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Show Commerolol. . . , , . Salt UhTurnr, Iw- ' c;o..i..-liuyins. looi: ,0J- ..J your Now Yenrprel A mm esdid line ol L-iitlerwjr i Forth 8 hi-t WINES asb WI11S-KlKi, WI11S-KlKi, go to N. & I-. liOL S. dliT Of.rtES. A Ohristmas ball was given at Odcn on Monday night. A uitc of elegant furniture waa (tiled otl on.bCoeea,ion. The O.den hiil-road hiil-road Junction Dicing Hall, kept by Mr (I S. Krb, baa profitad by the railroad' blockade, being constantly tilled with .tern travelers. MotVLiaiiT ix Norway, lmee, ir , Monl Ultinc, price, -"J; hi.ow M nUS mo, will lil loduyat.one c o nr IS at the "('.rout Or -i8u..l 1. Siure." 1't'l Kimball mock. Thk FRi'iTS.aro all Clkanki it Davis', and the best in town. d' Garrrtt & "Wood havo on exhibi-lilhritttUmrsuHtballnostlaniba exhibi-lilhritttUmrsuHtballnostlaniba in the markftt, raised by John Lambert, of 11 hod en' Valloy: a mammoth calr raised tv James Smithies, and fat beef raised hv Jamca Davis, of the fiamo place. They invite tho public to call and see lhe.fi. &li For Hoots and Suo:s go to the Mammoth Mam-moth Uoot, Shoe and Hat Store D us ford ec boss. Tub nBST BRANDY, both French mid Native, will bo found at N. & h. 1(0 U KO Fti K Y 1 H. ' Hot.rDAT Books and CliILJJKEN'3 TOY HOOKS in great yarioty.UflE A l', for tho HOLIDAY'S, at DWYKIfS BOOK STOUK. - da (jo to (Jeo. Ciiawdlt.r'8 stall and sec ttiij ilAMWOTrr OV, rnSd hv lipnrgo L. Aiynelr, weighing 1,-- H'S. A!l kindH o( Mr. at fti-d C.ame on hand tind for talo at the lowest rates. d-: Goto N. & 10. Boukofskt's for Geii-uino Geii-uino Knglish and SCOTCH ALES and FOUTEK. d'J7 For lino "Whito and "Woolen Shirts go to Siogol Bro's. olO Tub Uemjirandt Portraits taken at CA HT Klt'S OALLKKY mo appreciated appre-ciated by every person. Call and see tliem. N.lt. Tiio only rnllnry where they arc taken in Salt Lnko Cfty. dKt To nr. uri'.NKi) in u low ihtvf mi 'M ! S-.iiili sln-ci, r Si; ATI N(i It INK. Tlie 1 I'LIMl'TON SKATKfj to boused on the Ix'-akind ol' it iloor. dl':'. Frkii. W kluoj). .Iuht Auiuvrh, two more ear loads of plain FUHNiTUltli at II. Din- woiidoy's. These who did not ;joL .-ervod : Ut.-t time will now havo a chnnce. dL'2 i Siioi'iiNd Affair.. Mr. Abiahani ; Levi gave a social party at his residence 1 on East Temple street on Saturday night, where an assault was made by a man named Liccgan,yho lircd tvvo hots at Mo.-t.ra. Wolf and L-vi. 'flic matter ! was invesligated before Justice Clinton ; yesterday morning, and Ecegan was hold to bail in tho sum of .),UU0 to' await tho action of the grand jury of, the Third District court, and failing to ; jtive bonds, to bo committed for safe keeping. I During ihciuvcfatigattonaMissMillcr i swoio that it was she and not lieegan ! who fired tho shot. Other witnesses! In.Vcvor, testified that neither Miss ' Miller nor any other woman was present. This having the appearance of a put : up job, Miss Miller wus aravu-d ;inl , hold to answer to dm charge of per- ' jury, and the hour of five o'clock set for tho examination. At tho appointed time tho court acmbled, when her counsel took exception to the jurisdiction jurisdic-tion of tho court, allcdgiog that Dr. Clinton was not a legal justice of the peuT. fno further hearing of the wis- i.j.t.ionul ti!lLo-d,y t one ociock, whoti the t-u.rslion of jurisdio-I jurisdio-I lion will bo discussed, - ICoTo N. A: E.lioDKOi-'aicr's fur iiKST CltiAKS in tho city. d27 Cn ristmas, Ladies' FUFiSatCopt. dl'i Dunford &, Sose. I Cutting! & Co's California Canned Fruits and .Jollies are the beat in the market. Aelt your grocer for thorn. a'J Oests' Lavender Kid GLOVES I for the Grand Masonic Ball, at L. Coiin'3 California Store. iVJft !Fine Furnishing Goods at Siegcl Bro'a olO Down. per cent off I'urnitiiro, silver, china, glu?s, crockery and holiday holi-day goods at the Crystal Falace, 78 ilain street. dl7 Barratt & Co. Gknts Attrition. Ed. Harris, at tho Little Cigar Store "round tho corner," keeps the host imported Havana Hav-ana and Domostic Cigars, Tobacco and Notions. Como and judge for yourselves. your-selves. Throo doors east of Post Ofllco. a2ti A hbw mork Honrdors can boaccom- I undated at UAMMAK'S, adjoining City llnll. . d21 Teik Ukst and Uandsomkst lot of Kl HST-C LASS TO YS in the city. FO It SAL K C11KAP at DWYEli'S. d2:i OvorooaU, a lino asaortmoiit, at Siegol Hro's. old ItniK UirsiNKss Cfiance. For sale, tho California Store, Sluin street, with tot Iwonty-iivo Iront, ft hundred and aixty-tivo loot dop. Apply to K. B, Slionbridgo; o:i tho promiai'S, or nt tho Ukkalu odioe. s"2l A Great Tonic. HEGEMAN'S CtiKIUAL ELIXIR OF C A LIS AY' A BA11K. A. pleasant cordial vhtch strengthens and improves Digestion, an excellent provontivo of Fever?, Fover and Agiif, etc., arid a great Kcnovntor and Tonic for invalids and debilitated persons. per-sons. Ueokman Jc Co., New York. Solu Manufacturer?. Sold by all Dnu-Ki'N. s-o Go kari.y to Davis' to avoid the crowd. dL'-J Fashionable llat and Caps. dl'J Dusford it Sons. Largest stock of clothing at Siegol '. Bro's. olO Dried 1'kaciies. Wo shall give the high Oat prico for cloan, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, i at J no K. Clawaon'fl wn?l of -Theatre. aiig'l H. li. Clawson, Supt. Examine; Hie now style Prince Alexis Al-exis Hat, just received by L. Cohn at the California Stork. dI9 Tub place to buy your Boots and I Shoe. DuNi'Oiiii Soxu. I dl'.i 1 New linoics. Arrived to-day tlllO volumes of the Etandard poets handsomely hand-somely bound, just the thing for the holidays. Call and see them at Dwyer's Bookstore. - dlo Gents' Gloves and Gents' Furnishings, Furnish-ings, Very Cheap, at din , Dunford &, Sons. Largo stock of fine and heavy uotfts at Siogol Bro's. o24 VnRhionblo Hats at Sieei Bro'a. olO ! OGDEN DIRECTORY. l)'ft-class Business Homes. MERCHANTS, j IVnlkci- Ui-otliei'H, ' .Ion' Co-op. niorcaiKilc Iitsl Kill Ion, James Ilorrocks, I C. Wooitiuuimec, F. Aucrbneh Si Urn. IIOTKL, Ogdrit House, Joliu Mnlion, Pvopr'tilur. L1VEUY STABLE, D. a. Ntlon, Proprietor. nlO DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T - L A W, Snll Ltk City, Utnli. Oflico Temporarily Xo, I First South St., Wen of Xhe-Uro. Eipecii.1 attention uiTn lo Alntltig Uti-gution. Uti-gution. di7 Utah Silver Mining Company, limited. J To Goal Burners ! WANT.KD1 IMMEDIATKLV, 50,000 Uiis. C'HuitJonl, Clonn and well burnt. To bo delivered in Uianlitios ofnot less than l.UJj btithuli at tsiindy Station. Apply to TS. P. Wood., agent, Sandy Station, Sta-tion, or to PII ILTP A. 1-A'lLr. , lioat, Secrt:iry, : Smelling V.'ork, DiiiKham Canon. J27 COME AT LAST! TWO CAR LOADS Or FREIGHT, consialins of tlio Mlowiuir Eggs, Oysters, Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, i Turkeys, Porlc, 1 Oliickens, liud, : llickoiy Nuts, OiiiNtiMtis, ctttcr, Bultflr, Corn, etc. lomsaissioii House, 111 11a' n St. i J. G. JAMES &. CO. ' u-i ! LEGALSUIVliVIONg. Ill tlio UiGtrlct Court 4 lie Third ; Judicial District of the Territory of Utah. Halt I. alto County. Sruptouiboi' Term, . Win. ti. (Jr.dbo and Frod- A.D. JS71. crick A. Mitchell, port- ; ncrs, doing business I . tinder llio tirrn namo and ty lo of Uodbo & - , Mitchell, Plainlills, Thoinaa U. It. Stonhouse. i Defendant- I j fte People of the. 7cn-U,-j of I'tah send U reeling : To THOMAS D. II. STKNJJOrSR. Delcndant, You aro hereby re'iiiircd to appear in an action brought asuinsL you by tho abnvo mimed Paintiil's, in tho District Court of tho Third Judicial District of tho Territo-y of Utah, and to nnswor the complaint lllcd 111 ore in within ten days (csctusivo of tho day of service) after tho service on you of this summons if served within this county; or, if served out of this county, hut in this district, dis-trict, w.thin iwonly days; otherwise within forty days or judgment by default will bo taken against you, according tu the prayer of.'ftid coinplnii.l. Tho saiil net ion is brought to rccovor tho aura of S I "tO.O.'i, duo from defendant to plninlilfs for goods, wares and merchandise mid and delivered (said sum being duo and payable on the iith day of May, to-gethor to-gethor willi IckhI interest thereon as sot out in tho complaint on lilo herein and cost of And you aro hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer tho said complaint com-plaint as above required, tho said plainlills will t"kc judgment aeainst you fr said sum of ir.fl.Ui, with interest as aloreaaid and C0StS' Wit in tho Hon. Jus. B.McKean. Judge, and Iho Scnl ol tllfi llia- . I riot Court of tho Third Judicial ( I Dish ict, in and for t lie Terri lory Irti Al.- 'if I'tnli.thi.i UTtli day of Novein-( Novein-( J KlT, in the yearif our Lord. One v- Thousand F.ight Uundred and Seventy One. JJI Wm. S. WALIvEK. Olork. HOLIDAY MEATS. Jennings & Paul, !-VJ'ALL NO. V, CITY MEAT MARKET, Have a hi !(! display of choice meat--, con.-istins ol BEEF, MUTTON & PORK, In ttjo m-catct variety the market afford af-ford which tlioy ui)-v o xs: X:: X , WSaOLESiLE & RCTAIL. mSP jz. X'. :7z o Ur.-d and fed by Mr. in aiu Walk Kit, and llr. W. Jl;nxim. j. d-ii UTAKCENTRAL RAILROAD iVOTICE. VL'll.K Jamnrr 1st, ISTi, tho Coupon,- of the Utah Central Railroad Uuudr will bo paid at tho Bank of Deseret. GEORGE SWAN, Secretary. SaltLakeCity. U- I'., oeuibexl-ith, 1ST1. dli ftTouitor aud Magnet Consolidated Consoli-dated Silver-Lead Killing I Company. IOOATION or Work. Little C-it'oiiWo'jd. j all Lake County, t laa. Trritu;'y. 1 Kiii'c is hc-cliy fivea. that a acc.ii::' of the li.i.ird cf i'runcc? olnid C-,m;iat,y. he! .1 1 on the 'th day oi jJe-.-emoer, A. D . ;. an .li-p.-ment Nil. l.i oi tv. cnl j-Hvt . crr.is , i., r 'nro w:i levied uimn I l-.o . .: :v. .. I .v -of , aiiH' '.tnoany. pr.v.blo ii i'.:lv. ia ' riic-i SiMe- B'.lJ.-"iii. lo I lie iocroiary. ;i ' iho ,.r.?c - il'tlm JMI-ar.y. l.of.n,. . icKLanl. l'Jv.hiu.iio, Cuiiiornu .:;ict:, :-..n t-.-.inci.vo. Caliiurnia. Any stok upon nluca ?a,.l a. i ..-.i-.crit iha!l rcuifin unpaid t-n li.c TU'l. LV-TMUID LV-TMUID DAY UF JANL'AI:Y w d! be dcciacd doiiafiuoat, and will be duly a lv-r-tiscd for file r'.'-bho auction, asd ul1c; payment "li.'ll he made heforo. will be sold on SATL'KDAY the seventcsnia di7 of February. 12, to pay the deiimiuen! ,irit-mem, ,irit-mem, toKother witli eosis of advei'tisiag and j expensts of sale. By order of the BoLTd of Truuec;. ! LOUIS KAPLAN', icrclir.' . ' Oflice, Ronuis -0 and 27 Merchant0 Kxv banee. i Califoruii. (tret, San FranciiO, 01- 1 u MIS CELL NEOUS. j S. T.-1S6Q-X. OH WARD I lliJ-j medical revolution which com- I menceJ ycais ago with the gradual I disuse ( f blood-letting, salivation, j drastic purpatives, and powerful opiate?, opi-ate?, goi-.s bravely aod gloriously oo. ! Every day the sick crow wiser. They j arc m longer wiliing to open their j mouths, shut their eyes, and lakewhat-ever lakewhat-ever the doctors are pleased to prescribe, ! witliom iti'pirT. They want to know j the nature of the medicines they are ' dcs-iri-d to f.rahow, and demand to j havo the my.-terious Latin lingo of the proi'iiisMC'ti iraasiaieJ ir.to plain tng- 1 llah. Tiix' TsN Atin World understands at la-t tint A'I'jUlt is the great an- 1 tagonist o!" disease. The feeble decline to lie ultcrlv prostrated by depleting ' pills and potions, and turniDg from i t-ueb iiit-ndieauictus with loathing, : ju;luioii-iy piaee (heir trust in a remedy reme-dy which c unbiuc? with the properties of an AUi.raiive those of a pure and who'e-ysne Tonic and Restorative. It i.- now a'.iont ticdve years sinco this grand ilc-idorulum was introduced j uud r the name ol' PLANTATION BITTERS, ! , aiul iu in ih t time to the present its ' i pioyrcd Jn.-t ijceti .vithout a parallel in ; the hiMory of proprietary medicines : With ih..- spirit of the sugar cane the I most nutricious of all stimulants for I it.s buMs, and uicdicated solely with the juices and .extracts of rare vegetable , : t-pecilic-H. such us Calisaya ISurfc, the best known Tonic that the world produces, pro-duces, and which makes it by all odds the moHt unobjectionable invigorant, corrculive and general alterative that i has ever been placed by Bcience within the rcacli of the- sick, the suffering, and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped all competition, aad Plantation Plan-tation Hitters) is to-day the most popular popu-lar Tonic on either side of the Atlantic. MEXICO lUffllE LMUT, J Olt MAX AXJO ItJSAST. Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a sale, while none have been morn universally beneficial than tiio celebrated Mexican Mustako Liniment. Lini-ment. Children, Adults, Horses and domestic Anima's, are always liable to accident, and it is safo to say, that no family can pass a single season without somo kind of an emollient being necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a matter of importance import-ance then to secure the best. The merits of the Mexican Mustang Lisimest aro well known throughout tho habitable world. lTroiii the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has over reached us. It is rc- commended for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Kheiimatism, Swellings, liites, - Chilblains, Chil-blains, Ac, upon man, and for Spavins, Founders, King-bone, Poll Evil, Scratches, Wind-Calls, Hoofalo, &c, upon hoi INi TP."! ANT )') OWNERS 0,: HORSES, "Tliia is lo cerlify, That the Mexican Mustang Mus-tang L iiiiueiil has been exiensiveJy used in our st alU-H tbmuidiout tho country (we havo 2,500 horso.O with tno groatost benefit in all oases ol k'ldlo, kicks, spraim. lameness, slifT-noai. slifT-noai. etc. Manv of our men havo had Oofa' i ton to uso it in their families, and all' speak of it in tbo biffacst torbH. Una of our men got liieko'l and badly cut and bruised; as usual, us-ual, tlio Muslims Liniment ith reaorlod n. the lainoneas was niiuitvod, bb' -, wn, l,' mod well In four day-. 70 0:in acZr'aU j recotnaiond t; flfl ft valuable pieparation for man or beast. Youra respectfully, J. DUNNING. FnrMium of Adnuii 4 Co'i. F.xp's. Stables, "H'c lako nr.nt pleasure in recominendine; the Mexican Mustang Liniment as an indis-pen.-'uMo and valuaSlo article, aud tho best we havo over u.-od for Sprains, Soroi or (Jall.-j on horri-R. tioine of our men have also used il I'm severe burn uud sore, as well as rlii'innalie f.iiiiB, ami all say it acts like mniiio. J. II. UK WITT, Foreman. For Amori'-iin Hspross Co., 10 Wall Btreel; Ihirden'H lixjiroHS Co , 7-1 liroadwaj; I'ullcn, Vircil & Co., Lxprein Co., l Wall Street; Well", Fnrtfo .t Co., U Wall Street. Over three hundred livory stables in the city of Now York alone aro using tho Mexican Mustang Liniment, in nil of which it gives unusual satisfaction. satisfac-tion. CAVTIOX. fvii!9 uapiinoiplcd parties have undertaken under-taken to counterfeit thin Liniment. Tho genuino ia wrapped in a lino "dtool Plato" ensravioc. with "U. W. "Westbrook, Chom-i.t." Chom-i.t." aud "Trade Murk, MEXICAN MUS-TANtl MUS-TANtl LINIMliNT," ongravod across tho face of each wrapper. Tlio wholo baarg tho proprietors' private Unitod States Rovonuo tilauip. ond not a common atniup, as used by druKfiists. LVO.N M .INUKAGTCrtlNf; Co., dll - oi Park Place, N. Y. li-OOHJC TO rt KNT. Merchants' E.chanpo Building;. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - - 5650,000. JOHN H. HLDDINOTON. - President-CHAitLKS President-CHAitLKS it. bTUUV. - - - Secrelnry. GIX). II. 11UWAU1), - - Vice-f'rcsidont. N. II. F.DOV, - - - Marino Secretary. H. H. UIGKLOW, - Ooncral Manager. ii. R. MANN, Agi-nt for Utah Terrltorr, Ullice, under Hie Hcntlliig Itoomfl, ju"J8 Salt Lko City SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THK Great Western INSURANCE CO'yJ OF CHICAGO. TUKU. f. TIIACY, Pre.liieut c. u. B.vp.i;l T, 1 I1K. itV W-LA Ulrevlor. C1IAS. L. UAIILCU, J MAKSI1A1.L . CARTER, Atluntcya. II. K. MA JIN, ln.ii.ger. OFFICE: ' Uniier Sait Lake Reading Raonis. I I A Branch of this SOUND and KKU- $5,000,000 C03IPAXY Having been organized in our city, we aro now ready for business aud earnestly earn-estly solicit public- patronage, guaran-; guaran-; tociw that ail fire rks will be oarried at a fair rr.te. H. R. n-lAi, MISCELLANEOUS. j - t arrived; J. Last. JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. I i A HXE STOCK OF WIESS l-'LANXELS, LLNSEVS, WATERPROOF CLOTH, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, COTTON- BATTING, SHEETING, PLEACHED, KENTUCKY JEANS, iVc, &o., o. X.O-W FOS. CASH TAYLOR & CUTLER'S EAST TEMPLE ST. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC. BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clny Street, San Frauclaco. $25 SAVED Sty Buying THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. Daynes & Co.'s Two dnori cn.t of Pott Oflico,' SALT LAKE CITY. Warranted for Five Years ! CALL AND SEE TEEM, THED SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Kuihody nil thai ifl new nnd novel in Bowing Machines. They aro tho latest improvod an i I isotost running ahulllo machinon in tho world, lioautilal ami cominiot iu model and unoxcellod in material and finish. They sew everythinit from lace to beavfr clotU in the moat pirfeot mnnn,er. Evtrf variety of IlemmlnR, Pelllikg, U.ultilnp, Conl I ng, Riiflllng, Piping, Tublajf, Frlngllig, Hem Stitching etc., elly pei fQrtnefli Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VIDRAT1NG STRINGS. Erry Mnohino Warranted an Hopvwented. Salesroom on Fimt SoulK Street Suit Luke City, opposite tlic New Hlet Itlnrlcel. IRA PFOUTZ, HERALD i j j - ! BINDERY. iBRlG 0 VOIR I100KS.I S. 09 O O O Singer Sewing: Macliines vtre JSold vithlu the past year. Seicit.f. Amtmtt.1, June linb, li'.l. THE STW SER 3Iaimfocturing Company, A.T THE WORLD'S Fjej Constituted by tho homu of thopeorie Reoaived the Great Award of the Highest Sales 'And hare left all rivals far behind then?. FOR EtY Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for IS7C. " i'lic iiinpni:uJo t wh ich ih e manuficture o: sewing ian.'iiit utiaircd i '.io ;i ! y the "miu-u" n-;u:n.- Vfl::ch a iy "H Ci'i bave it ip t:.u.u .-u'lur. :r l.-r lite year 1;7J to ovcora ui tbo l.-aam. i'U,fiu, ca iuru la.'i j..y .1 r.-y'lu-. -'c-1 oordins to these returns tiie cuaioer 01 niachuiCii sulii by ech :a.nul.-.-.ura.- iu ls it sfui:os: : The Singer - - 1:47. 53 I Vrsu.-f IT ri!1 , Wheeler i WiliMi - t; d.iilcddl - - S.f'.s H(.we - - - 7.. 3 o m - - - .S I G rover A' linker - L re .... IvV't WceJ - - A'C -i s.a JE Lvon - i.i.O I WiU-cx A Gild-- - .-J 1'irf.tm !.: I Americunliulioahi-lo A Overrcumiiic V ilioa .... i An J .-I'ver-il oilier coui-iaies wan tv'.d a few o'ltbuf.-. i Ii will be seen by this t;iblo th.it the oruU:ity of the S'uiitr mchlm- Or ei-j ei-j cet-ds ihnt of nil oilitru, their tio kt-,i:ft ouc-lmlf gic.iicr tusu c.en thst ! the f.iaioas "Wheeler .V Wil;on" iuJ?h;ao. This i omicf u the fft tbl the SliU'r i Conipnnj- have lately oninier.ii-d m:.kic;, btfides their c'i c'A-o'lxbh?4 1 manuUctdritiB iiruiiii'O. wh.il is knuwn ai their Sew Fniiill)-?lclilnt-," liltt - la brlltiig at tlie rate of uluc to sue better than tltrlr old n lc. Their tc-I tc-I tal sales fur were Si.TSl .naehines against the JT.iv; of rc, allowing an lncreate j of oiie-Unli in tticlniirv) car." cw York Sun." j One-Half of ouV Gigantic Safe?, NvW NKAftLT j THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION s:a,olxir3.o3 Sold, j CL. Bj JZ. "V. E - EC "4. 'H.' M - "C " tt tn 111 lid e Mfilis tlie piit ilirrc vrni-s. lt:it VP t;it'Mlri.t Inrrcnir or ; our -i,H o 1 i- ull (t!'cr Si.-, tu. it , Urine V ti I1I11 Hit I'i . Tina j ! luvoutektllilv Proof that Our Mwhinei Arc the lit iu ie v oi ia. j niB NKW FAMILY SINGLIl SKWI M,U;m.M2 ! With aitaehhientsfvr all kinds of tcorkt Is l.it tiiMiis i-u'reu;o favor in tho household, as shown by the r.nid!y in.vc;i itnt mint, over nil .tln-r .nachi-.e.-. Jliirt !i;w Fnnilly Jilnciiliie i; now eapnbli of a ran). 0 nn.i variety uf w t fu.1i m witf only i-rcemly thought imusilil to in-rlonu by i.ii, .n iy r u .',im it show tbiit il is llio oliouie.-t. moit beuulilul. tit'iioaiuly nrr.u,.. i-d, uic -u inju t,-,i, t ilmi i ner:it td,?iecdy,iua ;iuoi.'tuly ruiiniiiK j( ;U fie Fa uily Son m,; At .u niao-. I ; i . u,,,s, i,-! i,-! iibio nut only fir iho raiii.-o aud vnncty nf its si-wim;, bur -L).-i:iu mrioty jhi.1 .lif-dT.ua .lif-dT.ua kinds of icuuro which it will s.-w nith cm.il fao'li.y n-id i-.m u-k;; silk twii, linen or 0 otto 11 thread, tine r.r eor."e, iujUhik- tn.- l: i-iockriUru.iir. stltcli, alike OU b-.ith ti. Icp ol tlio Is brie sown; tho only .-,1:0:1 w ion is univor,-,l!y &iprovcd, or is nt nil J.dai'ted for firii-i-U work, ilm-,, liouvrr cloili, or ltln-r may be son with -rcat tlrenKth and uuiioruity of iiLoi.. an. l, in u iuo;ii.-l.i. tm williim and nover-weiiryioK inlrmuoni may be uojui-t. d lor i no w.v k i-n .uik or to.vrn-iiier to.vrn-iiier li ao, or tho uh-Iuur ol nirlnta-i. r ruiil nj 01- aim inn 01 n. . tn ov,.;, A clilld which d-liojto tlcaer have ico;i san-n to iioivonu. tven tnr.U-si ami tliotijilulo Jiave lit tin or 110 iruiiblc u Hilt matiuai-. Send for Dtfcrijiitic and lyrics Circutr. Womanufiicmreonr own ujcJ!et siik and twi-t; f-irnis-h lii'.cu :mJ t,,,n thicnd aud oil nil tit 6Uieri r finality - but wuk-li oa bo rciiud jil Oi..j - , 0l; uaeu uimu -h our Principal orU.-atich. Qlhce,:, or Atoiics. OTHER SEWIHQ MACHINE RiPAiREO OH RSASaSiSU TERMS. I Wo Ouaranlee every Machine we s.eil to I giva entire satisfaction. MACHINES PULIVKRF.D FRBB TIlltOUUilOUT THIS CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. We cxlui.J.1 cor.li .l irvittion nil lo r.m.o nti.l lii y..i.i.i...-. vi'iuilirr th.y wi,h to b'.V or ..L S" alloit., but .1. ."! u.,- wllkoul ou c10,l. tll-f.'i" rrrn'lwn io'i)p"'y I,v po.upntriit it ! I on .. - tp. Iiislruciloi. free. All Blaclilnc. ii.riot 1 1 y n.ljiisie.l before .leUvciy m i Mm SEWING MACHDJE BSP'T, I C, M, I, QKNKKAL AGENTS, Two dnors south oi'KipIo l.mii.irmiri, Walt I-alte Cltj-, TJtali. H. 11. Cl.AWt-OX. Sii)Mri..lcn.l..i.l. SAN fRAK3!C0 TRALiE. j .1. EVEiiiftSM A- i ti., tmmSV&l M'sSCHaSTSi 48 Clny St., Sn.ii Frniiclnii, UKAI,Ki;S IN OltC,t;OX ntUDIICK. Are conft anllj in rwout' of Ori'iPm JLiuis, D-slos, ; Stkrcli, -ii our' o.-. ii iiiJ fut'Tii i:ivniticl,ure i.!hj-j on Lund. WEIL & C O . lilPCMlTRi!; ? Cigars and Tobacco " Tropriotora of iho HAVANA CC.U .VANUFAOTOKY 'AJl, mitl :15 front St.) i South wt-;l CL'.ii'.r i i!'t :'rorauti"-to t-e.. THE mi of CALIFCSiilA I S . 1- UAN'CICO. D. f. mii-i.-. - ru;:si.) :-'N i". V. 0. KALdlON, J- CAil I L.i. Cajiitiil IMiltl Ci,"" - $3,000.0(10. DRAW BiREGT AK0 ICSUZ LETTtS ul Credit on .ill tho priio.i-ul cities of iho fH V,,,;id. I iJUItSitit liViii -' .Jtt iH ( C KOI and 400 California XI., S.n t raittiln:o, - - California. Particular ottention intid to tbo Bllinw of ordoia lor evory dos.-runiun oi nioreuamlifo, n23 SU of Orci, itc.i c. A. JS. B1FF1TU, Douler in fagiS Wci1b of PICKTjI 13 WMOKSII) SALMON m KE8ilNii:. 143 WojililiiKloii Street.. All Hii-ln nr Urx-I, Siiiokeil nJ rickluJ cod(UuU) on bnnil. )i SAN FRA!-.ySG0 TftAEe. fliQisie Lipr Dealers, U(4 V rout btreet, ban FrnnoliOOi Prni.riiitiirB of MII.LIiH'S K1'HA Ol.i) DOIUDO.I Ai.il solo o;:t.nt:- fur I, h . LC I "TLfi'S tXTht i 0; U :S U WHISKIES Con.-Untly on iiu.i, a mil a-.,.iri muut of ;.ll ;ha Htniitlnid llruiKla of Wlil.Ulth, Fine lt-niiile, Foreign nml Uomr hi lo W I nr m, uif Itinera, Coi.UhIn, -. Miciur.i, Kami. T. Wind. WAND, HAN'S & CO., Siii:i;ci.i.oiM to Iliiv.tcr, il unit A Co.) Imi'orter.i nod Wliolcalc Doulord in l,,viirlolo.-.io:';ii..it.-.r,EC.i ii.iri.ii. VliOivt -..7J-u.v3a.oy, AI -" 1 i.-ci,':. '- .1 -l i i- (-"ineh's celolji'J.lo.1 i''iini.il viitna, RYE WHISKEY. OUT on el 000 KrKilHt., iiiiiir.luchiioii, BAN t-'KAKClMCU. myBl LAZARS .-.12RES, liiiportfrs nnd J..!-.-.f.rn f I'..t ri n mid Dg- Il (if UC j-iinoy nml Miu.lo I O It Y t C) D S. 1 11,r.d .f Ou;!.s Ma.xutuc.turfdal th M-.-.MU,, ,,id r.u-.ic Mitts, Cun.v.tuiMicd, I .t'JO Oi lUnrhrt :-!., Wmii Krnn. J'i;l l'uris: Itiio Do L'lCchi.iuicr. BEKEOSCT, lliLL a CO., MANUFAOTUIUORS AND WIIOLKSA1.10 DUALKHS IN Boots aid Shoes, N. !. una 13 UllAni STKHiBiT, J..ror Crosby, 1 W JT " V 'VK Cine Block bust ol r. !w..v, J J.Wtt I'Urt. Z.C. i. i. BOOT flRD SHOE. '3?JBL1I1 "33IC3r BOOT." J-- .V. . . r- . . . . . -f- t'il ti': ?''-(t-"'ri--y--. ...ri.nliil:lLJiL1 '.v. rj-h ,'rt r.'J nullity ol'iiojls un'i bl.yCB JiAl.. J O OJ'.L'! ! : . Li' 0 dATi.r.:r. AJ.VATB ON i:;.:Qi I,A7'...K AND ClIOKr. . k r Y Shoe Finiiins, licrse Cellars and ail ..iiitis of Leaiiie.l I xj: lEiJH a ja. sr v in x . |