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Show Singular Self-Starvation. New York, 24. Tho following singular singu-lar enso of attempted self-starvation is reported: Bradley Grant bought a farn of llio acres, four miles west of Bingham-ton. Bingham-ton. tlo had paid only a tmalT pari down and farming having been rathei unprontaoio last year, ne lost nis mina. Fivo weeks ago ho took himself to his bed and has since refused to take food, lli a wife has set before him all kinds of dishes, but for fivo weeks ho has eaten nothing except an ounce of toast He occasionally takes a pieco of ice in his mouth. Tho family have frequently watched to see if ho did not go into the pantry during tho night, but thus far have not caught him doing so, neither has anything been missed. Grant is reduced re-duced to a skeleton; his desire is to die. Chicago Intelligence. Chicago, 24. Tho twelfth annual commencement of tho Hahnemann medical college, of this city, was held last night. There were forty-six graduates, gradu-ates, of whom six were women, two married and four single. Col. G. V. Akera, for many years' a prominent citizen of Illinois, died on i Wednesday last near Farm Ash ton, Illinois. Horrible 11 iir tier. Chicago, 21. Detectives Dixon and Elliot, of the Chicago police, succeeded, day before yesterday, in arresting Toor Van "Wert, and ilitchcll Scott, atias 1 'Chares t," supposed to bo the perpetrators perpetra-tors of the horrible triple murder at tho "Windsor locks on the 2nd of January lasL Tho prisoners aro aged respectively respect-ively 19 and 24 years and are French Canadians, 'The crime was one of the most brutal and cold-blooded ever committed com-mitted in New England. The victims were one Tim Billings and his wife, who kept a house of illfamo near Windsor lock3, and Julia Hayes, a young woman an inmate of tho house. They were shockingly butchered. Tho m:;rdcrors only obtained about $iiO, though there was at least $1,0U0 in the house. 'Washington Advices. "Washington, 24. Tho senato committee com-mittee on private land claims to-day heard tho argument in support of the claims presented by the counsel in bo-half bo-half Jonn A. Sutter, a pioneer seller of California, who asks that land scrip be passed giving him authority to locate sonic 'JO, OOU acres oi unoccupied lanus, in lieu of, and in compensation for his old claim of 22 leagues which was rejected by tho U. S. supremo court. It is untrue that collector Casey of New Orleans is removed. There have been nino cases of small-pox during the past week. , Garret Davis ia so much belter thai his physician says he can return home next week. New Yorlt Nc-vvu. New York, 24. The quarantine investigation in-vestigation this a.m. developed only that assistant Wciur had (led tho State since ho was subpfened last Tuesday. Prominent ex-army officers of this city propose to initiate measures to orcct a monument to tho late Gen. George H. Thomas, The testimony before tho legislative committee examining tho quarantine abuses, this afternoon, was confirmatory of tho charge of extortion in that department. de-partment. Huaih, who was arrested for perjury, appeared before justice Led with and gave bail in $10,UUO( Daniel Drow bo-coming bo-coming his bondsman. Tho complainant complain-ant in the case is Stephen V. White, who charges Heath with poijury in a suit which was decided in tho .Heading siock matters in 1S71. The produce exchange to-day adopted a resolution opposing tho bill before the legislature of this State, to cede lands to tho VJ nited States government for the construction of ship canal around Ni-ngra Ni-ngra Falls, on tho ground that the schemo was an attempt to divert trade and commorce from this city. Thoro wore nine cases of small-pox , yesterday, and twenty-five deaths during dur-ing the ween. Largo numbers are vac-i ciliated by tho public authorities. Dr. lloiich, health officer of Chicago, who is in this city, complains of the lack of quarantine on vessels from abroad, alleging al-leging that emigrants arriving west spread tho small-pox there. It is reported that tho polico superintendent superin-tendent is implicated in tho "ring" frauds, and that tho committee of seventy sev-enty will soon investigate his case, Alec Urlbcry SIob. Topcka, lis., 21. Tho bribery investigation inves-tigation committee reported to the house to-day. The report is long and signed by every mombcr of tho committee. commit-tee. H says, regarding tho senatorial election of lbOT, that they find that much money was used by l'omerc-y, Currey and Perry Fuller, but they had not time to mako a thorough investigation regarding re-garding tho election of last winter. The report shows bribery and corruption on the part of both senator Caldwell and ex-congressman Clarko. There is proof positivo that Caldwell slated his election cost liim over SOOO, and that ho paid of this over ten per cent, to ex- governor Currey; and that he several times olVored to refund baek all his expenses ex-penses if Clarko would withdraw from iho contest. Tho report further says that Alexander Caldwell used bribery and oilier coitu pt and criminal practices, by himself and friends with his full knowledge and consent, to secure his election to the U. S. senate. Fifty thousand copies of tho report and cvidenco were ordered printed, and copies were ordered to be stnt to tho Kansas senators and the Vice President, to lay before the Lr. S. toaatc. The Oppoilllon to (innti Chicago, 21. The Times to-day ha? two significant editorials with regard to the probable candidate of tho Democratic Demo-cratic party for the Presidency. The articles plainly indicate a preference for judge David Davis, of U.o supreme i,ourt, as the candidate of the united opposition op-position to Grant, and it is thought lo reflect the views of a large number of Democrats in the northern part of Illinois Illi-nois particularly. There is in the southern south-ern part of the State a feeling in favor of senator Trumbull. The Join-ifn" 3 "Washington special .-ays tho position assumed yesterday in the senate hy Trumbull was unexpected, nnd is the general theme of conversation in political circles to-day. The understanding under-standing was that Trumbull would not take part in the arnii-rnie dutiuirU-n. but it now appears tli.il it was hi intention to j.cak fro:n tho lirL The administration regards htm ar practically prac-tically gone over to the opposition, though his friends say he will abide the decision of the Philadelphia convention, and it is not improbal-.o that if ju-lg Davis should be nominated for president presi-dent by the Democrats the uiss&t; :.'-d republicans will concentrate upon him. The impression gains ground that Davis would lead ail the cioiucnu opposed to Grant. |