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Show XV 11 AT TIIKY SAY OF TIlK I' MOM PACIFIC. ! The Omaha lit raid of tho 14th : say.-; (icucraily, tho passengers who i have been detained on the I'nion l'a-' l'a-' eitic of late, have been highly pleased j with the treatment they have received, and with the energy mani)elcd by the officials in clearing up lhe road. Slate-' Slate-' mems to that effect have been drawn up and signed on several trains. Oo one train, however, were three men who held an indignation meeting by themselves, drnw up condemnatory j resolutions, and took them to a tele- graphic office, asking the operator to i send ihcin to the Associated Press, j The telegraph man replied: "Better ! scud them to God Almighty, gcntle-! gcntle-! men, for He is the cause of all this trouble." They made no reply to this I forcible remark. During the detention, the railroad ! company have paid for the passenger's : meals at the eating houses on the line. I In this connection, wo publish the following fol-lowing letter received at the general office in this city yesterday: "Laramie, Dec. 11th, 1 STI . T. E. iSickfh, Esq., General Superintendent: Super-intendent: Dear Slit: Inclosed find one dollar lefi in my office by a passenger, with the remark that he offered it to Rum-sey Rum-sey for his breakfast, but he would not receive it, and he did not ask, Deither would he allow, tho Union Pacific railroad company to board him, when they were so unfortunate as to be blocked up. Yours truly, h. FlIXJlOttE." |