at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, whitewashed white-washed a Roman candle and stuck it in mama's bedroom oandlcstjpk. tie got fanned with a shirgle. NtWon writes to a Parisian friend that hor first nirht at St. Petersburg was an "ovation triumph to grow wild over." A Wisconsin man bet hi brewery, horse and farm on the election, and he moved out the other day to make way for the winner. There is an ex--husband of Tennie C. Claflio in Nobles villa, lnd but he is singularly silent concerning his whilom bride. A mush-and-milk tooiable is the latest announcement of Davenport Presbjterianism. Friday night next is the time. The boys and girls will do their huggiDg before eating. |