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Show A QUAKER PRIM TER'S PROVERBS. PRO-VERBS. - Never sendest thou an article for publication without giving tho editor thy name, for thy name oftentimes secures se-cures publication to worthless articles. Thou shouldst not rap at the door of a printing office for he that answereth the rap sneercth in his sleeves and losclh timo. Neither do thou loaf about, asking questions, or knock down type or tho boys will love thee like they do shade trees when thou leav-eth. leav-eth. Thou shouldst never read the copy on the printer's case, or the sharp and hooked container thereof, or he may knock thee down. Nover enquire thou of the editor for tho news, for behold, it is hia business at the appointed time, to give it thee without asking. It is not right that thou shouldst ask him who is the author of an article ar-ticle for his duty rcquireth him to keep such things to himself. When thou dost enter into his office take heed uuto thyself that thou dost not look at what may be lying open and concerneth thee not for that is not meet in the sight of good breeding. Neither examine thou the proof sheet for it is not ready to meet thine eye, that thou mayest understand. under-stand. Prefer thine own town paper to any other, and subscribe for it immediately. immediate-ly. Pay for it in advance, andit shall be well with thee and thine. Newspaper News-paper Reporter. |