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Show LETTER FROM HTOJIIXG. Regular Corryiiiondeneo of tho Jlemlcl. Rawlins, Wy. Terry., August 4th, 1872. Having just returned from a short visit to the Semino mines, I will endeavor en-deavor to give you a few items as to what I saw and heard while there. The Eureka company havo a shaft down forty-two feet on the Mountain Point lode, the crevice is three ieet wide, nearly all quartz, down about twenty feet, where it pinched nearly out, but has now widened out again to thirty inches, with about two iect of qunriz in the bottom of the shaft-Superintendent shaft-Superintendent John Leaf informs me that the company intends to sink the shaft to a depth of fifty feet or more before suspending work, THE M.UI.MOTU COMl'ANY have a shaft forty feet deep on the Mammoth lode. They have a three feet crevice, nearly all quartz, which is very rich in gold and also contains a small percentage of silver. This company com-pany crushed some quartz in an arastra which yielded $15 per ton gold of a very tine quality. They have suspended work for the present. Tho Seminole company are again hard at work on their tunnel on the Earnest lode. The tunnel is now in two hundred feet with every prospect oi striking the lode in a short distance. They are now working two shifts ten hours each and drive about eighteen inches of tunnel every twenty-four hours. The quartz which this company com-pany sent to Colorado sometime ago for reduction, yielded extremely well, far above the average of Colorado ores. The company are in excellent ; spirits, and very confident of having ' a good thing. Thero is also considerable consider-able work being done on the Noon-shade, Noon-shade, Southside, and various other lodes. Messrs. Lee, Cannon and others, are running- an arastra, and crushing quartz from the Holtzberg and Slattery lode, which they say pays very well. Major Burt's arastra lies i idle. It seems ho and his partners : 1 had a falling out aDd then abandoned J 1 their machinery. There was a good I deal of excitement.in camp last Sun- I day over a discovery of galena made by I John Cannon, Esq. From present in- j dications it appears to be the lode from ' which the galena came that lieutenant Young procured from Eome prospectors prospec-tors in JS6S at Fort Steele, which assayed as-sayed something over $4,000 pjr ton, silver, and which lieutenant Young's party were looking for when the discovery dis-covery of gold was made here last season. sea-son. Mr. Hunt expects to soon start his arastra again. FERRIS DISTRICT. Upon my arrival here I was kindly welcomed by George Clarkson, Eq., superintendent of the Bluff City Gold and Silver Mining company, of Elgin, Illinois. This compaoy arc at present operating in this district, having procured pro-cured 1,600 feet in the Smith lode from the North Platte company. Mr. Clarkson is now working eight men in tunneling on ..he Smith lode. He is working three shifts of eight hours each. The tunnel is already in some sixty feet, but is making very slow pro-gress, pro-gress, only about eight inches each twenty-four hours, as the rock is very hard. It will probably tako until tho loth of November to strike the lode. The shaft on the Ferris lode is down about twenty five feet, showing acre-vice acre-vice of two feet of very tine looking galena. The North Platte company will soon resume work on this lode and sink it down to a depth of from seventy-five to one hundred feet 11. W. Smith, of Lirauiie City, Wy., is getting get-ting along very well with his tunnel on the Matilda Jane lode, it being in about forty feet. This lode promises to be one of the best in the distrct. I understand the ore assays $15o per ton, gold, and is also very rich in siver. A new and important discovery was made a f-.w days since by Geo. Cole-! Cole-! man, E-q., and captain O'Connel, of j Elgin, 111. 'ihe lode cn top, about.-ix 1 feet from the &urluce, is live feet wide, j showing very tine galena ali the way through. The captain is very much 1 elated over tho discovery, he being an ! old miner and also representing a wealthy Illinois company. We can , now confidently expect to have smeit-i smeit-i ing works erected early in the spring, which is all we need to have a flourishing flourish-ing camp. RED HEMATITE IRON ORE. Mr. Friend is now employing some eight men njiuiDg and bringing iu hid celebrated ore. Messrs. Dver k Co. aro shipping the same to Utah smelter? smelt-er? at the rate often tons per day.' There was great rejoicing in town last night over tho election news from North Carolina. Something a little stronger than water being in great demand. de-mand. It seemed as though thero was not a Grantito in town. Our Democratic Demo-cratic county convention 13 called for next Thursday, tho Mh proximo, and the Territorial convention for the loth. ou can count on Wyoming going Democratic in September and being in sympathy with tho next administration. administra-tion. PERSONAL. Hon. Geo. C. Bates, U. S. attorney i for Utah, has baa spending a lew days ' in town, looking alter some mining i int-rc&i. Col.M. S. Littlcfield, V. S. i Itxlian agent, has returned from Utah, i Hugh' Morgan. Esq., Black Buttes, h LkpU - C Donnell, Ferris mines, I nve boQ Bpending a few days in town. 1 Claude. |