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Show DANGER OP WHIPPING HORSES. AmouK Lho first dtinc Lojt3 do when they begin to drive a Tiorso is to ply the wlii p. If a horso is a little uneasy, they will lash him. If lie is afraid of any object, they put oo the whip. If he dances and prancea, they will crack tho whip around him with all their might to quiet his fury. If ho slips for want of being well shod, he gets a severe cut with the whip. If ho happens hap-pens to stumble,- or to make ft misstep, mis-step, the whip is applied with vengeance. ven-geance. Prof. Magncr, in his treatise 1 on the education of horses, cautions ! those who drive horses, against excit- ing their ill will by the use of the I whip. j Many think tlioy are doing finely, i and aro proud of their success in horse i training, by moans of whipping, or i otherwise ruining and Biininialing the : passions, and un from necessity I crushing the will of the animal, through j which the resistance is prompted, ho mistake can be greater than this; and i there is nothing that ho fully exhibits i the ability, judgment; and skill of the ! real horseman, us- lho euro and tact '-tlinplayed in winning instead of rcjicl-: rcjicl-: ling the spirited beast. Although it may he necessary to use the whip somolimcSj it should always bo applied ap-plied judiciously, Tho legitimate and proper use of the whip is calculated i to operate upon the Keuse of fear al-i al-i most ontirely. Sensitive horses fhould ; never he left after they have been es-j es-j cited by the whip or other means, un- til calmed down by rubbing or patting ! the head aud neck, and givo apples, i sugar, or something of which the an-j an-j imal is fond. Ketnembor the whip j must bo used with great care, or it is ; liable to do mischief, and may cause : irreparable injury. ! When a horse is struck with a whip, the driver .should lirst understand, for t what reason the whip is applied, aud j what tho effect will be on the horso. ; Ninety-nine lashes out of one hundred that spirited horses receive, do infinitely infi-nitely more harm and injury to tho animal an-imal than good. ' Jiefore a horse is touched with a whip the driver should enable tho beast to understand why the lash is applied. When an ill-na-! turcd driver whips his team simply be-j be-j causo he feels out of humor, and must wreak his vengeance ou something, t dumb animals that are abused by him I know that they aro lasJicd without i cause. Hence a few caatigationa will i often render them exceedingly ugly. |