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Show BXCtlRHOS A!KI PICNIC. AO-ItNOWL.KDdBMKlNT.'. AO-ItNOWL.KDdBMKlNT.'. - 1 Kir-d To a kind Prnvidenco who j i permitted our two schools, embracing j over two hundred young people, a plea.sant excursion and picni-, a rail-j rail-j road ride of over severity miles, with- j ! out accident, and a safe return to our j i homes. . t . i Second To the friends who so gen- ' eroutly contributed to tho huocc-s of ' our oxeurdoii; in the purchase of tick- I cts, even though themselves wero unable un-able to go, thereby securing to the j scholar of both Reboots a free ride, and i tho schools a handsome surplus for the ' purchase of singing books fur themselves. them-selves. 1 , Third-To D. O. "Calder, K,q., agent U. C. K. It., fur his urbanity aud liberality (when from tho rain at Kaysvillc, it was deemed not wise to leave the train) in placing the same at our disposal for a ride on to Oden at oo iucreaso of expunge, and for his general effort a to mako tho excursion pleasant and a success. Fourth To the ollicers of tho train who did all in their power to make the excursion pleasant for tho children and for all. Fifth-To Miss Olive Mitchell, and other friends, who successfully canvassed can-vassed the city for the raising of the needed funds for the expenses of the day. Sixth To tho Salt Lako Herald, Tribune and Review for their generous remembrance of us editorially, in keeping keep-ing tho trip before the public. G. M. Pkiuce, Pastor M. E. Church ; F. S. Stein, Principal Salt Lake Seminary. Salt Lako City, Sept 2S, 1S71. |