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Show HELIGOt'S SERVICES TO-D AT. Tabernacle. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaiDts, services at 10 a. m. and 2 p. n. Preaching during each Bervice. Latter Dat SxrsTa' meetings in the several wards this evening at the . usual hours. Tho following Elders will preach in the Wards indicated : K. F. Neslen, Fifth and 'jiitta ; John Nicholson, Fifteenth; John Van Cott, Sixteenth; Isaac Groo, Ninetenth; David Candiand, Twentieth. German Service. Elder Karl G. Maesor presiding. Service in German at tbe City Hall, erery Sunday at 10 o'clock. Germans and Swiss are cordially cor-dially invited to attend. Danish Services. Every Sunday afternoon at half-past 4 o'clock, in the 20th ward school house. Catholic Church of SL Mary Mag-delene, Mag-delene, Second East street, Kev. "Father Walsh, Pastor. High .Mass will be sung at. II o'clock. Miss Helena Gorlinski, organist. Catechism at a. m. Vespers at 7i p.m. Sermon at morning and evening service. St. Mark's Episcopal Cuurcii. Right Rev. D. S. Tuttle, D. L., Bishop and Rector, Rev. Ii. M. Kirby, Asst. Rector. Services at 11 a.m and 8 p.m. Sunday School at 9:o0.m. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. C. C. Stratum, Pastor. Preaching Preach-ing at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., and Sunday school at '2 p.m. Seats free. Public cordially invited. Strangers made welcome and at home, Presbytkria.it. Preaching in the Liberal Institute this morning at 11 o'clock, by Rev. Joaiah Welch. Baptist. There will bo Baptist services ser-vices in the Chwpel offSL Alark's 5cboo), opposite tho City Hall, this morning and evening, at 11 and 70 o'clock. Preaching by Jiov. G, W. Dodge, Pastor Pas-tor elect. A cordial invitation is given to all not otherwise associated, to worship wor-ship with us. OONQREQATIOKAL SbSVICKS, At tho Independence Hall. Sermon, 11 a.m.; Sunday school, 12,30 p.m.; lecture, 7.30 p.m. All aro cordially invited. |