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Show TAKETIIK BKAJI OUT OV YOU II OWN BYE'. The Washington Star, referring to the denunciation of 5Iormoni.-iu by S the Knglish pr.;sw, calls the particular ' attention of the British editors to an 1 Kugli.ih institution which it terms very much WM -e than Moruioui-tu, that exists ex-ists right under thrir tiwn We quote: Thi.-i is l'i'iin..''.s Aiiijj.ifii?, I.l-ive- : abode,) near Bridgewater, England, in which there is a community of gjds, and the disciples pair off in sexes as ' suitu themselves, or their leader, I leniy James Prince, This Prince claims to ; bo "the Lord," and his letters aro .so ; i addressed. On any occasion when lie j I appears in public hLs followers rcmovo ! their hat.i in reverence to his divine attribute.--. The AgapemoneiB described as a beautiful building, Mil rounded with I spacious and magniiiccnt grounds. The building is luxuriously tilled up, and ; contains a graud limbic hall, with all kinds of melodious instruments. When j summoned there, the farmer leaved j everything, even in the midst of the ; harvest, and goes to do "the will of his 1 Lord" Prince. This foul concern, I and the aimiliiv establishment founded I by Henry Nicholas, styled "The Family I I of love," as well as the Joanna South-cote South-cote imposition, serve to show that our cousins across the wster are rather j greedy biters at silly delusions, I We arc looking every day for the ; introduction of a bill by Mr. Cragiu or i some other pious member of congress ' for the abolition of the Oneida com- munity and the various free-love asso- ciatious which flaunt thek colors so boldly forth throughout the eastern cilies. Don't be partial, gentlemen; down with nil the relics of barbarism. |