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Show 1 LEGAL. Wm. HAYDON, I (I.sto Jintfo of -1 tU District Court, Novada, i A T T 0 R N E Y - A T- L A W , Kooin No-l.TrowbriJueTluiMlnc K.istTem-plo K.istTem-plo Street, oppuitto tho Salt Lake lioiue. jil ; A . H IT O GAN, Attorney nml Cotuitlloi-atLnW I OQk'e, above Daft'a oM store, I Oppi'ito Wells. Vargo Jk Co.'i, Salt Lnko City, Utah. a IT 113. M. HAltNUM, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Oflico. KinibttU'fl Block, 9. L. City. Special attoniion civi'ii to Titles, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Sulcs or Litiiiilions in Mminc OlairtH and Heal EaLito. I Collections mdo or business Jono in any pnrt of the Unitcil Statci by Aiaociation of rcliublo Attorneys. dlT SETH M. IS LAI It , Attorney-af-Liuv and Mining Ayait, oi tick : i At resilience of Cul. ll";e,i St-ml. Jlfi i 0, II. Hoinpiteml, M. Kirkpatrick j HEMPSTEAD & KiRKPATRICK, Atloriieys-ut-Ijniv, ' Main Street, oppoeito Wells. Famo St Co;. 8AI.T LIKK C1TV, ; ir ! Z. SNOW. E. D. UOCIr. I SXOW Ac IIOGK, ittomoya aud Conaaeiori at Law j-ull Lako City. Utuli. Olllcoat Snow's corner. 11 EiutStiwI. Ju6 ! Win. Y. LOVELL, ATTOItNKY - A X - LAW, Will practice, in tho Courts of Utah. OFFICE- Kimball's Block, opnosito' Tuwnscnd llomso. JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T T O 11 N E Y - A T - L A W , ' Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Qodbo Building, 2d Floor. Resi-donco Resi-donco on 3d Ua.H straet. botweou South and Lab South, streets. s20 S. P. McCurdy. 0. U. Mo wo ! IMcCUUDY& MORGAN, Atlonwys-al'Law, OfUCK Koom r( up stnirs, over Taylor Cutler's Storo, nJD SALT LAKE CITY. 1' i T O II & MANN. AttoiueyB-at-Law, ! Oulco. Firat South St., Fourth door east of Uoopor, Eldrodico Jc Co'b Bank. Salt Lake City. aJ C. D. 1IA5DY. C. K. C1I.CURI3T. HANDY cV GILCHRIST, i ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW, 1 Ami Solicitor In Cliancory, I Oflieo-Main Street. Salt Lake City, U, T. Warner Earll. F. M. Smith. E AH UL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LI KB CITY. East Touiplo Street, ono door south f a20 liodbo'a Store ATTOKNliY AND (JOUNSELLOlt, Oillce EToliauge ami Reartliifp Rooms, up-atalr. jU'l( SALT Ltll PITY. BANKERS. Thos. R. Jonos. A. W. White BANKING MOUSE OP A. W. WHITE . CO., EAST TEMPLE STHEET, a30 Salt Lake City. (Succosora to Iluisey, Dahlcr Co.) Wabbks Husbky, 0. L. Dahlkb, jfreaidoDt. Vice Frost. Anthony Qodbb, Cashier. Suit Luke City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogdon andOorinno. Utah, and Virginia and Helena, Muntana. Dealers in Gold Dut, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchantro on Now York, Chicago. St. Louis, Omaha, Donyor, San ifrancwco, and all partti of Europe. Collection! Promptly Atltuded To. mil Bank of Deseret, Succcsaor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Gu., Oomor R.vit Tuiuplu and First Eouth Streots, SALT LAKB CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 8100,000. DRIOHAM YOUNO, President, "1 H. 8. ELDHEIKiE, Viool'refl, WM. II. HOOl'Klt, WM. .IENN-INOS. 1" Directors. JOHN SHARP, I l-'ERAMOHZ LITTLE, L. B. HILLS, Caahior, J Deal in tiOLU DUST, COIN, KXCIIANGE, LAND "V ARRANT 8, COL-LEUG COL-LEUG SCRIP, Ac. CollcoLiooH made and promptly rc-laittcd, rc-laittcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. old WELLS, FARGO & GO, Express Forwarders, Bankers, aud DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all Oie principal prin-cipal cities of the United tStates, EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly atUndod to. Kft at Temiilt) St., Salt Lake City. TIJEO. F. TKACY, Ant. mil NOTARIES PUBLIC, A. 8. MOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, - Minimc DooJj. AiroomonU jl j tor Dood, MortmwM.Po".". i drani,ilh accural und dmi.Uli. U-H""K Comll Inoorior-ictl, Inoorior-ictl, uiiilcr He L.nv. of Utati. A. S. GOULD, and COMMISSIONER ')lf DEEDS for Now York, iMassacbusctts, Fcnnsylva- nia,Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyouiing, Montana, Nevada, Calii'oruia, and other Stales aud Tor liLorics. East Tonpk iSV., near Wd(Tt Fargo & Co., Halt i'fA-e City. Wm. Cmyt.'N, S. J. Jostos. Notary i'ublio. tonvoyanocr. CLAYTON TJONASSON i 1)AV slrifl altetitiitn to the colleoiiou of I X money in "ll irt ol the world. Thry n'i draw or ncknowlod'-'o nil kinds I of instrument.-in wrilius. S pro In I nl tc in Ion clven to tho driwinc ' of Will" iind Tcstixinciitory Docu- ' Loans ncKotialod. Mine.--, Itnueca and 1 H-il Esl.no of nil kinds buuicht, sold or lc.ifo.l. Im-oipornltou nml Pa l mrtilil I Pniiera nf every clc-criplbin dmwn in ati lvt acuortlaiice with the laws ut blah. I UK KICK Fourth iloov soul li ol" rjodbs's Corner. n') HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LA ICE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL Of UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This IIoueo is centrally and pleasantly lo-catod, lo-catod, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guests. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build larao additions to his Hotel, which when finished, will ron 'or it the Most Complete FslaUishmoU in tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION I mil AMERICAN ilOTELT A Solect and First-Class House. OK K BLOCK EAST OP THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Tci-ms$;i.Oi) iiei- dny. Ilonrd without with-out room" Sld.OU per week. IJutlis free; to guests. J. C. LITTLE, juu24 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EUROPEAN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STItEKT, Weil Elclc. Rooms with or without board by tho day or week. lUaUutrant Open at till hours. TAYLOR & CUTLJiR, Proprietors. n''. ; Nei Commercial Mm House, Near foot of Commercial Street, Mi f - J-' -OPKN ALL NIGHT. C. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. Soring Heits, 50 :t. per Nlhl, or S J. 50 pei-W eek; single roontd, 13c olo CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fuller. Proprietor. To tho I'uIJic Thin house i.j nowruuttod and open for travclorsat reduced rntos. Hi' JJonrd and Loilgin?, by week, Sl:i.OO. fite.il), .jUo. Rodri, Toj. .Moals at all houis, m nW UTAH HOTEL, MAIN ST., 0(3I)K1V. The only Jti'st-ctatin Jlonse in the City. (formerly known ua Iho White Uouai',) It Is greatly enlarge", thoroughly renovated, ret uvula lie t nml piovl-ded piovl-ded with liar Room, Hnvbcr Shop and Bath ltoonis. Oimilbiis to and from all truius. PBSseugors going Katt Troin Salt Lnko City may now avoid tho unpleasant task of au onrly uioru-fnijrldooiilliolItaliCoiitr.il uioru-fnijrldooiilliolItaliCoiitr.il lUilroitd Ly couiiug to Ogdon llio previous cvotiiu;;, EUQEY & WILLIAMS, 01U l'Lopilutors. Phil. Margetts Has closed his place of business bus-iness on Sooond Soutli Strand fortbefuturo will attend to tho wants of his friends at his NEW ESTABLISHMENT, SO 3J"ii-fiit Soutli Sti Whcro he will hasp constantly on hand tho bostcf ALE, PORTER, STOUT, JOULE'S STONE ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. "Dicks" Colehralcd Ale and Porter, Wngncr'a Lager Beer, CHOICE TOBACCO AND CIGARS. dfi GALIFOBNIA CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNARDIS STEVENS, I'rop'rs, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Threo doors below tiooond Sou 111 St., SALT L4KE OITY. OPEN WAY AND NIGHT. 26 CITY LIQUOR STORE, Koop constantly on hand. Wholesale hi id Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest llalos. GROJCSUKCK'S UUILDIM6S, nVT Kt TsmpU IS treat. A Dsli nlle Hiss. There is tlio hi.'.j.of ridicule, tho hiss nf scorn. Iho hi's of snakes in the Krnfis, but the most dolifrhtful litis is that of Tarrant's Klferve scent Sellxer Apcileiil In tho snsrklinK coblet, ijivinjr iissitrini.-o to tho invalid that his thirst will be d.-lh-ioiis-ly nsfiiasoil; that hi-i stomach will bo refreshed re-freshed and purilied: that if he is fevonsu hi.- body will bo coolod by healthful evaporation; evapora-tion; that iTho is conslipatod tho ililheuUy will pais away without a pang; and that it the condition of his general health, is impaired im-paired it will Ijcspecdily restored. Ol course-he course-he will tako euro to procure nnue but the genuine. Sold by all Diugglits Jolyn XEW MEDICAL WORK ! Tin: FliiLUSOPHY OF MM58HtiE," - For (he UebllUwied .Nervous System. 1 .ll-.i'Ui DAM. of the Anatouiienl Mniini, 1 ) ;is MoTr.,;-'iiici'r ;;reri uo.ir C.ihl'T-k"0 C.ihl'T-k"0 San I'r.UK i;oo. C.ilii.irni:i, has psih-li.'iicl psih-li.'iicl !nr of hi- i.io-t iim-rtant. ani in--tructivo LLVtarc in ;i nc.it volume lor UosO cannot jtiond the Li-irtuvc.it IlioMu-f.'am. IlioMu-f.'am. Ui-eiy L'niu iriifd and Mnrried k.lq i niuid r-.oi and M'iy thc.io inii'rtant Lectures lor tho Bod of himself and olT- V-r adrIre--TS the S-cereiary the Ana-ins Ana-ins i iv t; 1. 1 v -1 i vu Li ii'.; ii. tuiu'S t.i cay po?..i.-e. she It. mk vill be ionvarded t-i any part oi the dtatcs ur i'-rritonc-. I Dr. Jordnn con be consulud by letter. 1 u3 LUMBER YARDS, LUMBERYARD. DOOItB, WINDOWS, BLINDS, 1 ItlOULDINUS ALL KINDS "OF LUMBER. T. It. JOXES & 0., Ilalf-a-block south of U. C. Dtpot. m?3 l-:iI)INiiTOS i ' Two II locks south of the O. C. R.H. Depot, and next to Wm. J-, J-, nings' Tannery. ' Tho yard is kept constantly supplied by ; several saw-mills with ; A Full Assortment of . 1 Native Lumber. W, E. Bolioits the patronage of his'old , friends, and by punctuality and diligence in - businesa hopes to merit a share of public support ' POlt SALE In tho 15th Ward, one block and a half west of tho U. C. It. R.t a email houso and half-lot. with fine orchard. for particulars enquire of j aus25 WM. KDDINGTON. UTAHAND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July 17, 1871. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dealers in all kinds of BuildingMaterial L.DBIBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENKTIAN BLINDS, ALL HINDS MOULDINGS, CIIICO SUGAR. PINE, CEILING, DING FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., tiTGt ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers promptly tilled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doors south oC Walker's All buainoas dono throufth tho President of tho Company. Offices Lumber Yard, ono block south of Railroad Dopot. K. II. BARRON, President. 13. W. PAUItUURST, Secretary. CHARLES DAIILUR, juy21 Treasurer. ffl'USEUM ANJJ 1EMGEBIE. .Opposito tho-ontranco to tho Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admitirtioii, 5 eta. CUildieu, 10 Open from (J a.m. to G p.m. Native Mineral, Petrifactions, Coii-crelleiiH Coii-crelleiiH and CryutallzaLlou- nomc Products, Wat lea and Foreign Cariosities, Ca-riosities, tic. Compound KIcctro-MagriuLic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &o. Prof. J. L. UAUb'OOT, Manager. - Schools and Families hy privalo nr-ranBemonu nr-ranBemonu admitted at roducod rules. A Complete Plr.torlal Hlsdiry of I lie Times." 'The hest, iiheajte-it and inott suc-cclMfiil suc-cclMfiil Fnmlly Paper In the Union." Harper's Veekly. SlM-liiN'DIDhV IIjLUSTUATKD." Notices of the Pi csa ! Tho Mopt.l. Nkw.-i-apkr of our country. Complete in nil tho departments of an American Family P:iper. lUurKu's Wkeki.v had earned for itself a iii;lit te it" title. "A Jouhnai. or Civilization. "New York Kvcniin,' Post." Tho best publication of its class in America, Ame-rica, imd so far ahead of all other weekly iournnla as not to permit of any comparison betweon it s-n'' any o their number. lis columnu contain tho Unc.-t colici-liona of rending mr.tter thataro printed. ; " It.-; illustration arc numerous and beautiful, bcint: furnished by the chief arliaU uf tho country. "Boston Travoln'." Harpkii's Wf.kkiy is tho best nnd most interest'inR illustrated ncwjpnpcr. Nor docs its value depend on iU illustrations alone. Its reading matter is of a high order ol literary merit varied, in.-tru. tivo. entertaining enter-taining and unexceptionable. "N. Y. Sua." SVr.MllU,TIO.S."l!JJ. Term, i HAUPEK'S WEiilCLV, ono yoar.iSi.W, nevtraci'py -f ei'.hcr tho MAGAZIN'U V1-:l;KLV or KAZ.au ntll bo suppled cr.il is lor every Club of Five Suii-cribcrs at I iv) eai-h, in one remittance; or, .Six Copies l -r s-D.if.1. without extra copy. Sub crirtion.- to UAUPIilfS il VHAZIXl", WliL'KiiV an-l BA.Alt.to ono nddrefs fnr oiio year. Slo.'f; or.iwo ol M.irpcrV Pcriodi-ciis. Pcriodi-ciis. to ono address lor ono year. S.'.W. Bick numbcri can bcsapplicJ a" aay tiinc. Iho Annual Volumes of UAKPER'S 'iVKEKLV. in neat cloth binding, vill be ;rnt by crpre.:s. freo of expense, for sT.in, e.ich. A complete set. comprising t'iitccn olnmei.icnt on receipt ot cash ht tho rate of Per volume, lroitfht at expense ol pirchasor. IliCpo.-Uic n HARPER'S WEKKLY ii J'ceut- a ycr. wliicu must be paid it ;he subscriber's pott otiice. 1 Aadr6EHARPt;R Jr BBylHKRS, I Bl? York. jilSTIS, 1871. (i . W. DAVIS Has a full slock of Currants, P-cl, Splrr, Flyj, Sold I ens Raisins, Choice GUNPOWDER TEAS, UIO AND MOCHA COFFEE. Our fruit bchiir elenned, punihisers will save money and time in buying. EXAMINE THE WINDOW 10K SAMPLE. G. VV. DAVIS, Tw Doors from Kinthall & Lawrence's dX LADIES. SPECIAL NOTICE. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. Colebrook i H ILL OL'LX IN HUH II lu W STORE, ON SATUKlUy NEXT, Willi mi entire nc .v stock of HATS AND Bonnets, The choicest Kwds ever brought into this city; also a very lino assortment of Flowers, Blonds, Collars, M FANCY NOTIONS for tlie HOLIDAYS, 5 doors south of her Old Stand, i Z. C. IvC. I. IVlailame Josephine Edmonds, INDIAN AND BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. 20 Years Practice IN tho treatment of diseases incident to Female.-!. placed Madamo Edmonds" I at tho head ol all ihysir.ians mnKing euch I ir.ictieo a. si-edahy, nnd enablos tier lo Kuanintoo a fpeudy and permanent euro in tho worstcasos of suppressions, and all other uicn.stural dorancmcQti. Lndios will find in Madamo Kdmoniii a skillful rdiysiciurj, and it is for their intere-t to con.ult her in all discafed. incident to women, before lam-pcrins lam-pcrins with'pnisonoui nostrums, mack Doctors Doc-tors iind humbugs. Madamo Edmonds do-Fcribce do-Fcribce dicao without any information from tlio palient, and cures without tho use of mercury or experiments, thus sn vine from wrouj; trc.itmciDt for private, chronio and can er diaeaier. Correspondence Btricily conhdcntt.il. Otlico and residence White llou.-o, Main street, up Etnirs. 1'aticnU visited at their rtaidence when Doetor E-lmonds, Madame-Joscphine'i husband, will attend tu male paticnLi. oct-T GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, GLOBE BAKERY, Eut Temple Street, first door north of Co-opersttlve Grocery Department. 'GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS! Eeepeonslantly oa hand iGOOD FRESH BREAD i i Buns, Cnkes, Pies, ! Crai-kers, Etc. j i I'iue vari.U of j CONFECTIONERY, j Whol.a&le and Kctnll. Groceries, Flour, j -. Feed, &c. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Rye, - - Grahim, - - Loose, - -Allen's XXX - Corn Meul, Bran anil Whorls, Chopped Feed, And all kinds of On Bitlo al LOWER RATES! In Quantity or Retail, at CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, Main Street. octtt I 0 AT S FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL.. THOS, R. JONES & CO., Ilnir-n-block Soutli of U. C. Depot. fuy 8 I New Store ! New Goods ! II. WALLACE lias opened his ikw torc, on FIRST SOUTH STREET, Next door to Din. Sleiiliomc's, With a ehoiao stock of Pure Iloinc-inade CONFECTIONERY, Also Figs, Nuts, Raisins, Apple?, Sardines, Salmon, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Will tit so lionlimic ba.lina. nt ltla n4 ! DAY & CULMER, ! lill'OJlTKltS AND DKALKRS lit GENERAL MERCHAADISE, COSU13T1SQ OV DKV GOODS, UUOCJOKIES, llAHDWAllm, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CUOClvKilV, Li AMI'S, GLASSWARE, A.U. COltOAOK. TWIXES. WOO UK N W AHE, CA'lI'KTS, CltACKKRS Sl ltlSCUITS, TOBACCO, d.C, 4.C. Which they ofTor at prices that guarantee BQtisfaotion and defy oompotition. The ohoioofit X1 3 J. oonstanfly on hand of tho following kinds Gui.pow.ler - - $1.73 to S2.23 Young llynon - 1. 00 to l.r0 Tycoon - l.'JH to 1.05 Fnoplntr ... l.IO to 1.35 Pekoe - l.MO to 1,40 Souchong - DO lo 1.00 Dlnruouil 1.. - - - 1.00 Kntural Ltnf - - 00 to 1.00 And tho famous EnicliBh Mixed Tea - 1.75 Dealers tn Teas trill Cnd it to their nd-vantnico nd-vantnico to (tivo us a call, before jiurchnF-inc jiurchnF-inc thoir Toaa, as our fuoilitlos in 1 his I) ranch of our business oannot bo eioollod in tho city. dec8 ! T O Y S ! TOYS 1 ;for Fcf Girls ari Bdjc ! AND GOOD Are now open and AT DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY WEST SIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, I Near Second South Street, I aorU 8A.LT LAKE CITY. HARDWARE. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STES ! KOT IS YOVlt CHANCE STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from, liiclmlliifr tlie Old Favorltea, ; Charter Oak, New Era, i ; Monitor, j Inland Empire ! Superior, i i Etc., These as well as oilier varieties will bo SOU) CHEATER AT Till. Hardware Dep'nt OP Z. O. 2n. I. THAN IN AN1' OTHER ;1I0USE IN THIS TERRITORY. 81" f?uerintontont. 2n n n n i'c und U.UlJUi'iANO 3TELL At C. 6s. SShsscH's. Opposite Salt LnLi llouae, I . j IRON WORKS, ! CHICAGO, ILL., Miimifm-Iuii-ri uf PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, RLOWHECS, And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts uiudc fur building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah J?xvg Stone, j Including Machinery, &c, fiet up in complete running order. 1 lleferellces Eureka. Mining Coin-(mny, Coin-(mny, Salt Lake Cliyi Utali Smelt, lug Company, Tin tic. Address J. C. Richirds, Chicago. C. II. BASSE!!, HARDWARE STOHSl All kinds of i HEAVY ilAUDWARE, Iron aud Mvc), i Stove Vm Ware , DLACKNnrni loom, Agricultural lmplrmcnti i And Alining Toole, At Lowest ILntes. OPrOITK SALT XAKK IIOUSK uM ! " " COAL MCOALF j j Having purchased (lie Spriggs Coal Mine W sire prrpm-ed lo supply tnli Justly Lcleirnn il wecer cnr..L ' tor In ml or r-ll, I)-p.t n V. C. it. It. nrd. riii.ei KAi.lin.iiKe and Heading Uoomi. BATEMAN & BUEL. 1 rt W. U. IllUIi, All. j ! TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LIMES TUKOVGU Utah, Eolith - east evad:i & ?;Son-tans. ?;Son-tans. Lcvlug Salt LskrCliyDally, run- ii Lug Sou ill to Tintio, American Fork, Moui.t Nebo, Sevier. St. Geor-o, Vmh. ; and l'ioohe, Nevada ; Passing thiougn Ptoyo, Sprinqville, Sjxtnih Fork, Fay-son. Fay-son. Salt Ore-.'k, Chieki-n IV ck, Koanil Valley, tiliiuore.Cora Crock, Keavcr, Miner?-viiic, Miner?-viiic, and All the principal tnic-is end mining camps in southern L tah and outh-cast Nevada. Alio leave t'ortnnc, I'mlt, dallyi running nurtU to Virginia City, I tVicna, Fort Kentou, Deer Lodge, Cedar Oreok minoci, and passing through all tho principal towns ami nin-ing nin-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL. UFFICK, Wells, Farfla & Co. Building junt S;.U Lnk Citr. UTAH CENTRAL ! PIONEER LIKE Or UTAH. i On aud after Monday, July IT, 187 1. iiiiy Trains Leave Suli Luke Ciiy . .l. in l':4. r.m. Arrive l Otrdon T it. in, nml I. ." y. m. Leave Ondtii hi S ,;. l-. jiud...it' .. u:. Arrive at Sail Lnko City 10 a.ui. and 7:30 p,r bin addition to the above 3vri3c.u:o iPaaL-a-xiKrjs Will run DAILY, fa UND AYS KXCE1TED Loavins Snlt I.n " o City m li.m., and Oidon ul ju.iu. Paasciigeis will pi ante Pumliiit tlielr Ttrbete at tiie Ofllce. Filly Conls Bddiilonnl will bu fiharod whec the laro ia oollooied cm tlio uuin. For all n.lorinmi'jn eonc'rniiig iroisH ol lasaap;o, ftiu'lj- to O. O. (.ALDKIl, Genoml Freielil nnd ticket Ag't John sharp, Bl'PKlllNTlCN I1KNT ; Lcn Wines. JI. 1'. Kimball. SALT LAKE, op.saa.Es, ' AndTintic Stage and Express HUNNIMa D A 1 1 j V PHOHl HALT LAKB CITY, via L.AKK TOWN, TOOKLE CITY, BTOCKTO AND OP III It TO TIWIW. The ronln lin L..-n ro-slonl;orl with K.lun-diil K.lun-diil Oinioiir.i CVu'li-j-i, lino ritiu'lt, r:w ul'iil nnd ftilnllvo UrivcrH. and avury itllrntioti in puid to the oo in fur' : 1 oonvcaionod of iHsaen-iftra. iHsaen-iftra. Good nfcommodaihnt on the. rvnd. THROUGH HY DAYLIGHT. j Cheap Fare and Quick Time. j ' Offlci at Well, Karpro . Co.'., Halt I, nit City, ' WINKS ,lc Kl.MUAI.I,, nil l'rfij'iiettr. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS ! i Leaving tho Utah C'.:nli.il J'vjvil, j Salt Lake Ciiy, nt 7. J M n. tu. ; Jujnr 5.40 p.m., and Sandy Slulin, (ncurt'i-t p'Aal to Little C'jU'jiiwood Cati'jnj lit, G.10 p.m. rAHLS : lifllt Luke to Uiif CotL'jiiwo'jJ ."jtiiion. I Little " " Viri- :: :; v.-..- Irai'tr ' Twity-6e eeou n-Mi':-.W(.l 1. ..JiarKed Ttlieo Lb litm u on JI t ui, Liio 1 1 ..m. KKKAMOIl, M i nk bUI'hillNTLSJjtM. D. O. CALDLH, so 0a. Fraurtit ud lickel AueuL |