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Show To whom it may concern WK, tho nnJorgirnail, claim and own twelve hundred UJV feet, Inolndim Nod. two U) and three (.0, in the Titus lode, in Little Cottonwood canyon, and hold the niiur by doe.i from the on final locators; iml have cutuplioJ with tho lawi of Ik dir tnot In every rospeoU And wo hereby cantlon all persons not t trade, buy or barter for laid olaims, without our oonienU C. H. HASSBrT.l A,lm!nldtrtor ol the I.1V1N3. I Kstite of Anthony ItUu deceased. I8KABL IVINB. UKIOIN 1'ACIFIC RAILROAD TH1E TABLE. UNTIL ftirthor ruHico, Trains will Ir-Hvo Mid arrivo at OgJon Dniiy, its follows : i.mti. I A mm vi. 'J.iily Kprw.s-.ai a-m. Daily Kip's. ,v in p-m. Mixcl, - ii-M l-iu. Mi.ted. - 2-.tf p ro r'reiuht, 10-jJ a-ui. I r'roight, - 6-10 a. m Daily con nod ions nimlo ut Ojjdon Willi ifuh Contrnl lACili Komi from .'-mIi l.ivkti cily md all poinl5 in South- At Uryttn with iUtRoa for tiwootwAtor DillM. At fhoyonn with Denver VseiDc Ktilront.1 lor Donvnr, ConlrAl citv, lit-rifv'Uwn Mid all potnU in Colorado ;iil Now Mesioo. At Omaha with ChicARO And North Won torn, (.'hicnKo, Kock IjUnd and Tiu'iiU-, Hurlinnion And Missouri Kivcr, kviMtsoity. SL -loo And Council Blulli KnilroAiUAml Missouri KiTer Lino of tiiu'rs for all points Ewt and Pouih Tk-koL-: for sivlo to al points Est at oll'u'O of Wtflis, Farftv & Co.. Kast Toru-plo Toru-plo slroot, and at tho oiiico of Utah Ccn-trnl Ccn-trnl Kailroad, in Salt Iako city; also at Union racitie Kailroad ticket ollic in Odon, al which oiiico bortha on loop-nut loop-nut cars can bo secured. ArraiiKomenU livo been made, whereby where-by ia.soiiers div-inno; to visit Denver on their way Kat can avail Ihenisolvee of an excursion rate from Cheyouno to JJonvor, and return at Rratly reduced rate. 'or particulars and all information in roRMrd lo passajro, apply at Ticket Of-ncos. Of-ncos. IVseiiffors should bo careful lo socuro thi'ir pasas tickets U all Kaitern and SouUioru point via O.MALI A, and thus avail Lheiii.-otvws of the advanUifea of a through sloepintt car, comforUbio c-coumiodalions c-coumiodalions and ouick time, TUOS. L. KIM BALL, General Ticket AftenL T. K. Siokkia Chi, ttnginoer and SuperiulendoQU BANKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO BANKERS TEIPLE STKE1CT, lalt L.k. Cltr GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all the Principal CitUA of the United State and Europe; Particular attention riven to CoMeeUoni and proceeds remitted at Correal rate .of xcha&se on day of payment. GBO. E. WHITKY, Attorney COKAEBFON DJCKTStfJ Bank efCalilbrnU - Ban rrandsoc L k Waller . New York Oo County National Bank - Chicane Haacell Bank St. Lonb State Bank of Nebraska Omahi flyli WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers fa Exchange Drain on Europe. European Collection! promptly attended to. Kaat Ttmpl S treaty Salt Laks City. mL3 Thxo. P. Tract. Aiont. First National Bank of Utah tSALT LAKE CI1Y. 4e Special J.dvrrUsmcJii ot Third SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt Xalio City, Utah Ter.; Authorized Capital - $500,000 Ban). BK. DttKslJ, frciidtnL Hugh Wblti, Caalilcr. HaMrBTias Jk KiazrATKicst, Attorneys. ;COR RESPONDENTS I Hiew vnnir J National Park Bank. NBW YORK - Donnf n. Lawson A Co, 8AN FAANCItiCO-Ca.ifornia Irust Co. LOMDON-Jar Cooke, MoCnUooh k Co. DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, 200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. BRIOIIAM YOUN'rt, Prosidont.l II. S. ELDllKDOE, Vico I'roa'i, I Wm. U.IIUUI'KK, Wk. JENNINU6, rDlrootora. JUUN SUA1U'. I J. 'I. LITTLE, I I. S. ILLLU3, Cashier, I deal ra gold nrsT, coix, KxriiABictt, LAXD WAKllA.liTS, CCi.-LEUU CCi.-LEUU bCKIP, etc. Oolleotionfl mdo and promptly remitted re-mitted FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID 0H Bavins Uopoaita. Til 11. U. TRUK, W. . TBUB, UWRY MARTlIt. TRUE, SON & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 00 Iilmball'a Block, SALT LAKE 01TY, UTAH TERRITORY. Ronl Estate bought and told: Houses and Sturos routed, ronta colloctod, and nil bus in una connected with roal ostalo and mines promptly attended lo. TUUR. SON Sc MARTIN. LEGAL. JOSKl'lI WOHLJSSUI, CIVIL ENOINEKlli U. S. MINHHAL AND DEPUTY SURVEYOR SUR-VEYOR I'UR UTAH, Office: First South Streot, aearLy opposite St. Mark's Churoh. tM D. 6. DANA, ATT OK N 1-A T-L A W, l'rovo, Uto.lt. J. U. CiKTKB. C. C W1LSOH CARTER & WILSON, ' ATTOltXEYS-AT-LAW, Office ever l?t Nat. Bank, octS OAST TEMPLE aTREET. G. E. WHITNEY, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Oflloo over D. (ironin's Store, MAIN STREET, NALT LAKE UlTY. " THOMAS FITCH ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, UtOU .Street, Wn.Uliigtou, D. 1. Eepocial tk"nlion civon to obtaining Patents to Minos. dot 15 BATES & ORMSBE E , ATTORNtYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, A cents for Pure base nuil Snle ofHInei & La.mli, Gko. 0. Uatio, ) V Halt Lnk Ctty, CUAkLKS W. OlUtaBKS.J Ltnit. Warner Karll. P. M. Snuthi EAKLL S. S3UTH, ATTORN BY 3 AT LAW, ALT LAK1 01TT, first South Street. Rooms 11 and 12, No 10S. Kim hall Block. r. TILroRD. IV A. KAKK- TILFORD & MANN. ATTORN B Y S - AT-LAW No. 30 First Month Street. 06 J. 13, Rosboroush, S. A. Merrill Rosborough & Merritt, ATTOKfl KY S A T L A "V , Rait LakaCltjr, I'uH. Offioe. lrt South Ptrcot, Bnt buildins cast Doeorel Llivnk corner. t'ct WU. HATPOS. C a. OILCKalST HAY DON & GILCHUIST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW SALT LAItK CITY. Office otw Ut National Bank of Utah. ali C. U. HempteJ. M. Klrkpatnck, HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Attorn)'it-Law, Main Street, opposite TV elli. Far (to A Co. HIT Lltt C'.TT. alO lUOA.UOAL. 1EP ROCK? OP NAVIONAL WKAl.TH I") InQ ar.l Cil. Cat italuia call en u;e 1 own iL I will divido Atlilreia, N. M. BLAIR. 119 P.O. Box lbO, Salt Lakel'liv. r ANTKP, r.lH, vnu OXt M Year. Will ,hvile th fin on miaitt inCM-t in I tah tor tho no o( h monrv. AddrtvM. S. M. BLAIR. Sail Lako City, P 0. Box FOR SALE. i IS nM;?K-POW KU "LITTLE tUANT' j'V Engine .uid li 1 1 or wuirUe, in lull ork ing cjcduu'n. ly GORDON & MURRAY, ll.lt block ali R. R. t 8lt NOTARIES PUBLIC. Wit. K. OILLUrtl. W. . TOODfl GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, , AND - SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ActJTOWLKDGKifiJrra taken for the several Statu asq Tiaaiioaiaa. Office hoar, 9 a. X., to 9 P. K- Roo-n Ne. 5 ever Pint National Bank, tsalt Lake City, C tah Territory. & CSAS- A, COCLD. A- B- flOCLD. I A. S. GOULD & SON, NOTAKIKS PUBLIC, Commlutloncri of Deeds, Conveyancers Conveyan-cers and SearcUera of Becord. HAVE RESUMED BUSINESS AND FOR tho i.roaunt wiU occui.y as an office. Room No. 4, over Flrtt National Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Applications fr Patents, minins dooJs, aErceracnu and bondi for deedi, mortKaces. iiTors of aitornor. loasos. contract-! and other ins trnmenu of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. . , , .Mininif and other companies inconOTatod under tho laws of Utah. Ab?tr?cU of titles to mininR end other property prop-erty mado in tho most comi'lcto lurta. All bMinoss entrusted to Uaifl firm will bo retrardod as strictly privato. 1WW CHA8. W. BTAYNKK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Dnly qualified and commissioned by the Office laV door sootli of Savage's Photograph Gallery. Salt Lake City. m i o s I 3 3 fi g fi ri s h H CI"" l-HI S a 3 8 - FLUXI FOR SMELTERS. Tho undorsignod, having boon appointod Solo Agonta for Utah, of tho colebratod Horn- , aUto Iron Oro of Wyoming Territory, solicit tho patronage of tho various furnocos, boliof-ing boliof-ing this to bo tho Boat Iron Flux over offered tho public. Ordora fillod at short notica. Apply to CORDON & MURRAY Half Block Soutli It. B. Depot, Salt J ifcttlltyj FOR SALE. HOUSE and LOT. THREE BLOCKS EAST OF THEATRE, marll Addross J- C.t P. O. Box 181, Cily. INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Columbus, OHIO. Cash AsroU, Doc. 31st, IS?-', 800,730,16. Cash in Bnnk and Uovornmont Bond:" N ,6.) 3a MortKHeo Litn5, Collateral Loans, and ((ills Receivable l 00 Dwotni6r l'roiiiiunis o,WA) W Real ttnlo. l'oronal Property, and Afroney Baliuicos. SS.lffl M All other SocuxiUos. SJ,;i 16 Tins Compnny issuos I'olicioi insurinn ejrnina LOSS or DA M Al 1 H by V IRK or LU1 UTN INH ! n Dwelling Houses and contonls. barns and content. Churches, School Homos and Public Buildings tor a turuis of yoars at l'avorablo Business Building, Merchnndijo Stocks, Klevalors, drain, Stores. Mills, and MnmHiic-lorios MnmHiic-lorios injured at ratoa winch will furnish indemnityto tho insured and protection lo he capital eiuplovol. Small linos a speciality. M A. DAUillERTl-, Prost.; J. PEETKEY, Secretary. fob Id II. H, MANN ;Co., AgcntB. 1MZ0N LSl'HAXCB CO, J. F.HKSSETT - - l'ritlrnt. B. D, W1M - - Secretary. Cincinnati. Ohio. AR.SKTS, JINK 30, 1873. Cash on hand. In hank, and in course of Iran-initio n IUt,W 57 United Statu Bonds, market valuo U,lrW 09 Mortagos 67 Oollatoral Loam - Accrued InierosL - 5N Bills Rocivable Stato Bonds and Miscellaneous 5."l. W Due from Agents - - S.'a & LIABILITIHS. Outstanding Ixwos land othor Lla biliiioe - lJU H. H Mann & Co,, Agents, Ofllr.l Itnnkln llon. nf A. WUUcAlo, 1'. . ilol, 331. ir3S AGENCY F THE Home Mutual IKSIR1XCE COMPANY, OK CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - - - $o50,000. JOHN II. KI.DI H T4IX, l"rltUnt., I t IIAR1.HS K. STORY, Secretary, Friicit O -Vf, 4:"3 t'i''on"' SA.XFNAXCJSGO. H. R. MANN 4 Co., Agents i Office; Banking llwu. A. W. hitei Co, HOTELS, ETC, G. a. ERE. C. B. SILLIS UMON DEPOT HOTEL A5L RAILROAD DINING HALL Situatod on Railroad Platform, 'Junction U. P. and C P. Kailruadj, OcUn, Ctah. marll ERBAXELLIS. Proprietor TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. msU AMERICIS HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Trmi-l'J.50' par dart tWetkly Board and Room; ia,UO to 915. Out Tabic Hoard, I8.UU. A few First Class families can find pleasant quarters. Salt Lako City, November. 1S73. J. C UTILE, B024 Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UT A IX i nnins uouse is the lark est and J- boat apiointod llouso in Utah Territory, and has accommodation for three hundred and filly iruostA. Siroet cars andcarriaeos connected connect-ed with the White Sulphur Baths. Reading Rooms, containing papers from all points. Baths. Bar, Telegraph, News and CU'U Stand attached lo Lheiiouio. II. S. QREELEY, CO., nov21 ProDriotors. GREAT M ESTEM 1I0TEL UN THE EUROFKAI FLAM. ! Situated In business part of the oitj, with ftooommodation for A)0 guests. f'IKST-CLASS aocommodalion for Familie and TraTelers. Roomi, Uc.,79c., tl.00 and SI. 50 per day. Dining Hall and Restanrant nnder the management of M. 11. Boards ley, late of the Morrison House. Omiha, and Tiohnor Qonae, Linooln, Neb, Board par week, 97 Blaala, 40c. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Stages leave daily for the mines. Laundry oonnocted with th uutol. Bin ITU A. BIGAZU, myl7 Proprietor Washington House ! Ulni Mouth street, A LT LAKE CITY i ' Boud and Lodging, par Wk VJ 00 Board mill Lodging, per day, 1 !43 Day Board, per week, 5 OO Single French Spring Beds, per week, - - 3 30 Bdi,pr night - 50 ttaala - . - - - 45 IU TOWNS END HOUSE, 8 ALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OK UTAH JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House is oentrally and ploasantly lo oatod, well furnished, and has acoomaod Uona for i gucsia. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing o build large additions to his Hotel, wawh when fin is hod. will render it the Mott Complete Ettablithmenl In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIWI0N mil NOTICE. '"PIIK UNKNOWN OWNE11S OP FIVE 1 Hundred and Fillv (Yi) tool in tho Owen li Uardner lodo, and Kour Hundred .W) feet in thoOrphiin lloy lode, will take notico lliat wo have ilono labor on tho above nam oil cUims to tho amount of Ono Uiuidre-I Dolliir.n each. The sanio beimc seven ;ind ono5oventh (71-7) conta ior fool on tho Uwon .t Gardner, and eipht and uno-third 'S l-'l conUs pur !"Jt on thu Orphan Boy. -aid claims bcin situated situ-ated in Little 1'i'ttonivood Ii-trict, Salt l.nko Uounty. Ltah Torrit-irv. And Tt'U and oach ol j ou are hereby noiitn.il to pay your i-vriion as a bovo stated, within ninety UBl days Irutu dt-to of tills notice, lo A. liilo A Co., at Salt Lako Cily. I1ENKV UWfc.N, S- S. EV ANS. SaltLakkC. . ue.7, dS TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE LAST, NUHTH AND SOUlHtAST. Mo. 3. STATIONS. iilrawa" MAIL. Leare SALT LAKS 5:00a.m. 2.45 p. m. " OMAHA 6:J0j..m. 5:30 a.m. " Arrive BURLIrtUTON 5:00a.m. 8:40r.m. ) " Oalosburg(C.B.AQ.) 7,-Wa-m. 10:50 p.m. " Henaota " 11:15 a.m. 3? a.m. j " Chicago " 3:15 p.m. 7:0C a.m. " Peoria 9:00a.m. 12;5C a-ta. , Ind'piisfl.B.JkW. &15 p.m. ftSSa.m. " Cincinnati - llXI p.m. 4: 15p.m. " Logan-port SiBpa 9:30a.m. T. P. 1 W. Ci'nrnbus .vm. 5.11p.m. , tyThronsh Curs from Mi url Rirer to Chicago, Indianapolis, rinrio -ti. Loianf-ertand Loianf-ertand Colnmhn. New York. Li'Mun.Phiia-dch Li'Mun.Phiia-dch hn, an. I Waliir..i..n, Cennections at tnore po' with lines leading to ibr Fast, N orth and Senth. Thi? i thf Ht, Slioriatt, l(nlchil ml ChtKn ttont. Do not be deci ?, hat ohlain Ticket ia the Bnrlington k Mistouri Kirer Railroad. SAM. ri'WKI.L. K0BT- H U'.RIS. o-kT T;i. Ar-nt -r I. Qcn. tetoa r.u. Au l. VT. IIITCUO'K nc MiW ilEMiL WORK ! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For th Debilitated XtrToni Syt-m. DR. Jnr.DAX, of t? AT-stomtcal acwurn, MS i T;-.r.;.'trr it. ;v. w!.o caisc: : :. 1 the Is:-: , I a the Miw. Krt-rj cr-.ir;.t-i rd mr:.J ! .-Bri .-.M rr 1 l ! Hi:,'. r :tti f. 7iaul LC- j !-t iV gv 'J . I i.:r-..-r : -r. , . J j f .T- C'T.:t in T-t-i.c- iiarej t rJ r:". , t foi a.-Ji-d to any rl tt lh ilale i or ImiTM. I r. JonJaa cab U NtarJuJ by I-.:- -. d7 j si to OK.S.J'pS! , juiars :re- Addxcii li. SUaiva Jt C. Krt- j.aad. MaiiO. iia 1 CHICAGO TRADE. a. clv peoTT, s- ovcto. r. h. oviM-rus, . j. ovisuioa. Scott &. Ovington Bro's( Imroners. Wncle.-ale and Retain IJealur in cascKET. cmxi. m PAKLAX, BROXZE, PLATED WAKE, LAXPS, CUTLER r, MUKORS, &c, So. 219 West ilaoUson St., Chicago, I1L Wedding and Uollday Glfta. Glass and China Hade to Order. 0VIXGTOX BKHT1IER?. CIG, CIS, "50 A 1'ulton Street, lirwkb-n, X. Y. Ruo Do l'aradis ol, i'aris. (Jrdcrs for Kich China and other Gov Jj in jur line L-lU'itcJ. Prunipt atlcuiion raid to lotteroriors. UM2i PATENT CHAMPION FIUE autl BHRGLAR PROOF The Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 16 State street, and corner 14th atree and Indiana Avenue, o h i o a. a o . J.W. BUTLER & CO., Manuracturors and Wholosalo PAPER DEALERS, OFFICE AXD IV EST SIDE STOKE: -A A- i Soutli Jefferson Street, SOl'TH SIDE STORE: 32J & 37 State Street, CHICAGO. Print, Book, Flat Caps. Folios, Mediums, Domy's Ruled and Colored, Priming Tapers. Envoloi'o ol ovoo deeri-liun, deeri-liun, Card Buard, Slrair and Tar llDimb. Wrarpine Papers, Pa-pers, Twines and Paper Pa-per Eafe-s. janl g Vr M. D. WELLS k CO , Manufacturers of and Waolaa .la Daalort in Boots and Shoes, 018 Wartavlt Av, Chic afro. M. D. Wells, H. J. Maefarland. K. Benedict. m'i 6. P. Molntrre, PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Doalers ia LKATUER AND FINDINGS, "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER," Co roar of State and Lako st roots.', W. W. Paso. Doston, CHM'AUO, jtulfl 'The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL. VAN SGHAACK, STEVENSON & REID Wholwa DRUGGISTS and Paiut Dealers, nave ronivod o ilioir Vow Stores, 01 ano 9t LAK1C sritKhlT, corner Dearborn 8tnett ion me old site) CHIC ACiO, wbore. with buildiotis orcctcd ositos1j for the buiinos.s Ste-um Elovutnra, etc.. Ihor have openod up an itniuooao iiock. unfarpaed in the nurihirosu tii'ooikl hiiotiiii'ti nivon to Torrltoria' bo i inc.". iyl JOHN v7FARWELrrCo" wholesale: NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, -AND- W OOLENS. Largest Slock West of New York. Monroe Sc Franklin St& , CHICAGO. myifi J. II. A.DREVS & l'0 lfi, His 170 Slale Slrcct, Opposite I'aliuers Urand 1 1 t o I , O H I G -A. Q O . MonufBcturorRof i y . SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, 'N ; . w 7 c:" ail ?;jio. - y, . ! -- ,n mn ,,r --h iir.ee o- r l:-i " HT. - iLA.Ml.i.W-'li Oj.C CHICAGO TRADE. H. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wtolosalo Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Con HAD1SU.1 SOIROK STS., CHICAGO, ILLS., Oprosi'e Pxtmw'a Gruid Ilotel. F. & E. JAEGER, 73 Wkbuh Avenue, near Randolph, CHIOAOO. ILL., D1BLCT WPOBrKKS OF Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamp-. Lookinc Olawos.CaUory.Eriianniaand Sihor platod Good. Tho larre.t Hoae in the W dl W.T-REYXOLDS A 00., S- B. ZABRISKIB. San Francisco. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVX JOB SALS A VINE LINK OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SULK AUKNTSPOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST B -A. HR, IN THE CITY CONNBOTKD WITH TUB HOU8K. 64 MAIN STREET Two don south or Welle, Fargo A Co'i Bank. ni5 AT TUK New Auction House, West of Kimball Lawronco's, all kinds of BKDDINGanil LUUKOE 1 Madetoordor. Carpets Matlo, Cleaned and put down. Curnices mado, Furniture pulishod, varnishod and repaired, Furniture and 1'ianos moved, llouso 1" a poring and Celsominine-jala LUMBER YAED. All KlmU of Lumber DOORS, WINDOW 8 BUNDS, MOULDINGS. 8HINQLE3, LATHS, JONES & FORMAN. NEW GROCERY STORE. ROSS 8c COMPANY HAVIXfl urt'hned the fitoi-k ami M-.ro recently ocoui-i.1 bv W ilk ins.. n, on l-ir-t bnuUi . street, just wtot of Kimball's corner, hiis hud in a si'lendid fresh Block uf Douic.-lic and t arcy GROCERIES Which they oll'or to families aa AS CHEAP AS THE OH EA.f K8T.. Owdn delivered free orcharro to all pnris of maria IEONSTEEL" SCOTT, DILimi i CO., DBALKRS IN WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, I'ORrt'KKAtlMd HULLS. HARDWABE, BURDEN'S HOKSE fi MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTIJKII BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS. HUHKEl; l'Al-Kl.N'i. A'lKNTS r)h Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, O. S. Lubricating Oil. Hercules Powder, ALL WW FOR CAPH Ammonical Preparation For the PrereDticn and Kemral of Uoilar Sea'e. del HENRY WACENER, Halt Ufct Cltjr, rtah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I.A;r.K It I'KR, AI.E AMI I ORTI R, THOLiH A5 aKTHIL, ;F,CND SOUTH SIREETT, thre d'." -a-t WISCELLANEOUS. 0 Z , " O i S s -i 5 2 2. H J 5 11 ! 3 a oa j 3 S r, - s o a n o u x 5 - M I t g i w z - s S ! 5 1 , 1 1 1 Q " 1 2 s5 i5 0 a R 5 M So M. T. BURCESS, Civil Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will TCi'an tho necessary Tapors and Di.-graius Di.-graius !ur 1'atonLs ui J 1'ivlu. Offico in lluiHiag occupiod by Sun-ovor GoDcraL ianl ST. LOUIS TRADE. Filley's Famous ARE MADB SOLELY BY TUK EICJlllMMACTIIl CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. Charter BETTER COOKING. Cka. l.i-lnit It uaJt "DICKER AND CHEAPER Than .nj Storo of samo cost. ARE ALWAYS , Low-Priced, rfeliable, Oak ' And Operates rorfcctly. WILL DO Y01R OharterCOOKING Cheap Oak "ml 41-L'lc nntlCl.-.-. . Always Warranted Charter Oak Sold by LIVE 8TOVE DEALERS. novH 1K. 1'ItIOw SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, VAMLLA, LEMON, ETC., For Flavoring Ire Cream, Cakes a nil ravfry. "With crc.it (..'in', liy a new jiroi c-;':. wo t.1nn t from lln' rw, n lcrl Fnn's iind Annuiili' s null ( li.it :n Ui i--ilu 11. i-vor, i-vor, nm. Jir.-tluru FtarunnyH of i-ur cm timet, "f prrnt n(n wjOi nml jv, f.,-1 ;i'r'y. y) jxriii'in oil. F" n fl.n.r us r prr.yr,trit. fad, frit ciri lt'tL full mtaxirf, fnA-Hnrj nnr-h-ilf mm tti-m oil" ptirjxtrtiug to h'J'i huh ff'Mnti. V th-m oner, inl nsf. no ofJi-r. Th rn"i Othftte, drHrtHi flurort rrrr S MJ)M'rmr lo Hit; rln ajt clr:it l. Ak for I'r. J'ricc's uU F'luvui lUfr. Aiiiuu fiicturi'il only hy STTEIEXjIE Ac PRICE, lejote,( llK AUO mid ST. IH"1M. ifanvftieturrr nf J'r. JYit't Vnum liikiiig i'ouxkr. BBI SMS LOTTERI. lcalizf(l by Stale Anllinrilj and Draw n In Tulilir in M. I.nuis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. OlaiaO, to biDnwn Mar. HI, 1H7J. 5, Prist, Amounting to $300,000, 1 j.rir of VO.fttiO1 500rrUMr,f( 1 0 0 1 I - 7 of l.'t.l-ill Wj.nr.-.:! J,(MiO I t.-f of KJ.O'HI b--,,.,.f 5U 1 j.r.r. of 7.SOO ,'i,,t(f 3 " U F""l 5. OHO tti-n.-.-f MSU ! (r.7 -.f .JO r) 3ft ,i,f 11,0 50 j,r.,- i I.omi 3ft - ,..-.-,f i .-.tj mil Tir- ft B'KI I (I j.rir ..f J Oil 4Uijtimu( 'AH) ft,UOU uiitMlif 1U TlckeU, IIO. Half Tirkeia, . Uutrltri, t-4.SU. Onr littfrim r rhrl-t-1 hy tli- Ptt-, arr al ,. -1ri, m lit- tim- i-an.-l, 'i'l 'l-tti n e j - T!.- ' f.y l .lrwin(t will I- .-il.liM,i in 51 ly-ijli laj-TH, arirl ft t('J o ' Ii(-g e'ji lo p-. -".a--! oi li-K't-: t W- will druw !milar r I.t-i the la-t dm -ttT n b durn t- ll.- i -r ' i. I a lUn, t 1 our i k Ij V -T orfirr M kt u!Lfr".c. j:.:: t;i: i l.h.i iiK, DUAtT, F.U-LK'S P- ;. I t .ir";U., Ail. .drm r 1 KB. A V, BH-LIlK . Co., P(toacBvia4. 61. LOU M'j, 1 buIT. DES MOINES TRADE. " DES MOINES Scale Company 1 r-. F. R. WEST, PrtoidaBt f7 & F. SP0FF0RP. Vice-m. jj 0K0. A. JKWETT.SecrT. A W. KKDHKAP,Treasurr. S.S. S. HITVUCWK, Sur't. VM. mOKr:K0X,tieD(.rl Acoat W aro masufa-!uririp. art.l can 611 ordsra om iiiori Botico, tho lollowioa- Hay, Coal ani Stoci Scales! RAILlvOAD, Warehonsp & Counter Scales1 WUKAT OK HOPPKR SCALK3 I FLO I It. AND ltl'lillKKS' BtCAMlf Baggage tutl WarcUomo Trnvhi. Kvary article warrKntod durable and aw urate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS RKPAIUKD. Addrew, for Oiivulan, UklS MOI. KS Ni'AI.R fX) , QoJd Dos Moid.. Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., MimufiH'turoM of SCHOOL FURNITURE, Ol't'U'K HKSKS. Cllt'KCll, HALL, AX D COL KT 110LSH SEATS. 1ES MOISKS, IOWA. Blackiroll'd Liquid Sluiing and Black Board. Ordors Foli?i tod. Send for Illustrate-. l.l:t. ..,-uul l.i-t. jy ' " IY1ISCELUNE0US. CRiCKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLaie Steam Crato Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. r AM .M A N'l: FAi'TTHI Nii tholi.t QUAL-I QUAL-I 1TV nn.l UKKATKsr VAKIKI'V of HUlKKlt, ovor m.dufvl in iho 'l'orri-tory. 'l'orri-tory. liioh 1 t'll.-r t.i iho Ttudo ntut rublio Konyrnlly, t tli,. U.hav-I 'ussil'lo prifos. Alorvliiuit and irii'iids nro ri.iivttd to oall ami i-x amino uiy sooda and fnoue, bolor" imrcbiuinK. Ollico at Thiuchor A Klkins. R. Y. AN IM'.KSON. iull Lnko fity, Jan. , Itr.x Utah Icrritor". CHEAP BOOTS 00 TO Taylor & Cutler's AS XII FA' A KL' CLOSINtl OUT Til KIR WINTER M'OCK VERY LOW. CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES CllEAl'ER THAN ANY OTHER 1I0USB IN TOWN, A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' D1USSS GOODS WHICIliTMLY AllKOl FlvlUNll Sl'KOiAL IMJUCKMENTSJUK. Groceries AS LOW IN 1'KlCFj AS TUB LOWKST. 2J II. Causfrch I'KAItSaud I'LUMS tf (X'l)tB, TAYLOrt & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, UiidorjTnj lor's Ilutcl. Everybody Wants ONK OK TIlOrfH NICK C HAM P ION mm T.J M Washing Machines 22'000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR Price $10.00. Ladios Call and sco tticru, Chas. W. Stayner, liPiicral AiU'iil, K.p In Mtrcct, lvk, ;Uf UuU |