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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Legrand Lockwood, a prominent New York banker, is dead. Chicago intends giving the Japanese embassy a corporative welcome, j A society is to be organized in New I York ibr the suppression of obscene i literature. Time. The government sale of arms to France, has been made a political issue by the senatorial discussion. It is rumored that attorney-general Barlow has withdrawn the prosecution of the case against mayor Hall. The Irish of New York city aie making grand preparations for the celebratiou of St. Patrick's day. The authorities of Lcipsic have prohibited pro-hibited the working men of that city from joining the Internationals. San Luis Potosi is being beseiged by 10,OUO revolutionists, and north eastern Mexico is represented as lost to Juarez. Wm. Heath, a .New York broker, has been arrested on a charge of perjury, per-jury, in connection with tho celebrated Beading suit. The grand sachem of Tammany has appointed a committee of twenty-two prominent citizeus to reorganize tha party wigwam. Tho Germans arc mobilizing two army corps to be in readiness for whatever what-ever may happen as to a change of government gov-ernment in France. The performance oi speech-making 1 in committee of the whole in the house of representatives, on Friday, failed to draw well. The New York weekly bank statement state-ment shows a large decrease in the amount of tho legal reserve fund, in specie, and iu deposits. A vessel named Marie Francois capsized in the harbor of Brest, France, on Friday, and twenty-two persons were drowned. Count de Chambord is in Hanover, and his presence creates hostile demonstrations, demon-strations, which tho police hayo been called upon to suppress. Secretary Fish has forwarded to England an intimation of the tenor of the set dispatch that he is preparing in reply to Granville's note. The newspaper proprietors of New York city havo decided to apply for a mandamus to compel the city authorities authori-ties to pay for advertising on city account. ac-count. Tho German Democratic general committee of New York passed resolutions resolu-tions at their meeting on Friday night endorsing the course of senator Schurz. At Lawrence, Ks., the ltev. E. P. Hammond is holding tremendous revival re-vival meetings. One thousand people have been "converted" within a week, and more need conversion. The hridce on the Cincinnati and Louisville railroad, that gave way with - tnoin nf m. Tl.,.vl.r, ia cairt to have been tampered with by some enemy of conductor Voorhics. J. S. Hackett, confidential clerk in the house of 11. C. and ). M. Lowcn-stcin, Lowcn-stcin, New York, is under arrest charged with embezzling $75,000 in government bonds from the firm, and abstracting large quantities of laces, silks, etc. The latter were found on ilackctt's Mary Ann. |