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Show MILL CBEEE QrRlSTLNE BE-! FWKI. Editor i Htra'J: Encoded I send you the report of' my resident medical asis:aa:, in Mil. ! Creek small pcx cistrlct, showing tie number of cases of small p;x ar.u tii-j mortality. I: ia wi:h craLida:;.-n to ; myse.1' that the rep-rt, c. ili rvheDiins as it d?es a nciiiUr of Ttiy severe i case, shows but oce d-.sth, whijh ws a cnLd unvaceinattd. lii-at creiit 1-i due to Dr. H. Di f:r hi- care ar,d , eonsideraticn in tbe ueatment of than? ; aniicted with ihu ioatbeouje ui-ae. i and ior the thorough manner in which j he has dUinfected the di-tricu Said ; aistrict is now free from contagion, and ! all quarantine reeulations heretofore estab.iihed are Fuspended. Joseph M. Benedict, County Oj'Jaraniioe Physician. .. j j 6 S- e j j ; . . . L. ; g 1 : . j j J 1J 1 pti e j J S o 3 e JilTir 3 .lis . HUTkiU AttlllVALH. 51 ay lVth. WALKER house. C L Lancaster, Mines; W S McCor-mick, McCor-mick, Hamilton, Nev; JS Delano, Washington, DC; D A Bagley, Water-town, Water-town, N Y; M F Heatty, Grass Valley; R F Hilliard, Kvanston, Wyoming T; 0 B Sharplcss, Omaha ; L G Spring, wife and daughter, Brooklyn, N 1"; S Carle and wife, Saoramonto; Mrs Bredenieror, Mrs Meacogre, D Swea-ney, Swea-ney, San Francisco; Mrs W Vaughan, Nowton, Iowa; E Shoenburg, JShocn-burg. JShocn-burg. Bishop W L Harris, Bishop W Waugh, K Jones, D Deoker, Mips Decker, Miss Jonos, Miss Jump, K Martin, New Vork; C J Kenney, Montana; V K Wheeler, Evansion; Deniston, Pittsburg, TOWNSE.VD HOUSE.' A W Lester, Ban Francisco; D II Haskill, Sacrameoto; EJ Swift.Gilroy, Cal; J T Jacobs, Stockton; E L Fletcher, Flet-cher, II S A; F M Stone, D F Meyer, New York; H Benedict, Chicaeo; G Klymten, Cincinnati, Ohio; M Sanborn, San-born, F D Meyer, New York; C B Katie, Ohio; E M Ward, J L Davis and wife, Chicago; 0 B Coventry, Buffalo, N Y; H Gray and witc.Stock-ton, witc.Stock-ton, Cal; O E Collins, wife and daughter, daugh-ter, WiMioosio; Mrs Webb and daughr tcr, Norwich, Ot ; Mrs Warren and daughter, W Malooe and wife, Chica? go; J Mendelsohn, Toronto; S V Snyder, Sny-der, Chicago, GREAT WESTERS UOTKL, John Martin, Bingham; John B-:c-mon, 1'ioche; L B Livcaih; K Harper. Burlington, Iowa; C B Kuff; J Bcanor; C Mcccnsun, New York; -I () Bricn; V B Baine; -1 W Steel.-; B McMana-mcn; McMana-mcn; 11 K B-.njarain; J E Jonc?; H Brown and wife. Denver; A Brownbv, J L-Jihy, J Coching, Bingham; A V Council. tavlor's hotel. D B Sullivan, &n Francisco; Smith Parker, Tintic; F Perry. Alta City; W L Clark, Camp Floyd; J B Walker, Sandy; Jobn Thomas, Lehi; J L Simmons Sim-mons and wife, Ophir; B Horney; T Hardy and wife, Sandy; Wm liclly, American Fork; John Johnson; Cba. 1 L Hart, Ophir; W H Lee, Tooele; J McCabc; John M Osborne, Bingham. |