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Show T11M COMSTOL'K MIMKS. From the weekly niioing EUtuniary of the Gold Uill Xacs oflast Saturday, Satur-day, we take the following as to the present condition of several of the the leading mines on the Coinstock lode: HELCUEIt. Daily yield, 28o tons, from the 1,-100-foot level, assaying from ip'JO to $1:30 per ton. The ore has beeD stoped out 205 feet south from the Crown Point line, and the breasts are still in splendid ore. Above this level the ore-body is being sloped out to the bight of six floors, showing no deterioration deteri-oration of quality, and holding out wonderfully in width. At the track floor of the level mentioned the ore-body ore-body is ninety-live and 100 feet wide, and at the fourth floor above it is worked to the width of eighty feet, and no east wall is yet reached. The floors above are not worked so wide as yet. A continuous winze connection throuch from the 1,100 to ihe 900-foot levels is made for air and also for sending send-ing down ore and waste. At the 900-foot 900-foot level a cros-cut develops thirfy two 1'ect of good ore, showing show-ing a continuous body of ore through to tho lowest level. The south drift at the 1,100-foot level is in 510 feet from the Crown Point line, and the face is in prophyry. Tho drift from the bottom of the winze connecting the 1,100 and 1,200-foot levels, sixty feet south of tho Crown Point line, is completed through to the Crown Point 1,200-foot level, giving a good air circulation. This drift passes through very rich ore. In the old upper mine the main working incline is now down 31S feet below the 850,-foot 850,-foot level, and is now being rapidly sunk deeper by lour shifts of minora working work-ing sis hours each. SAVAGE, Owing to tack of milling facilities, this mine is producing but a few tons of ore per day at present. There ia at least 2,500 tons in the dump awaiting transportation and milling. Thia impeding im-peding difficulty will sooon be obviated, when, with present facilities, from 200 to 300 tona per day will be extracted. Tho drift south from te incline, at the 1,500 feet leTel is now in eighty feet, and has forty feet further to run in order to reach a point directly beneath the good body of ore found at the level above. It progresses at the rate of four or five feet per day. The winze connecting tho 1,300 and 1,400 foot levels at 250 feet south of the incline, is eighty feet north of the Hale k Norcross line. HALE k NORCROSS. The main incline of this mine ia now fifty feet below the tenth station, or 1, 500-foot level, and to-day the pump is being put in place below that leveL The excavation for the station at this point is completed, and a drift is being run to cut the vein directly east of the incline. It ia expected that this drift will reach the vein within three or four days. At the next station above (the ninth) they are running a drill north in the west wall, oloso to the vein, which it touches in some places. The pro? pec ts along this drift, so far as known, are exceedingly favorable. It is expected that very important developments devel-opments will be mado in this mine within the ensuing week. A stockholders' stock-holders' meeting will bo held on the ISth, to increase the number of shares from S,000 to 10,000. KEN TUCK. From thirty-eight to forty tons of ore per day is the present yield of this mine, gleaned from the old workings about the 500, 000 and 700 foot levels. This keeps the Devil's (late mill running run-ning steadily. The drift through the 1,300-foot level of this mine heing run from each side by the Crown Point and j Yellow Jacket companies for air con-1 neclion, is progressing as fast as the hot, close atmosphere will allow, but it will take a month yet to com pie to it. CBOWN point. Tho immense daily yield of ere and bullion from this famous mine continues contin-ues unabated. There are no new developments de-velopments to note since our last summary. sum-mary. All the ore breasts are looking splendidly, as usual. The yield for the month of March was 10,753 tons, of the milling value of $030,848 01, averaging aver-aging $58 07 to tho ton. The machinery machin-ery all works finely, and everything in and about the mine is in flourishing condition. SUTRO TUNNEL. The sinking of the air shafts along tho line of the tunnel is oroeressinir fa vorably. The tunnel itself is now in a distance of 2,832 feet, and the face being be-ing in very hard blasting rock, no very fa.st progress can bo made. There are 225 men employed in tunning this tunnel tun-nel and sinking the air shafts. INPERIAL-EMPIB.E, The incline from the bottom of the shaft is still being sunk at a satisfactory rate, in hard blasting rock. The station sta-tion at the 1,000-foot level will soon bo opened. No water is found in the incline. in-cline. CllOLLAR rOTOSI. Daily yield, 150 tons, all from the old workings in various parts of tho mine. Average assays $41 50 per ton. No new developments but ail the ore breists show improved quality of ore. SEGREGATED BELCHER. No new and rich developments to report in this mine, but the great ore b-dy of the Crown Point and Beicher mines is expected to extend through into it. |