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Show INKLINGS. The Peoria horse oira are to have stores during the winter months. . Miss Mary C. Green is the pioneer woman printer of the Paoifio coast. Large numbers of Chinese are leav-:ng leav-:ng California for the native land of the Celestials. The French balloons, with a fair wind, go about as fast as the express trains on American railroads. Lynn, Massachusetts, has a shoemaker shoe-maker who has worked steadily for serenty-four years. A couple who were recently married atHacine, Wis., fell upon each other's neck and wept after the ceremony. The French embassy in Copenhagen summoned all Frenchmen resident in Denmark, aged from 25 to 35, immediately imme-diately to return to France, in order to be enrolled in the army. The Female German Association of St. Louis claims to have saved seventy-five seventy-five women from a life of shame during dur-ing the last three and a half years, thirty of whom hare become church members. At Lexington, lnd., last week, Mrs. Matilda Brown got a divorce on Tuesday Tues-day evening, a marriage license on Wednesday morning, and before dusk was off on her bridal trip as Mrs.John J. Rude. The police of Baltimore are retaking the census of that city, in order to compare with the Federal enumeration, i'hey had got up to 2S3,375 at last accounts, ac-counts, but would not be satisfied with less than 400,000. A Poweeheik, Iowa, paper mentions a man in that vicinity, 23 years old, who lives within three miles of the railroad, who has never been inside of a railroad car, has never slept in any house except the one in which he was born, has never been courting, and never kissed a girl. A farmer's boy on Muscatine island, Iowa, has a very large rat, which he has domesticated and trained to do various va-rious amusing things, among them the getting upon its hind teet, and at a signal from his little master attempting attempt-ing to crow liko a rooster. The rat will follow the boy as a puppy does its master. An enthusiastic young politician, while working at the polls in Fordham, N. Y., on election day, suddenly remembered re-membered that he was to be married on that day. He forthwith procured his affianced, went to the clergyman's house and had the knot tied, and then returned to the polls, where he worked till they closed. A lady in Chillicothe, Ohio, unsuccessfully unsuc-cessfully brought suit for a divorce, recently, re-cently, alleging that her husband had been guilty of adultery and extreme cruelty. Hi, witnesses showed that the adultery consisted of the husband's acknowledgment that he had kissed another man's wife, and that the extreme ex-treme cruelly lay in his preventing his wife from hurling a cut out of a window. |