OCR Text |
Show HUTKL AUUIVAtiS. August 7. TOWNSKJfO HOUSE, James H Olark, II Schussler and wifo, Mrs Mengcs San Francisco; Jas G Powers and wife, New Vork; GeoR Hines, M E Clark, Leavenworth; AW Stone, San Francisco; 0 H McKco, Washington, D C; Ellsworth Daggett, IinjthanK Stephen W Downey, Wyoming; Wyo-ming; D'r OotU'oll, Einyham; L E Thorno, C H Swain and wife, Wm P Mallory, Chicago; T D Hunitwig and wife, Brooklyn, N Y; John G Downey and ile, Los Aocclcs, Cal; J I) Harvey, Har-vey, Liviot-'Stono gtone, an Francisco; Nat Harris aud wifo, Cincinnati ; Hughe D CTrellers, England; Gcorgo Armstroug acd wife, Omaha. TAYLOR'S I10TEL. J W Lewis, Tintic; Archibald Lothian, Lo-thian, Adam Lothian, California; M G Moore, Coricne; J W Turner, B L CretT, Provo; S H Hayes, Bingham; M T Donovau, Aha city; L A Brown, M J Chamberlain, EdKiehelieu, Ophir oity; E Foster, bail Jose Ed L Ha", Evansvillc, Ind; A L Putnim, Alta; W B Catou, Boston, Mas, ti HEAT WESTERN HOTEL, E Caruthers, J Bcatty, Little Cottonwood; Cot-tonwood; D C liar Lewiston; M W Sutherland, Pittsburg, Pa; W C Gilbert, Gil-bert, Liwrenoeviiie, Ills T Prrston, Manchc;-ter, Env; W K Nye, Provi- 1 dencc, K I; B S Hall, Denver, Col; 0 E Lambert, Alta city; J Chipmao, J Snow, American Fork; N Bullion, , wile and boy, Marcvibure; X W Ptor-ter, Ptor-ter, San Jo?, Cal; S Alexander, Saa FranjUso; W Wiiiouchby, L:wiston; T B Fiubugh. Nevada. |