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Show A COMMISSION FOR UTAH. A Waiiintoa li pa'..li of February ;j M'to'i-y lu.-tt atiit ly tlm A. &. 1'. liaa, arid wlii';h wu lind iu Tiien'lay'u 'I li'i n:trr;tai y i.l' nUtn ari'l tl.c attorney at-torney en,;ra' l'HH 'i""'""1 11 O'jtiti r.ni.: : wirh tin) I'ri'n'i-Mic on ui j.::t ul alt urH in L'lah an i l.i'i a.J IKJ!'iLifi:nL 'j'1 i"n lo iuv.iti.iiifj afi'an'.i in that Territory. Tuiit'd it. I- :t in liavo a c .juitukii'jn of bih min-lcl, htm.,r..M-i iii'jn, wU am nut to bo BW:iycl tiilmr by frowns or fnwiiiriK, but will invi;.iU'iite t o con ilition of afTair.i in Utah honestly an-1 juntly ami malm a laiilil'ul report; t:l!-in t:l!-in tlio i'cit-w a.s th.y nxi.it, rianl'i; of oliquo, ring or j.arty. V osdrous Honesty. All rcmeiu bor the great point made on "Grant's honesty," during the lato presidential canvas, until, as the New York un expresses it, "the people began, to bo lievo that it was really a great mercy that the . President of tho United States did not actually steal money out of the treasury." The point, it is now diseoTireJ, was made from the faet that II. ant didn't hold any Credit Mobiiier stock, and all those who did considered this a most wonderful instance of purity. Id the light of late Hoax Ames' revelations, Grant's , status must indeed havo seemed max ve leu in the eyes of leading Republican stump speakers during the campaign. Uy W. U. 'loloBrnph THE (iUEEN'iJ SPEECH. London, 6. Parliament assembled to-day. The queen in her speech first alluded to the mission of sir Bartlo Frere, for the suppression of tho slave trade in East Africa. The decision of emperor William in tho San Juan boundary is touched upon. Parliament will be asked to provido for tho payment pay-ment of tho Geneva award. Tho queen expresses her acknowledgements to tho emperor of Germany and to tho Geneva arbitrators for their work. A treaty for tho extradition of criminals has been concluded with Belgium. Concerning Con-cerning tho movomcnts of Russia in Central Asia, tho speech says correspondence corres-pondence has passed with a view to lis tho boundary lino of the northern frontier of Afghanistan in order to ensure en-sure tranquility in Central Asia. The papers on the matters mentioned will bki laid beforo parliament. Estimates for the financial year will soon bo presented in tho commons. Although tht; harvest has been to some extent dclieient, the general condition of Brtiain is satisfactory. A measure is tf be submitted at an early day settling tlir question of university education in Ireland, winch will bo formed with ivtreful regard to tho riehts and consciences con-sciences ot all. Other legislative Bub-jeers Bub-jeers of importance will be presented dming tho session. |