OCR Text |
Show A "Wave of Perfame Pleats ilen.'y around the persons of those wbr. b a ve ud MtrraV & La.N- j man's Florida Waich, acl tives 1 t'X'i'i:.-ire erj y-Ecnt, a-j'. on:y to 'hem- i selves, tut ro aH who apprc-aeh the'r ! pre- ; hs delicate aroma is so re- :nL:r.g tf.i: it prevent ail tv 1 ci:e.-:s : o: c i.-c arrsr-hore in crowitd totds. i p-r Sa'e at Z. C. M. I. acd God be s 6n5 to no t'"--r Vi """" i-i i-- Ji. wo-, I'- rt- 1 CEAPFED HAUBS & FACE, Sore Xjlps, JDryiictiti of Skin, etc., etc Cured at onco by IIEOEMAN'S CAMPHOR ICE 1VIT1I ULYCJiKINK, It koops Uio bands soft in all woathor. 8oo that yoa cot Ji lid KM A. VS. Sold by all Druggists. Unly 'J5 cents. .Mantifnctvired only by J I ecu: u an k Co., Chemists and Druggists. No w York. d!25 sniiLU similibus ccraxtpr HUMPHREY'S uoaiEOPAxmc sijgcifics. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample oxiorionco, an eo tiro success; Simple Sim-ple Prompt Jiuic ion t and Reliable They aro tho only mcdicinos perfectly adnpted to popular uso so siiuplo that mistakes can not be mado in using thorn; so harmless as to bo free from danger, and so ofliciont as to bo always reliable Thoy havo raised tho highest high-est commondation Irum oJJ, and will always rondor satisfactic n. Nos. Conts. Curo 1, " Fevern, Congestion, Inflammationa..25 2, " Worms, Worm t'over, Worm Colic. ..25 3, " Cryliic-Cttlicor toothing of Infants. ..5 i, " llarrficen,of Cbildron or Adults 25 5, " lyacniury, Grilling, Uilious Colic. ..25 0, " Cliolera-MorUui, Vo mi ting 5 7, " t'oiiglia, Culds, bronchitis 25 8, " Xeurulala, Toothacho, Facoacho....J25 0, " Headache, Siok Iloadaoho, Vertigo 25 10, " Hj-8pisln,BUlioa8 Stomach -25 11, " Suppressed, or Painful Periods 25 12, ' VVfilteu, too Prof uso Periods 25 13, ' Croup, Cough, Difficult Broathing...25 Xi, " Snlt Klicum, Erysipelas, Eruptiona25 15, " Rliewmntla"!, Rboumatic Pains. 25 10, " Jfever and Ague, Chili i'ovor, Agues 50 17, " Piles, blind or blooding 50 1, " OplnlLlttiiij', andsoroorwooi: Eyes 50 f), Cnturrli, nculoor chronic Influonza..5o 20, " Wlioopiug-tlougli, violent coughs 50 21, " Astliuin, opiroflsod Breathing 0 22, " Kar lXitcltargcii impaired hearing 50 23, " Scrofuia, onlared elands, Swell ings 50 A, " Generul Debility, physical woak noss -....50 25, " Dropsy and scanty Secretions 50 'jij " Sto-SltKiiess, sickness from riding50 27, " Kldiicy-llsaac, Uravol 50 26, f.'trvouu Debility, Seminal lliiiiulrisioJiii, involuntary Dischargos 100 Five Bmci, with ono S2 vial of nowdor, vorv necessary in serious ser-ious caes ..50O 2!i, ' Sore JIouili, Canker 50 3U, " Vrlnary lVeukucs, wotting bed-.jO 31, " lilifiil lcrloi, with Cpaims 50 S2, " Stiircrliigit at chango of life .lO0 33, " Jtpilepay, apasiuo, iit. Vitus' 34, " DlptUeria, ulcerated so ro throat 50 family cases Of J5 to GU Lnrge vials, morocco or roe ivaoilcase, contalulnc a Kpcclllc Tor every orulmiry dit;nse a family la subject to. a nil Ltoolu of dlructloutft...fruui S10 to S3S Smaller Family and Travel-lug Travel-lug coses, wild. 20 tu 2$ vials, from S3 to SB Specific for all J'rtva e Dln-tusn, Dln-tusn, both for t'urlu - and fur Frcvtmlvt treatment, in vials and Pocket cases SH to S3 Pond's Extract, Cure i Diirn, Bruises, Lameness, Sircuesa, Store I'lii-oat, pralna, Tout U utile, Kiiraclie, Xcoialj-ls, Ithtuniatlaiii, l.niiiljuyo, 1 I le a .lloi Is, S(ini;, Sort: tj is, JUlccdiug of tile I.ii iti . ', Momitch, or of File) Corns, L'lcera, Old sored. Price, fi ox.. 51) ccutki Fliits, SI. 00 Quarlu, 1.3 3. CS- These remedies, except POND'S ES-TKACT. ES-TKACT. by the ease or iiziv b-i, are sent to any i of Lho country, by mail or express, frije of charge, on receipt of tho price. Ad-drois, Ad-drois, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. 05c and Depot, No. &?2 Broadway, Nit Yo&k. fOF. SALE BT ALL DB.UGO.aT5, And it Z. C. "t. I. and iiodb-s Drag St'J e- TH" CHZA-I-E-T anicca:-.-:u-crracr.t of i :i;.iir..-y. . -r v.z i V i!-3 ..i-. .-i. h as .ia-itL-L", Lr-.-ik:"i.n hi. i - i-- NuDia-t. V,-, . ,L:,.n CluOii n.iii ilds. MRS. C. E . DYE'S, n dt" r -enh of -'.iTjr.'i ; rrarh t.al-ij t.al-ij i-, . 3 ire ii aiTij-j reidy to r .Siie t'-z c-itocicri. j SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. A( ; I R L T O ! 1 1 i' M . K A 1. IK-!" K " O f : K . A j -1 1 1 f. ila. A.i.5t..J.0,lo'-rth h aJe r.uith vi 1 h-aire. i oiklt" ikm;knkkal ii"' i--w,vl;' V Ai-i'll lo Mr. J-ha I. Caiac -V-h rd. A CHINAMAN" WANTKD r'-KA SMAL1-.Mu.ly. SMAL1-.Mu.ly. Liit bu r-jdk-wacr and awn.unL ofl'oii UJK-L-. 'ubi FOR KENT. plK-T PI.ASS ui'KlL'ta 10 KENT 0VEK LODGINGS- ( l II 'i ICE ACCtiMMOl'ATtuNS Jr'HK A Vy f.-w 1-jdb'era and boatdcrs. ilmuiro at this uaice. J-1 1 OHio. Second Sooth tlreet. Three doors wwl if (Ireat Wwtern Hotel, hall a block east of Elephant atore. blt Lake fi-y Oilice hours froai 9 a.m. to m P-m. mil Argeuta Lode, No. 3. A. F. A. M. OTATED Cmtnuniationjt of this LodKo i) held on tho First nn.l 1'hird lucidiiyd ot siroet- Meuibcrs of Si-itT UcU-es and to-niLirum to-niLirum brotbrun in guud staiiJintt ro tur aUiovuL a W Nl.CK0LS.w.M. W. U. BIRD, Sec y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LAKE THEATRE. Friday, February 7th, 1873. FAREWELL BENEFIT AND POSITIVELY LAST APPEARANCE LIT ONE OF "YANKEEHOBINSON, Will bo proaontod an entirely now notional drama, full of startling incidents and most beautiful tableaux, onlillod, Tie Storming of Fort Fislier. Thoporformanco will commence with the laughable larce, entitled, NATHAN TUCKER. UKAND JIATINKE. SATUHUAV AFTEUNO0M MONDAY EVENIXU Fob 10, BENEFIT OF PROF. C. J. THOMAS. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. THK HALF UKKlil) COWS ARE SPLENDID MILKERS. THIS HALF BIliiliD OXEN FOlt SMSKD AND WORK. AKE UNSURPASSED. THE IMPORTED TiiorittliW DEVON BEL, l'GMG WASHINGTON. Pedigree full end Complete. Thoso who wish to iniirovo their stock can 300 this splendid animal at tho stablos of Mr. II. U.Clawson, north-woat corner or tho l'Jth Ward Tor teruia, Ac, enquire of Mr. Suiiltt at tho Stables. fob? CO-OPERATIVE 1 BUTCHER SHOP, WHOLESALE CC RETAIL, On Corner South of Naylor Bro'l Wagon Sliop, CUUICEST 51 BATS OF EVERY KIND ALWAYS OH 11 AND. WM. PETERSON, Salosmnn. feb7 Ji. J. I'ALiiiT. tiuperintooUent. "Advortising is tho Oil which wist) men put in thoir Lamps. Mudurm 1'bovzeb. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG AGrXIIV 'X', Rooms 20 & 21 Merchants' Sxchanje CALIFORNIA BTKK1T, SAN FRANCISO, Solicits Advertisements and Subscriptions for tho Salt Lake Daily and Semi "Weekly Herald Ant f.T papers published in California. Ore -Pn and Kovada; U'ashinctoa, Ctah. Idaho. .MonLina, Cclurado, Ariiuna and adjacent ierri tones; Sandmch Island-, tho Bnnh roasfc.-iona, Mcx?;an PorL?. Nicarasua. Panama. Pana-ma. Valparaiso, Japan and Chiaa; New Zealand Zea-land and Lhe .Australia colonies, no Atlantic States and Emu to, ADVERTISING Has created many a new basiress; Has ejiar-d many an eld b-iaea; liairen-ed mizy a dll busico5i; liaa rescued many a lust b'-uiaeis: Has saved s;acy a fiii:- biintes: Has 'referred ajiny a lar?e b'Jiiesa; Aad insared sacceas in &ny otuicess. GIRARD'S SECRET. St erh en GL-ard used to say ic hia old are: "I have always coc.'idered advertising Liberally and iog Ui be tne reat mediae oiticee in btaes-i. and the prel-ide to weahh. Acd i have maile it an icvrtri.ible ml to advertise in tho dul.est times as well as tho bus'eat. eiperiecce havir.i tauiht cc that --Ley ih j; cei b well U;i at. as by cc:iauaiiy keeiir.a my bu.-iesa before the puDiii it aas secured many aaias tha;I othr-wis othr-wis would have iu.t." Adi-erttae your Bmintii. Kefp your name befora tb Pmblle- iBdlclona Advcrtiitae wttl Insure b fortune. If Business la Dull, Adrtrlhe. I Bnilncu ! Brink, Adrertlle. wTb-mi who didst b-He-re rr adreT-n.tj adreT-n.tj haj g-,C9 iato paxtaersaip wi;a tiu thexm, ked mi oioal doed uii aTextuiA l PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR THE SPUING, 1S73. Uviug compleled our extcn-ive Alicraliom in lho EETAIL DEY GOODS DEPAETMENT ' Vi' Acd made arrtuig'-mrnts for i:.4II!iV JSPK1 I'UKCII AMIS, Wo beg to assuro our nuaicroun litrons"we hall Exhibit for their A CHOICE SELECTION K SEASONABLE DRESS GOOD?, -SILKS, SATINS, TRIMMINGS, Also Staple Dry Gooils, etc. Wo havo added to our varied Stock Ladies' Underwear, etc. And placed this Department under the cure of au aceomriishcd Lady Clerk. DUNFORD S SOMS Oirer to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, CAPS GLOVES, & H DINS' 8' I' IS, At a small advance O JET COST, To make room for SPEING lJTJROIIA.Sli:B. Big Inducements Ollered. Grreat JF&.o3.Ta.otion. IN TUE TRICES OF Winter Clothing. CLOTHING DEPfiRWiEflT, Will dispose of tho balance of their stock of Winter Ololhinp, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, -AND- HATS and HAPS, At grcolly reduoed prices, to mako room for their spririg purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT op SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to close them out. A FINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS'9, To meet tho demand created by the prevalence of the Epizootic. French, English t'anl American Siiitinss, ( outings anil Cuss hue res hi great variety and latest ntyles. Men's and &n suits off the latest, fashions, fvoni fhe first e.s in New York, Boston, Chicago and Wan Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME SIADR CASSIMERES AND JEANS It. WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS COLLAHS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES., EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST sTYLKs ()F HATS AND CAPS. WALL, PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attcoded Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has indnccd us to make .Large Purchases for our Tall and Winter Trade Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, rim, ndent.'" JOSErH OOKLIXNKI, OIVIL ENGINEKR, U. S- MIXEPAL AND DEPTTY SURr VYOK FOK CIAJI, Of5-: Fint Sath Street, naxly oppo'ito St. ilrk's Church. Bejj SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wen Mde of City Market.) Ail kLeda of Stationarv. U prist t, or Locomotive Locomo-tive EOILERS, and TANKS, Ma.le or Ker-airel- RKAPFR AND vnWF.P.S AND 1H;:E;HINi MACHIXLS. Repaired and pa, in S.-cnina Order. Work !-! on th N'.tl-e. Eoiler and Fi-es tv i;;h- r Laca in euhaoe Orders by Telega r.h or Mail promptly at-tcdd at-tcdd t. . d2l JOH5 SL'jA-S A CX., Proprietor!. XEW MEDICAL WORK! "TI.e Philosophy of Marriage." For the Debilitated .lerToai SyiUin. T-.-ry --r--. , ae Ci .! ,rr.i., t A 5 r. :iti- 'r tb' V- (MMa-it ttAF.i' tfie ls-r.lr.rf j b! l!.e M-. 0-1. Ki-ry o:.c:"irnJ kaj rcifriM j mn L-uI i rritA t.d t'i'y w4lmonat Lec- (y!r-:T tin.i-,-nr) of il, A a itiair I M-..tj:ii. Frvi'Ufu, tncU,UK Twtnty. - F C-- W lo I -J!"I.i U, rj lo-U.f., Ui , B- r,l t lorwul-d lo ij prt of the dUtet lr. Juid.-i tan h eonr.ltl i siTicE if mm im K'OTICK IS 11 KB KB Y iHVEX THAT THE iirnliTimtsl witlspllal public vendue, to tlio hi slic l bidder lor ca h, at tlio south fn-nt d.'ur i! tlio Court llunso, it Sail Lake City, Salt Luke County, Ttrntorj of I'tah, on tlio . eighteenth day of Fobmary. ISTl.ul olmim o'i'lock in lho foromvii, tlio lolUnv int; diwribod proin'i ty and roal o-tnte, Mtunti-d in said Suit 1, iW I'i'iv and County In wit: Known und wnlil a--' '-"1 ruds south front by 10 rods north: iv m mi' 110 iiss on tho touth lino of lot two, n-dti'tiM of tho iouth-w,v-t corner of .-.aid lot. nuiniMk- thoni-o norlh W n-.is. thonco oiit , r.-d-.tlu-niv Mnnh 10 roJ. thom-o e.-.t JS rods tu tho I'lm-e of boi inning. bi-inKirjiutt ot lot '2, in hliK-k eiuhty-livo iNO. containing i-sjiiaro rvdi oi Kround OS pint tod in plot "A" of iU I lukrCity Survey . Mtuitloil in the t.lh lii--h- j op's- Ward of said Suit L.ikeCity- The property to ho olleroJ lor ato at Bald time ana rliu-o i. lho mm 110 conveyod to tlio underJittiiMl ou theo'tthth day ot Mundi. A, P. 11, by u di'0.1 of trust exivutod by John W Jenkins and Elua J rnkins. his ife. as .ttni uf the lirat part 10 tho iinderBimiod oa purinv. uf tho Mvond Part, to F,vn-o the payment of a certain pruiuirfory nolo dated tho nj;hlh day ,.f March, A. U- 1T I . whi-roin and whorotiy said John W. Jenkins, one year alter date, lor value reveived, proiuinod to pay to 1'hillii' l'uiT-ley 1.1 order, tho .-urn of six hundred and iitlv-000 dollars and lorty-MX cents, with inter ot" thereon at tho ruto of two per eont pi-r month from the date thereof until paid, interest inter-est to be paid monthly; which r aid notu is now overduo and unpaid. Said deed of trust ia io-corded io-corded in mortfiao record book C, paa Ml. II' and M-i. inthoCounty Koc.-rder's Otliee of said Suit Lko Counti-. (To which record rotor once is herobv made for Kreaier particularly. I 'J'Ktiua ov IS m. 1: 1 Said pi.iporiy wlllbofioliL to the Inch cut biddor for cil-Ii. tho money to bo tiaid and doixl doliverod iuiuiudiatoly alter B!0 LKW1S S. 11 ILLS. Salt Lake CiLv. U. T.. Jan. Wd. l:k J21 EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. Tho place for tlio public to buy. Teasdel & Co. Winter Shawls aud Dronn Goods, Teasdel & Co. Flannold, Nuhias, and Glvea. Teasdel & Co. Home-made lioota mid Sbocs Beat io tbo Toaritory. TEASDEL & CO. Sugars, Toae and Coffoos, Cbeose, Bacon and Lard. TEASDEL & CO- Men's ClothiDK, Hats, Shirts and Furniehiog Goods. TEASDEL & CO. Oarpots, Huge, Mats and Curtains. Cur-tains. TEASDEL & CO. Bleoa Sowing Maohinoa. Wear longer aod arc less liablo to got out of ordor. Tho best in tho World. No trouble to show Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all the trains and any part of the oi ty freo of charge. TEASDEL & CO., East Temple Street Opposite Bolt Lako House. FLUX FOR SMELTERS. I The undemiBTind. havinw hoon ani.nlnlnil Solo Agents for Utah, of lho celebrated Hematite Hem-atite Iron Ore of Wyoming Territory, solicit the patronage of the various furnaces, honoring honor-ing this to bo tho Boat Iron Flui ever offered lho public-Orders public-Orders filled at short notice. Apply to GORDON & MURRAY, Hair Bloc I Sou Ui It, K. Depot, NrH Lake City. j2I To whom it may concern, WK, the ondertiined. claim and own twelve hundred (120" feet, inclndiog Nos- two (2) and three (3). in the Titui lode, ill Little Cottonwood caoyon, and bold the win by deeds from the ornrinel locators; aod have complied wilh the laws of the dull du-ll ict In every refpeat. A'id we hereby eantion all pemom not U trade, bay or barter for said claims, without our oonaenu C H. BA85ETT.) Adm'nitratorB ol the MVLNe. I Jttteof Anthony Irini deceased. ISRAEL IVINB. READ This Advertisement AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreens J AND SAVE 11 buying and planting your Ireej, 50 PER GENT. Price 10 cenU-worthlf 'i lo any; treo-plantrc PISSKV A. CO., 17 Storieon Bay, ia-j. NEW VOHK TRADE. JEHiAL READCo M a n utaclurers and Whole-tale Uoaleri ia V AM) WOOL HATk, St r. iw Oooitt, JmbrtlltlS, drc, M. I6H, Uronlwiy, ..-j,, NKW vo'- L. ftS. BATES & COT, ftS CroadwiT, MUW VOHK, IMFOaTIH iBD JODSau U Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKKY, WH1TB OOOU8, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c J. II. HUI.GICII. T 1 sTmTa R G ALL & Co7 Men's. YoutbV Dors' and Chlldrau'i CLOTHINa, AT W BOLES A.LB, 313 - i Brndwrl New York. i.onwi.ia. f.4y BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufaotnren and Wholo4alt Deaden la BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., Mew York, Corner Ores by, one blook eut of Broadwa dH DIVORCES. ' soli:tk itivoitrKs Li:tiAi.i,y ob- V tuini'd in dilloreiii States. Local every, whore doitei lion, couoral niiiconiluct, tte Huthciunl cau.-e: no publicUv re.,uirod, no eliiiruo nnlil divorce urantod; advice roe. Lull ell or uddru.itl JOHN FULTON, Counsellor at Laiv, No. IMI ItKOAUU AY, NliW YOUR CIVY. d" howland'&.aspinwall, 54 So nth Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. WU1 B-ilvfti.ee liberally on oonilf a. meitt of Ore aud Ilulllon, llulllou iiuroltaaeil at Ii1)(hait n.itrkel rtr , LVIINIS FOR SALE. "I 1L PAUL OltlidOKYowm four oifollenl 1 silver minus within ono inilo of (sc, ollior. Wood ntid and water plotitiful un all of thorn. Tho mines uro rioh. Oroa ronnini from t nil) up lo S7U) ior ton, onn bo outained from ouoh of thoin, In puying quantity. The orovico ofthoUroBory lodo is twoiity-oron fot wido;a atroakof lour fcut will run J.fW tor ton. Uoint; dusirous of Bonding homo a nico ireiunt from Utah. 1 will noil au in lures t in oneur all, or soil all at lair finuros. Lach lodo conluim liOO foot, and. tho (JicKory lodo is down luu foot and looks fino. T bin lodo ie dlruclly un l.hoKuluh from lho Ontario ono-hulf milo, and lho sumo distnnco bolow tho llowlnnd Uio, in Jlluo Lodpo MinitiK district, Wasatch County. I havojust inovud my camp to lho Wild liHl cabin, whoro I shall bo pluiutod lo ihow my mines, Thoy nro each now claims and but llttla known, and tho joalousy, 1 rogrot lo tay, oi-latlni; oi-latlni; amongst thoao owning claims here, lo a great extent, bavo kupt thoso sooklng lucb proporty from calling on me. 1 ask cailuiiu to como and boo. 1 will show you all I proiuui to do. PAUL (lUKQORY.M.'D.i Four milo from Hnvdnnvlll FOR SALE. Tlie UtahCrackcrFactory Tho abovo ostablishmont, nitoalod 'in Main Htrcol, opposite tho Walker llouso, has till th machinory and ulonxils for carrins on the Urnekor and IJrond businoss, and is offered fur Galo un account of tlio ill health of tho pro-nriotor. pro-nriotor. In connection with tho abovo ire bavo a wall selected stock of (Jrocorioa, Confectionery, Con-fectionery, Ac , which iv- i J J bo sold chpip. Ho havo bettor facilities fur mantiriirturijis Ifiom and biikiuif. than any other in Hie l-rrimry, and being tho oldest liouso, havo a wtil eeuV liahed buainws. MORTON II CO. Inquiro on tho promises. jll IRON & STEEL. SCOTr, DDMAJI & CO,, - DEALERS IN -; WRICHT'8 PICKS, IRON BARROW8, - AND ALL KINDS OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, l'IPE ftAI.l, UIMH OF FITTINOS FOUFUltNACKNA filll.U. HAEDWABE, BURDEN'S noitSB & MULE SIIOE3, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTIiEIt - BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS. RUBBER PACKING. AQENTB FOK Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOR CASH. A0K5TH KOB Ammonical Preparation For tbo PrevoDtion and Removal of U("lof gcalo. del FURS WANTED- Highest Cash Price Paid fir Fun. ALSO U.van. Cinan WhotoJ. R"1L ' THOMAS CJKIEB. At Siegl. Dro's, undor Salt LaVo H' FAB WEST FREIGHT CO. Head (tuarltn, St. Loitla, DURANT&CUTTI'G FORWARDING AID COMMISSION WRCEW AOKNT8 A1.T J.AKKC1TV, ITAB- r ar, pr.parrf u, eonmct Lia.ba.iu mad.. penal W "i ibe ?!t and ,poo-Jj tr.n'P' r,"V,.Tiimora. Pr.iatai lr.,m York. . "fSSH Salt Lake Cilj. We are oleriPI e itra lo Jweuie.u fc'J IbipmentofOre aod Jtallion to all "t potiKI. OFFIOI A3,. W.aiBOCfll:-''; aoutk or Uepot, Hall a.1" c"- OUIUII COTTIKO- |