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Show White Houbh S. Bamberger k Bro. Propriotors; first-class family hotel and restaurant, reconstructed under new management, Main street. Salt Lake City, Utah. Large aud well furnished rooms and all thedelicaciesof the season at reasonable charges. A ladies' fining room attiched to the spacious refreshment refresh-ment saloon. Board and lodgire $2 00 lier day; by the week, 512,00; day board J.3.00 per week. Fre--h oysters just received re-ceived and served up in every style night or day. Free conveyance to meot all trains. 8. Bamberger & Bro., aiy Proprietors. Gone East. On Sunday morning Councillor Isaac Groo and son started cast to pay a visit to their relatives. We believe this is Mr. Groo's first trip to tho Atlantic seaboard, since he arrived in hia Taiiey, and it must be a source of gratification to him to again visit old scenes and see once familiar fa-miliar faces. A, pleasant journey and afo return to them. |