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Show THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. Tho Halt Lake IT Kit a ld, Seiui- i Weekly is LliiH nTorning enlarged to a thirty-two column aliott, the name hua m our Daily before lh: last addition to il size. These repeated enlargements h;ivo not been hurriedly made, nor determined de-termined on without much thought and cloMfl rad' aUlion. Tlioy.have out b.!u mini either in any spirit of rivalry, but Miinply ai a necewity. Tin; increased tiieilitii;- for obtainim iiW4 and the laiye amount of intonating inform a-tiou a-tiou daily coining to hand, have made our desire to place betore our readers the I.irxertt possible amount of general intelligence, aumc a tangible form by increasing the aa'fi at our disposal lor thi.s purpose. .Salt Lake City ii rapidly advancing advanc-ing to the front rank among we.-teni citiiM of enterprise and importance, and nothing mark the buaim'ss pro- gren.s of any place so surely as it.s pre.ss. It is eii Uoiiiary to ripenk ol' Halt Like and I 'tah in containing an ignorant and non-reading population, but the slander m emphatically refuted by the Hiiiinliiy of reading matter regularly sold here. Apart from the thousands of volumes imported and sold, the vast ipiautities uf magazines anil periodical regularly received from the east and we.-t, and the largo number of leading uowspapur.s published in different parts of tbo Union and Europe subscribed for and taken here, what other city of iho population of Salt Lake has four daily, two semi-weekly and two weekly newspaper? Vo know nothing of how our contemporaries aro supported, but they proaont tho evidences of prosperity; pros-perity; an for tho Hkrai.d wo aro more than satisfied with the liberal patronage that has enabled us to in-croaro in-croaro tho m.o, value and importance of our issues. To residents of Utah, who deniro to make their friends at a distance fully acquainted with the true condition of a flairs in this Teiritory, tho Skmi-Wbkkly Skmi-Wbkkly IIkiiald id a valuablo and cheap medium by which to do so. The price is low four dollars for a year, one dollar lor throe munths and the papur h ho i ild be circulated Htill more extensively by residents of tho Territory Terri-tory among thoir frionds and relatives in tho States and in Europo. Forward your subscriptions and have the paper mailed to any address you please |