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Show FROM CLIFTON DlSTUIC T. L'l.iri'ON DlSTiircT, Tooele Co., , U. T.( April Mth, 1ST2. I Editors Jl.rald: Tho first discovery of mineral in j this district was made by some soldiers, who were guarding the overland stage ; lino, in 'b'.', or 'CA. I In IStVj the district was organized, I several mines were located and considerable consid-erable work was done by the Clifton I mining company. The ore is prinei-I prinei-I pally galena and carbonate, and easily reduced. The furnace of Mr. J. F. Berry & j Co., is running very successfully, and turning out a fine lot of bullion. Tho principal mines arc situated on Gold Hill. The Grand Deposit is one of tho largest niiucs 1 have seen in Utah. It is a compact vein between Sraniteand quartzite, over one him-red him-red feet in width, and shows a large body of medium grade ore. If properly proper-ly worked this could be made one of the best paying mines in Utah. Clifton Clif-ton district is about eighty miles south of the C. P. It. K. |