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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE.' UIl.tM) HOTEL On Mn-lfot. N-w MontBoainry and befl'iiiti HlreeU, ( JOHNSON k Co., I'aoi-airrOEa. JXO. G. HODGE & CO., CMPOUTKUS BUI., Wholesale Stationers, Koi tk Urgent Stuck of Hli-lnnery, lllank Book, School plug l.cra. 74oaf, Packet Cutlery, c.t dec, On ll.r IWIIlr C.t,w,ilrh llmyaro prfi'.ar&fi U)wll Blriier jlil '.r (Jiirrflitcj at julrt tiint will oflur I 1,1,1 f'T buyer uiyurbora Mt f lUo I 3-7, Mi HANSOM K STHKET, toll , rrmnclaco; I HON AND WI11E ROPE, FLAT AMD UOl'SD, Vnt hoiiitlnif from minlnit shrifts and incline, "fr'r r"i-. Uuy ruucn, i'ur lr.iuaiiiiii.iiit. Manufactured of any Length or Size. Wire Hope it much c lien per, lighter nml initio iluroljlo llitu any u titer kind of Uujic. IlalliiHe'sICinlless H ire Rope Way, (Wire, Tramway), For ill o raiiiil and economic a, I tmnsportatlon ol Ores nri-1 .itlior iii.iturulH over uiouiiUiii-niiiuii.l uiouiiUiii-niiiuii.l diilii-ult rouda. tSecurud by U. S. 1'dtOLt). ftjjo, lutont Grip Pulley, Fr transmit Unit power nd bj whioh the roi'o in uumjiiruJ and uuuaut tilip. HKND FOR CIllCULAIlS, Aicenoy of the PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OP CALIFORNIA.) All kindi and sitos of Wlro, constantly on hunJ and ui an u lac tu rod to order, A. S. HALL1DIE. 61'J Front Su.Snn Francisco, . California. MlCHiBL KiSi, T. N. WiKD. WAND, KANE & CO., (Hiicceiiora to Hunter, W nutl A Co.) Iinportors and Wholosulo Dealers in ILES 1D LIQUORS, I'roprioto.-flof Uuntor's California W lio,t "W JbLlialjLoy. Also Agon la for Jmoph S. Fineh' colobrntud Pun najr Ivan in RYE WHISKEY 607 anil 000 Front St., near Jackion, 8 AS FltANClSCU. IxxvM COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4H Cloy St., Su Frnuclico, UKALICUS IN O UK CI ON PIIOUUCK. Are coustuutly In roclpt of Oregon Uanis, JJucon, Lrd, trulmon, Ac. ntkrvlt) of oar own autl Kin torn m&mibotar i (Jw' ou hnuJ. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, ; Importers and Jobbers of FOIlHlUft AND DOIttKSTIC , BRANDIES, WINES, ASD LIQUORS, 311 Clny Street, San Friiclico. Jjl VYILMERD1NQ & KELLQG3, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 210 MIGHT STKKKT, ' SAM FHAXCtSCO. i LAZARD FRERES, ! Iinportora nnd Jobbers of Forpiitn and Do- 1 wealio Fancy and Staple ' DliY GOODS. Deiot o Goods Manufactured at the Mission ami tacijic Mills, ConsoiUtatcd. Jt 87 market St., San Fra J 13 Paris : 28 Hue Do L'Echiau J. BAUM & CO., ' Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING Smom St.. San Francises 43 Alurray St., Mw York. MURPHY.GRANT&CO. , Importers of American and Kuropo&n staple and Fancy 1 DBY GOODS, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of tho Trado to their large aui co m pie to d took; of FALL AND WINTER ; DRESS GOODS, ; Wlik-h they are new receiving direct from ' iiaropeia Musuicturcrs, comprisinj in part French .Hcrlnoi, Wool Sattnea, Wool Plalils, Fraaca auj Ges u:.in, lrUb and French Popllni, Km press Cloths, Tauilse, bUok uiJ eolorrJ, Velveteens, Alpacas, black ai,d culored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO Q-LO "V E S , Kid, Ccrlin tLidies', MiMos'.Oenu') Gents' Underwear And all kind ot Gents' furnishina Goods. A llo-lrry.v-:,,- ta !I .1, trc:.. J IDtc (iooiU. I llnixl kfnliltft. J til r 1 1 11 L I lie tn. j U".MK, ::J Domiikt, t-p.-T.ti ; --m ' M-chetl, Tom (1., II:: ,,T -r. Tv.t'k , tkliiS an,l Onyllcs. I -l.-., kite, Ktc. 1 si. MART! ft & CO.L Wliulssals Lipr Bialers, 4US Front Street, Mn Francisco rrnetors of .MtLLKH S EXTRA OLD BOI RBOS And sole acenti for ! J, F.CUTTLR'S EXTRA OLD S0US33N WHISKIES i Conitintly on haad. a full assortment of all the Standard Brands or Whiskies, Fine Brsuidlca Foreign and Domestic Wines, S 0)5 Blittn, Cordials, etc.) A Live Paper Live People. THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD THE SECULAR AMD COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OF SALT LAKE CITY. TiiePeoples Paper: FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapest Paper TUBUSIIED IN , The Rocky Mountains ! 10 MEN OF ENTERPRISE! Thorocont discovery and rapid development develop-ment of tho mines of Utah have given, and will continue to give, an impetus to trade of every kind, which should oominnnd tho attention at-tention of oil business men who desire to shoro in its profits. Heavy shipments of ores for months past have boon bringing woolth into tho Torritory; a large immigration has oommonaed ; agri-Dtilturaland agri-Dtilturaland other products are finding ready sales; and merchants begin to fool thosteady How of money through tho varied ehnnnels of cotumerco. To business mon at a distance who so ok to partioipato in tho liroly trade which must uttend such a rapid growth of interests, as well as to tho local public, a livo, energetic newspaper is a necessity, by whioh to bo made fully acquainted with tho truo condition condi-tion of matters as thoy exist, and through which to present their business and facilities for furnishing so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD fully meets this necessity in Utah. Not belug the organ of any person, sect ar party, nor devoted alone to any ilngle Interest, it has grown upon public favor and attained an unprecedented oircula-ion oircula-ion in the time which has elapsed since it iras established, by being in tho striotest tense a Free, Independent, Live and riioroughly Progressive NEWSPAPER ITS MINING' NEWS Collated with the greatest care and from the nost reliable sources, mokes It valuable to ill interested in the mines of Utah ; its AORICULTUR.iL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE -an be equally relied on; and its kstbrf risk placed it in the . Front Rank of the Rocky Mountain Journals. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely read . in ivery Mining Camp, and throughout the Cities, Towns and Settlements of the Terri-ory; Terri-ory; is found in tho office of every eaterpris-ng eaterpris-ng business man In Utah; circulates on tho Jnion Pacific, Central Pacific and Utah Con-ral Con-ral Railroads: has a large mail subscription is east, west, north and south; and is rtie Best Advertising Medium Initio Rocky Mountain region. Where to Advertise! Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read! In the Peoples Paper! I T H K IILT LIKE HERALD 5 ! IAKE TOUR WANTS E.YO WN f IS THE L I ; alt Lake Herald. " MISCELLANEOUS. mill Arc in receipt of the new editions of the Standard Authors Each complete in one roynl octavo vol., bound in tho most approved style, and at the Unprecedented Lei Price or j Cloth extra - 2.j Librury Sheep - i.?5 Wo have, to select from, theiinestand largest stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of L. Prang & (Jo., T. .NoUon & Sons, American Tract Society, ic. Our Stock of MUSICAL GOODS la complete, and consists, in part, of PIANOS 01 tho latest improved stylos : O IR, C3-.A. 3ST" S Of tho beat makers : From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received laad expected daily, a laree and splendid stcck of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Tax Different Styles, which wc offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. IP O 33, $125. Fivo Octavo, JJoublo Heed, Five Stops, (Viola, Dinpason, Moloda. Flute, Tremulant,) with two sots vibrators throughout, ono of four foet pitch and one of eight feot ; from prepared metal and rivoted with iron, and not morely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antos. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. a? Wo rospectfuUy solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our goods For the Holidays. The Place to Buy TOUR GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, Imported or Iloiuc-niadc, IS AI -ATIMER. TAVLCR&CO'S PLANING MILL, SrsIi nnd Door Factory, One blcck we;t of Tabernacle. dlT -U.UuUlRONAND STEEL U C. II. Bassetfs. Op polite Bait Ltvka Book. nil MUSEUM AND lEMGERIE. lOpposito tho entrance to tho Tabernacle. . JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 50 cts. Children, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Mliiernla, Petrifaction!, Concretions Con-cretions ami Cry atallzn Hons. II (true Product. Xatice and Foreign Curiosities, Cu-riosities, tto. Compound Electro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, && Prof. J. Lf BARFOOT, manager. S Schools and Familios by private ar-ranKetuenu ar-ranKetuenu admitted at reduced rates. ? a- S-h S CD S li cc a LU s CO . btfj 3 i u 3 "s 1 " 1 -TZ3 s 1 pa t S PQ l 2 cm i Zj I - a ?-l i CD ! pq LUMBER YARR: i All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, ! LLLVDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, CRAIN AT WHOLESALE.1 i T. R. JONES, j7 Half-block souLtt of U. C. Depot, . MISCELLANEOUS. : : 'Arc indorsed and proseribod by more lead- ink- i'liyjik'ians ib.it u smy other tonic or stiui-I stiui-I uhuit now in u-e. Tliey uru ;i SUHE l'HK- VivNTlVK for FovtT and Ague, intermit-tcnia, intermit-tcnia, Uilioitiiiess und all dL-urdcrj ansini; I Iruin uiiusimtio c;iuics. 1'iiuy uro highly I rcoouimiMidci its an anti-dy-peutic, .ind in cma of iiidise--tioti are iiivulunblo as ;in ap- pciiior and reL-upernQt, nnd in cuui of iluii- er.il iiubility tboy bnvo never in a sinslo instance failed in produeini; ilio iiioH happy results. They uro jiarticularly i;i:ki ii-i.l to FKiiAi.Kd. strenutliOQitis tho body, invis-oratinx' invis-oratinx' the mind aud tfivini: tone and elasticity elas-ticity io t io whole syntom. Tho HUME . UtTTl-JItS aro compounded with the ureal-, ureal-, est care, and no Tunic Stimulant has over ! been He red to tho public .sit plk.vsa ST to hi k taste, and at the samo time euuibiniiiK ; su iiiiuiy remedial unouts, indorsed by the mtdiejl fr.iii'rnity as tho bu?L known to tho PharuiacnfuMa. It co.-td litllu to bivo thoin a lair trial, and Kvrr) fr'mnll3- uhuultl Uu rc a ltottlc Wo usk every one to read tbo follDwinjr certifieate Iroin many of Lbo uiobt cuitucni physicians in tho country: St. Louis, J uly lhTU. Jaiiks A. Jackson Jt Co.: Ucntleiucn As you have cotuuiunica-: tod to tho uio. lical profession thorccoipo ofj tho "Homo JJilters it cannot, therefore, bo' con?idcred as a secret or patent medicine, no patent having boon taken fur it. We bavo: examined tho formula lor making tbo"llomo ! liittors," and unliCMtalinsly say the cuuibi-. nation is ono of raro oxecllonco, nil tho articles arti-cles used in its composition are tbo best of tho c load to whioh they bcloiiK. bcinc hik'bly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative and sltRtly Laxative. Tho modo of preparing prepar-ing them is strictly in accordance with tbo rules of pharmacy, liavinu used thorn in our private practice, wo take pleasure in rccom-mendinK rccom-mendinK them to nil persons desirous of taking ta-king Kilters, as being tbo best Tonic and Stimulant now o tiered to tho public. L. Cn.lloiSLisiERE, M.D. 0. F. Port en, M.D AtFHEl) Heacock, M.D. 0. Oerick, M.D. Uilse McDowlll, M.D. C. A. Ware, M.D. J.O. tVuiTEiiiLL, M.D. Dr.0. V. F. Lunww, E. A. Clark, M.D. 8. U. Moses, M.D. W. A. Wilcox, M.D. UuRiiiiitr I'lUJiii, U. S. iMarjiio Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8. 1870. J as. A. Jackson, i Co. : I have examined exam-ined tho formula for making tho "Homo Stomach Hitlers," and used them in tho Hospital Hos-pital fur tho last four months. I consider thorn tho most valuaulo tunic and stimulant stimu-lant now in use. L. Melciier, St. T.ouis, July G, 1870. Tab. A. Jacksos, a: Co, 11 avion examined tho formula from which your eel obrated"StomachUit tors, "are prepared, prepa-red, having witnessed tbo method of com-bininc com-bininc the dilferenl iusrcdicnts.wo can safely roeommend thom ns tho best tonic with which we aro acquainted. From tho groat care with which they aro compounded, and Ironi the choice materials which onlor into them, wo havo no doubt thai thoy will prove as thoy deserve to be, ibe most popular tonic and siiuiulant in uso. KcspoctfulJy yours, T.J. Vastise, M.D. X. Li. UoHarocK, M.D. Wo cheerfully concur with every word contained con-tained in the above tu: timonial. Jufl.N COMELMAS, M.D. Juu.l IIBTSIAS,M.D Cuas. Vastise, M.IL JoiiNT.TESirLE, M.D U.S. Walker, M.D. E. C. Fiu-nkltx, M.D Cincinnati, Oct. 1'.), 1670. Messrs, W. is. Kls- ' sedx L Co,: Affcnta "Homo Hitters"; Uonts Agreeablo to yourrequest, I havo oxaminod the formula of tho "Homo Stomach Bitters,' and lind tho romedics it contains such as aro in general uso by tho Medical Profession. They aro scioutilically and pleasantly com-, binud, and as stimulating tonics will bo found especially adapted as corroborants to the treatment of low or debilitated stages of tho sys torn, whether arising from impaired di-, ges t ion or from malarious diseases. i Dr. J. L. YiTTtEiis, L. A. .Iahes, M. D., ! K. S. Wat.ve, Uhuaiist, C. T. Sistrsos, M. D., 1 W. T. XAUAt'EEBO, M.D., S. P. llUN-NEB, M.D., J, J. Quins, M. D., C. S. Musoroft, M. D., J. II. Bucklv, M.D., G. W. Die leu, M. D., W. R. Woodward, M. D., U. A. DoiiEJm,M.D. ClIICAOO, Het. 30, 1870, J. L. SillTii, Esq.; Wo have examined the formula of tho"Colo-bratcd tho"Colo-bratcd Stomach Litters," and Liud it to bo composed of articles that arc coasido red tho best tonics used by tho Medical Profession, aud ono of the best bitters we know ol in use. Very respectfully, U.S. Haeix, M. D., B. McYicar, M. D., J. B. Walexr, M. D., 0. A. Marlneb, Koemas S. UAJtMjj, il. D. For Sale by all DruggUts Grocers j Jas. A. JACKSON & Co., Prop'rs, i Laboratory 105 & 107 IN. 2d St., Jul U St. LOUIS, MO. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! ROW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from. Including 111. Old FavorUci, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., Ihcsc as well as uther varieucwiH be SOLD ClIEAL'Ef. AT TUB Hardware Dep'nt OF Z. O. Ivl. I. :han lv any otiier house in this TEKKITOKY. H. B. CLAWSO?!, u Eapviaundeat. C,W. STAYNER'S COLUMN CITY LOTS! Hurry up and File your Statements for CitjT Lois. C. W. Stayner Attends to W At Calder Bro's every day ! next weet. 1 Figures'Don't Lie! 1,500 Ladies andGentlcmcn would not testify that this INGENIOUS PREPARATION PREPARA-TION had preserved tho Hair from FaHing Off ! HAD Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy I Had removed all DANDRUFF FROM TEE HEAD I Baldhcaded persona WOULD NOT DECLAKE that tho DOUBLE STB.ENGTH had produced from ono to three inches of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! If it were not the else. 4S Ladies, as roa value roar Beautiful Hair, cease to uso OILS and UYKS which destroy the hair and injure tho health, but ask for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Take no Oilier! For sale at Cnlrtcr Bro's, Z. C. III. I. Drug Store, And most all DruggiatB. Price for Toilet, - - Sl.OO. Best for Ladies' use. Double strength, - - S2.00. For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE 03STE BOTTLE OF THE All uuito in saying this is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICLNE FOE USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR THE CHILD OR THE PAEENT. It cures Catarrh, Dyspepsia, n PITJFIES THE BLOOD and Euilch Up the Whole System, Fur tale at Clder Bro1., marl at Ogdtn Co-op. 1 11 t ' ix. Price, - 50c and $1 per bottle. C. W. STAYNER, General A cent. a 1 O , O O O Singer Sewins Machines wire Sold Avithin the past year. HcienUji American, Juno Kth, lTl. THE SI M C E R 31a nu (acta ring Company, A.T THE WORLD'S Fg) Constituted by tho homes of thepeoid Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales Aad have left all rivals Tor behind thow, FOR THEY Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tho mufitiitudo to whioh tbo uianuf.ioturo olsowinit maohinos hiw attninod In slm-n i the "iwoi-u" returns do which any ouo en hiv ucoiwi) ol tho luanufaciuraw t the year lii.U to Hie owner, ot bo lcidmn natcnu, on whioh thoj way ft y li, j "' cording to these returLS the numbor of uiaohines sold by c:ioh iimnulacturor in is-iVV as follows: 10,u u The Singer - - 17, HJ'J Florence . . Wheeler J Wilaou - m.-jms U.ildMedal - - . 'i' , . Uewo - - - T.l.-i Kin,v - Orover i linker - - .rV,Jii2 Jituiiira - - . rt'ood - - - ;v..ik.i finkio A Lyon - " - .' "Z Wilcox & Oibbs - is.S;o l'arbam - - . . . Amorioauliuttonbolc A OvorocaminE H.5TJ ilsoii - - . . Aud several other couii'auios who sold a few machines. It will bo soon by this table that tho ioularity of tho Sluircr iuachlnei rai. CJt. ceean that of all other-, their eato boinir oi.e-lu.lf greater thun evon that o"( tho famous "WhoolorA Wilaon" maohino. This i owing to the fact that tho Siugtr Coiuiaiiy have lately commenced uinkins. befides their old and wpIl-o?t:ib!iBhed manufacturing uiachino, what is known as thoir"Sew Kamlly Inrliiitc," hlil, Is telling At the rate of nine to one better limit their old m l.' Their t tal salos for lSia were Sti.781 aiaubinoa BKainst tho 127,R of I87U, ihowlne uu lucrla.V ot one-half In the latter ycur. "New York Sun." Onc-llalf of our Gigantic Sales, NOV NBARI.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION HVEixcliizaos Sold, r " a& . 'j n j h. j Wcr m.d. within Mie pn.t Hire. j,.ri. Hut (h0 CJrcMe.t In-re... ' Our Sale, over all Oilier ftlncllllle., Uelliir Wllliln flic Pa.t Ver "ri.i. 1. Income. UUU Proof that Our Machines Arc tho lle.t in th Worm. THE NEW FAMILY iSlNUEIl SEWING MACHINE With attachments for all kilids of work, iilllul,hTCM"s" ' lh" 1""1S0l'ld' " raPiJl, inor.aslu, This r.ew FnniUy njnelUiie is now capablo of a ronfro and variolv of work Urh as only recently tliouSht iupossiblo to porfonn by mach ii.ery. V o o aii Vnd ,.! showlh.t.ti. the cheapest most beautiful, delicately arrnKed. nicolV .S.d Lil, oporatod.spoody.and smoothly runnins of all tho Family Sewing JLichinos It iarjmfrl .bl. not only for tho rant-o and. variety of its sowing;, but also for the rarieti S dir. forent k.nds of toiluro which it will sew with equal facility and perfection u.ii. silk twist, linen or cotton thread, lino or co.irso. making tho lnicrlocltc,l..i. - .tlten, .dike .on both sides ofth'o fabrlo ,-.; tho only Utoh w iob i ' 2 " all, approved, or is. at all adapted for llr.t-cli... work. Thus, heaver cloth 51 leather may bo sown with groat ilrcnslh and uniformity of stiteh. and, in a iom. ihi. willing and never-wearying Instrument may bo adjusted for hno work on gauVo or ioit-?;S. ioit-?;S. 1, " tr i.".0 ,!c,k,Df of tarlatan, or ruffling, or almost any other work-even h, a cliiltl which dolicato fiogors havo boon known to iterloriu. icven the car.l... "d thought!... U.vt little or no trouble oiVlhl, machine. Said for Descriptive and lyrics Circulars, Wo manufacture our own needles silk and twist! furnish linen nnd cotton throad aod oil al of superior quality-but which can bo rol cd on only when obiainaai ,hrn,,.h our Principal or Branch Offices, or Agencies. oDUinoul through OTHER SEWING. MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. We citenda cordial invitation to all to como and see tho Machines, whether the. The Slngerr nL others, but do not buy without you cxamiu. .,yL8.itor,3.nlwarB r-o'ite'y attended by competent attendants. Instruction Ire. All machine, perfectly adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWING- MACHINE DEFT, Z. C. M, I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of'EaKlo Emporium, Wnlt Iiilio City, XJtaU. H, B. CLAWSON. Supcriotcndont. Have on hand tho Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City or WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer A.T VERY X.OW PRICES, ST EAST STKEET' HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF TJIEATKK JAMES HAOOE. Jun. J. U. HAGUE, GEORGE UAQUH 3Sigr Grun Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE JAM K S H A G U K , Importors and Dealers in GUIS, SPISTOLS,- UIIIBIIIM, i'1S,Iit mi Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. i East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. ftl. I. BOOT AND SHOE department, at tlio fcijxnol THE "BIG BOOT . Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes MADL TO OUPKR Eti-fM tlon giiaraoteed. J.WATS ON BAND A I. AND CHfUS STOCK Of HOME-MADE i .M for ted BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF I Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather I XX IE1DB 1st THJ3, |