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Show , AMUSEMENTS. , THEATRE. Grand Special Performance ' I M M P, S i: f ILL! 8ATURDAY EVENING, j Septeiulfcr :i, 16J1, Fur the first ttmo in tbld etty. Ihe brilliant j comedy, in i acte. enlklcJ I MARRIED LIFE Ainu, fur the first time, ! Harris' Li&IitniM tap! ' A I. A KM MET AXU MURI'IIY. j MASTER wTe. WEIHE, , The llreat Muioiil ProJisy, (ibirteon years ul'utfe.t Iiivorite mdU oi'tbp cete'ira-leJ cete'ira-leJ OLE HULL., will .erfurin UV VIOLIN" SOLO! entiilo-l "Li .Muluncoli.-." i : J'erfuruiHiict io ounu'lmlu witii lUa iuxhn- I blc tar.!, ciUilui Boots at tlie Swaa! j EXHIBITS O i j Till-) ),! 'lAIOOltNAt:!,,'. ! MRS. Q. U. WHITMAN, D- LuSi,OV, Eiill cuminuea bt-r Lectures at ibe T'.ci jiu vie. THIS itn1u-4layi bbe 111 Exhibit Fifty fine Colored Views of the Holy Land arid Island of the Mediterranean Sea; .Ll;o beautiful relics from '.be must .-.I'.fe.l lilac io tiic Lol" L:mJ ;iml E.'yj.i. Al-o Ciina bo.iriiiK thb-iim rat- oi tie days ol'l):t-vii ol'l):t-vii and Solomon, Augustus C'eu.:jr, Alexander Alexan-der the lirc.Tt. Pbiliii of Ma'edon, tbu woin ' billed tho "Wid'.w Mite," Conilautinc I ui;d liis lauttier Helena, wbo built tbo diurcb , of i hi; Uoly duml:hreiit Jorusalem. Leature to couimonee ut fuurnVlnck i in. MllS.WUrr.MAS will toiitmim her W lurc on the lloly Land a; night aud will de-ionuo de-ionuo the betraihal. weddiuj. and funtril of a .Mahonimcdan. .Slio ill .1 1 -o -lrc?s lit:c j-Maiiouimcdau j-Maiiouimcdau bri-io. oh.ni: ilieir bank . rajer iu Arabic uu'l i rji. !:'te i'. tiibi Kuk-l.'.-h. lie;- siur:iri-- !,. il;e style of tiitj Aiithomiuedar.)'. - i-. Adlltl6Btoa to CIill .r-Hli'l pyij fc.i.Uiljltloii, l it. , Lc.-l tic Iu eu!uuienit a: ' u-.'i 10 TK PUBLIC. Ulit.! 13Lc:lo iiivgu L-j nijvyi it liisy concern, lIjji 1 am tbo uwaer ui" the uuJiridtd uue-lUji'i'j. I of ilie LowUuJ Ohiei iiiJ iJltio u.ittj, tuuiaiio,; wi l.v.Hi , feei each, aimaud in jt.,i mining til.irj-!, 1 Xooele cuiiiity. Uuii, aud I forbid the ;aic or purcbije ijeret-f by uyou6, and fur t bur, ' that neither Chaflcj Ilusmer tyr ucyune cUe ba any rijhi, i-ower or uut'ugriiy to rtll rinauj- uiauner di.-.j-e uf my -;,ij uiicr- J V.MtS V. ?UL1.4. , fcalt Like Liiy, Auu. La, " l-vva v 5p ry han r 1 A Kl.NK AssOllT.ntN r (,? .iUL.d3 U,ul CtuiuSt.il 3 Hats and Turbans At MRS. WILKINSON'S, 1 mms fniKF.r. . TO LEASE. J . 1 f inn ee-t BrrsTss lots' ) in ib.-.'iiy a term of yeari. Inquire f'OK Pi EXT. An Mi x tw "niirsix contain isa j pl.'rn rfoaji. with i-antries. closeti.j Bttv. i:ui-hfl in to tji'U style: situated i ,.n the JJun.'h. tour iiuureeast of I'etojile, ! Uiook. he re-.ed lor pri vale rMilence 1 only, wi'.h -."r wi:iiua: narden. Good refer-'en.-ci rojuirl. Ai:ly at th IIekalo! Udica. auic j '1 'UK L'M'l.ll STOHVOF TIIK CAI.lFullNIA 1 A Sakon, Commercial Street, jujiy WAMED. KKsPtXTADT.E MTDDLE-AtlKD WO-! iiiiii can cmun well re'cmmcnded a?' hiu? ekeepur. cook or rhaiubermaid into Ui gcntlemau's fumiiy. Apply lo Knox .t Cuui- j eron. L tab ):tbur eicbauffi;, two door north 1 of Walker linV scpJ I i r A N T V. D IMM rDIATHLY TWELVE I T jictivc. smart etrb. for wuitius in la-1 j bio. lli,br-t witcei rid to suitb!. per-1 oiis. A iiply to Knor i (-'amer'iQ. l'iabl.a-1 I b',r Kscliaiik'e, twu doors north of Wulkerj 1 Uro'J., uictuir. xnii'i j 1 WANTCU TO Pl'RHHASE AUOUT forty ai'res of land within the city w it", at a Uitiiii.'n t f from ou to two mile from th a City Hull. Term of payment mtm be ea?jv Aiblici Jlvt Eilaie, Salt Luke 11 Kk 1 l d Ofliee. eep 1 IMMEDIATELY. A WET NITKSK. AV-! I idy to. or loin ndtiroiS with C. E. Pom-eeov, Pom-eeov, at l'irat National Bank. il A WOMAN TO TAKE CltARiJE OF A ; bouo, iviih a small fjmilv. Wngor, ii pi-r uinnth. Addreoi U. box 'j I'. 0. aui:.l I tMALL 1AMILY CAN HE ACCOM- ; V nioila'.e.l a very plon-unt suiti- of. furnielied riiiH and '-iiird n i:b 11 jinvme : tiiruilr. Knuuiro ul C. C. Nit:Qo!3. at tiio Ojtitiron Houku. aunll I FOlt SALE. VLA1W K HL'IISTAXTIAL DOt'Sli, CON-j tiLtniuff tblrteen rooms, cellar, well, ! eto. House not quite finished: situated on 1 7th Ku.it ami botwon lt and 2J South ' itreota. ''r pari Scalar en-iuire at tins ouioB. or W. A. ."tk.MBBior. 11 ill Ward Co-1 oierativu buri:. aunlfi i SMALL I'UllTAnLE ENdlNL: KiGIITi XV horsepower. Aply at T. U. Joxks i ; Co'd Lumber Yurd. augl'l) i A FIRST-CLASS FKMILY CAlilU (!E. 1 Apply ut J. K. Trnmbo'tf Auction Uuiiae, opposite- iuli Lake Mouse. aujT '1MVO LOTH. IX TIIK SOtii VAHI, O.N I1KA- ! J. soniiblo tonus. Apply toA. J. Swenion ut the "liir Uoui." autllj EDUCATIONAL. EDUCATIONAL ! S'X M -V IJK'8 SCHOOLS. ' St. .llm-k'N (Jrnmnini- Scliool for I Iloya nitU Girls. Rt. Ruv. U.S. Titttlo, D.D., Kector. Uov.T. W. Uiu-kina. M.A., l'nueipal. Fiflh year begins Tueiduy, ftcpt. ith, Rt9n.ni. Locution St. Mark's Bohool Butldius, Third toutii Sii'oul, noar JiasL I'oinplo. St. niiii'lt'n SrP.nol for glrln. Itev. T. W. IlnsUins. M.A., Rector. Mi:! E. M. 1 ingiu, l'. i i-.-iiial. Mr. llarmel I'niti, ot-ai and Instrumental Music. First year beKius TuofJay, Sop. 5, ut'jn.iu. Terras, ier tiuarter of wcoks, - fj.OO Location--6 1. Murk's Church, 1-t Soutn St. For' !iriber particulars in roaard to tbo rfcbool? fca circnhir for 1STI-T2. uslil ' Salt LakeSeminary REV. FllEOEltlOK B. STEIN, A.M.. . MltS. FHANUE3 E. STEIN, Frieopues'; ' ROOMS. -Tbo setsiona of tho (seminary j will, lor tbo prcaeal, be hold in tho rooms formerly occupied by tbo tit,. Mark's school, two block m soutn of P.O. on Main ut, I Time. Xno Fall torin will commence on : Monday, Seiit. 4, and coutinuo four months, . closing tho Friday boforo Christmas. ItcKiUnr Ucpariittcnu. Thoro will bo lour resiilar UopnruuonLs of instruction, 1 viz : l'riuiiiry, lulorincdialo, Grammar and1 Aeadomio. Special Evening Courses. There will ; be, in addition to tho regular departments above, should thcro bo a domand for tue! same, special courses, for evening sessions, i desicneii to bcnoiiithoso who can not attend . duniitf tho Jay, viz: pecidi Gorinun, lo learn to read anil speak the same; also Commercial Com-mercial Arichmono, Itoaaing, Orammar, Ac. Department of Muslt Xnero will bo Jnatraction nfTordeJ in vocal music ; nlso, on ortf.'in, piano and melodeon. Oriiumciitnl Dcpnrtiucut. Ins true-1 ti-n in oil p.iinting, orayon and penoiiiui will bo oncrod those who desiro it. . Lectures. Dr. Cuidboiirno, formerly Pre;idont of Wisconsin Univorsity, Sas agreed to jrivo n coar;o of lectures during' tbo coming torm, on lha geology and mineral mine-ral ojy olltali, torthobonelitoftho FChool. Tcruid. I'liuiiitv Dcpavtmeni, il per month. Intermcdiato Department, -?2 por . month, fiinmuiir DeiartmQat,jO tier niunth. Acadeniio Dep.irtmont, including hiichcr mathematics, natural sciences, and ancient' nnd modern lancuugos, S-l per mouth, l'ny-mcnts l'ny-mcnts monthly in advance. ' Iiiroriuntloii For any needed iuform-ation. iuform-ation. nppjy in porson or by letter, 10 the ; I'riuc-ipal, or tu ibo untlersianoj. G. M. 1'EIKUE. ball Lake Cny, A n if. Id, laTl. u.ua) MUSICAL TUITION. l'l-oic-sNor .T11 h 11 1'iiilldyt-, i-.rjierly one ui tbo i.-l!uiiii'i..1-i jf ibo York Phi. liar-' m.i::ic isocici - 'Hi.-i.tI?. and the fonuutori i.' -'''ci :'l ft---- 1 1 .i 1- iii-iitiuioni iii L'..(,-iand. ' tiat in? d ,:. le i pi ,i"I:e His future residence in ti.-it 1, 1 .0 ti-f. is iletiroup of tpaclntg llic L.lij. i:.; '.-...ly'ivi of musical cduva ti-j : lri ate V nl Itciutlitg l.tMKOUb, y j in 1 ic limn t ui- . M.i.OO I Oi-fcui . t3.yo Vi.Jcf; j . iiiliiy mill Vln i J nil 1 111; Le.ixmiS) :i i iu llij-tiunvier llij-tiunvier - &M.Ot: t in 1-111. iij , ( inutlrrpulii! , (tiiythm nuil t'umiu&lilou 1 Lessons, : t lik lie Uiuilcr - n Ju.00 Onu iiali' in ;..tvl i ti adrancc. Enveloped ' appnJiio!... .,-Mt t., I,-, v;0. i;o. Po-r oilice., and .it ilii.i inn. e. nili rcoi ivo inijncdi-itu at-, "-'''!"" niul j Attention Miners! Wuulttl liuiuctlluttly tiit-cc liun-V liun-V drcii Inns of gqoil AHIiEN- T:FEKOL'S G.AMiSA mid COFFER OUKS At SCHEUKER!S SMEI;TIN& anfl EEFfflli WORKS, j Ac Union I'Vti, Link- C'oiiwuwud. I !! fr (ttb-.V. ;;ilivJi' A No. lJFire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM ft CO. ; iVL Tc:-l;-M'.:'-y Ou: ,-,;r-!..y 1 ::i pstra' Ji. qualur oi L'lr. Ur;,. ublcb be so'.i in sm-ll 'r lurc 'lU-r.: tiv- where for rear- a: -l 1-. i in cv.'ry "ru-iipe.;'. "ru-iipe.;'. ibe b-s; !.ii,-:i-U brisk. DEE? W ELL XTLl'LIt iivutw ir.iT, -iuI U eLntr 1 tii:'n ..ny ot'itr ir't-cija ' i.u'jip of Ciiual c.ipic:iy. IiivUUai.lo lor (,.ritltl ii,u truaad.-, ::ttui.- .iq.i lor u:a .ui p-'. 1-. UOSfc l'tv ;'i to ', i,..b. SCOTT- DUNHAM & CO., ZU.liUuiiftKPsmi At C. II. iiasseltN. Oppuatt Suit L,a.k Houit. MISCELLANEOUS. loir COMMISSION MERCHANT, GKNKKAL HEALEK Hah, California, and Foreign FRUITS, 1XD PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, And ull kinds ol' S IE IE ID S. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders 1'roui tbu Mines and Country Towns solicited, which will receive prompt attention. EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, S Alt'!1 LAKE CITV. gjy NEW ARRIVALS AT TEASDEL&CO'S A LARGE LOT OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Gents, Vouth and Children. The Latest Styles IN HATS M CAPS. Also the uuexcellcd BLEES9' Sewing Machines 'Ibey mm m rut: bd iheiiiseles. C ALl A,U KJCAMI.NE THEM. TEASDEL & CO. Eagle House, j (a Ka.-t Temple 8treeu j NAYLOR BRO'S lUlL- 1 i M- Largest and Most Complete Stock m the City WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Whioli tluy oiler A.T VEBY LOW FRIGES, FIUST KAST 8TRKKT, I1ALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF TIIKAT11K C ALDER BROTHERS DohUts ir. pvory vnvi-ty uf MUSIGAL INSTHUMENTS SPECIAL AGKNTS for Ulali of tin Ariou I'iaiiol'orle C'oinpiiiiy, Sl;iiviiy & Sons, Chiek-ci Chiek-ci ins .V Nous, Decker Jc ltm-iies and (Jroveslein ."t Fuller's 7r 2 1 t I WUULLMtE.NOWSED CABIITET OBGA1TS! Road what our ProCeasorn of Muio and Lcailinp Citizena of tho Territory say about them in our new Circular. Books, Stationery AND SCHOOL FURNISHINGS. uiy21 MTU & MILLICAX, WASUFACTCREU3 QV WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 170 & 172 Randolph street, CHICAGO. ALL KINDS MiningTools Wris-ht's Picks, iSSiovels, Iron Rarrows, Etc., Etc. POWDER AND FUSE, irohxt pipe, PIPE F ITTI N G sj Brass Goods, SCOTT, DUMAM Sl CO'S, Dlnlu Slieet, West uttlv, Next door to White House, j LOW FOR CASH.i DR. HARRIS, DE1TTIST, OFI'ICE Over Davis' Grocery Store, MAIN STREET. njffl EXGELSI03 COAL COMP'Y. llooli (Springs, WYOMING TERRITORY. Blair, Ilro. k fo., - Propr's. juy i I ' HO FOR THE "LADY OF THE LIKE," Uniil furthor notice tho steamer Lady of the Lake Will Icavoa tioint about n quarter of a mile bclt-w ttc Jordan UridBcovnry day lor FLEAiUHE TRIPS, CoiUUGIiCiOK "II Tuesday, August 29th, JIAt .10 a.m. nnl i m1 ronninft down to i UtilJ . remaining tlioro nbyut one hour relurLing at about 1 p.m. nnd p.m Fare for tlie round trip $1.00. Nl'MBER LIMITED. 11 frosh iu o n L h i-jit be obtainod on hoard and at Peltits'. nnp27 S6 A. ML- rX HJk4.C SHOVJSiK:, EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE CITV Wot tei h h I ii . v , 7t A. V. TILDF.N. , ,, J. C. LAVREckV'm'',C0 ' 1'ItOI'RlETOItS. "yU LM of N.w V,.rl, GO TO DUNFOBD a SONS Mammoth Shoe and Hat House BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, ' AXOTHtiK LA HUE .UtIUVAL. GOODS CHEAP! GOODS CHEAP! ,. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, H. DIHWOODEY'S New Purniture Store I ox K.is-r tmi'u: .-mtEi-rr. j Has uu liaud b i ti j- Lnt gi Axui luuui ol ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! I'iu-J 1'tiikr .. trL-iu to c-i-rt'. Bcdiuuiu jk.-i fiv-iu -.i '0 Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St |