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Show PACIFIC COAST KKWS. KIKSr DISPATCH. CALlFOltMA, Kan Krainrico, 21). 3il'jiit'vi'nuia 1'ercila sues cliiiil' of jioliuo Crowley, Cnpr. I5es and llin Spanish consul Canillo .Maitin; tor tlic ruturn ol- '0,-UOl) '0,-UOl) wliicli Lt! alleges was wronglully takon from liim by tlioul on Scplcni-lior Scplcni-lior 1-1. The defendants assert ttiat Peivilu is; or was, a sorgoant in tbo SpnnUi army, eame Iiere under an assumed name, and tbat tbo money, or ralber drafts, is part of !ji.(t0,t)tJU stolen from tho paymaster of tho Spanish army in Cuba last winter, and I was voluntarily given up by bun. ( Pereda, it is alleged, at first admitted I that the funds wcro stolen, and said he J was robbed of a large sum by a servant in Chicago, and lost $ifl,UU(l uioro by a bad investment here. Langcnin, the Canadian minister ol publie worlis, recently returned from British Columbia, was 'presented with aoosfly gold quarlz mounted cauo, by the Canadian residents last evening. The carnival ball, though largely attended, at-tended, was a very dull afl'atr. The prizes were awarded by Mrs. A. McDonald Mc-Donald in the character of a hot corn woman. James Helenan, the celebrated bil-liai-dist, is hopelessly ill in New Vork. Tbo billiard table warc-roouis ol' Phctan & Collender, in this city recently recent-ly burned, will not be re-established. The remains of Willie McMullieh, aged nino years, were found in the hay yesterday. .... KliUONJU DISPATCH. thlLlFOUN! A. San Prancisco, 2'J. Tho sales on the San Prancisco stock exchange tho past wcok aggregate l,3ol,SS:), pf .which over one-tbird was Ely. : . ; Tho mill of the St. Patriek Cold Min- j uigCo., Placer county, valued at $20,-OUO, $20,-OUO, and insured for $10,001), was burned last night: The members ol the Chinese embassy em-bassy to Paris, who arrived hero last night, leave for China by the steamer to-morrow. Tbo board of health has amended Dr. Holland's report on the "social ci'il," arid asked the ward supervisors to adopt the order, establishing the system ol licensing and supervising the evil. I bey also call upon the supervisors to devise means for better cleaning of the streets and sewers as a provision against cholera. . , Itcdiugtou, rioslotlcr &. Co,, whoso stock or drugs, &c, was destroyed by, bre, have bought out the large drug establishment of R. U. McDonald Co., and will thus bo able to continue their business without interruption. Los Angeles, 2'J. Tbo completed survey ol tiro proposed narrow gua -e railroad, Horn San Prancisco to Los Angeles, -t-IS miles, shows the heaviest grade to be 105 feet to tho mile tor three-lourths of n uiile. The trans-portation trans-portation of bullion from Cerro Gordo to Los Angeles and San Francisco, eosts hali a million dollars a year. AIUZONA. -; . r " San Diego, 20. The Arizona Cilr.n, ol the 2:id, conOrms the report that the military at Camp Grant, by orders ol tho commander, are at war with the citizens, and oontains tho following r On Sept. llith the cannon anil guns "of the United States at Cuuip Grant were ordered to be turned upon a parly of peaceable citizens, in case ibey approached ap-proached a stream to slake their thirst. A United States mail rider and a stock herder were killed by the Indians Indi-ans within two miles of Tucson, and tho mail was entirely destroyed. A man comes from Camp Grant, alatiti he will swear tho mail rider's hoi-vo was 1 i seen nt Lamp Uniot, . and that a few ! days alter the murder two Indians rode tho horse to that post. At no time Ins a more despondent feeling appeared in the territory. I'rom all past cspcri. i ! 11,0 xiriment of official action is demonstrating to the ludians that at ! least one military post is at war with the citizens, no matter what crimes the Indians have bceu guiltv of All (hey have to do. to escape punishment and . be ted and clad at government. exn.Mtsl. is to lice to Carup Grant. MKVADA Car.-oii, 21.'. Ye.-terd.iy" uoou two I men living south of (Wellington, captured ionng, Uteris, Uauder : Mortou, aud Motes Black. Several I shots were exchanged. The convicts bad but a lew rounds ol'amuuiliou which they used without doing anv harm. hoWcls Li wounded-it is sai"d dangerously. They conlesi to kiliin" the pony ndcr aud secreted the bodv hlteon miles from Wellington. Burke and Jones are in Hound valiev, and the omcers hope to capture them before rnormng. This is Ore same party who 1 bad . tight with the sberiii's; party a lew days ago, and killed lt. J. Morri-son Morri-son and an Indian. A party left H etlmgton this mormns to recover the remains ol the pony rider. |