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Show Oi.b FonvisM.-The tenacity with Wh some people cling to ari antede-ravian antede-ravian style of'doing business is aston-'-''bi.g. Some years ago, when a green-b-ick or a real coin dollar was as hard W be found as a grasshopper in Jan-it Jan-it was all very well to pay bills 10 "truck and trade," store orders, "f anything available. But that it -Mild be continued as extensively as " W. under cxistin.. J M.b Salt Lake Ci,y AaU hands 'lb all the world, is something that "i only be explained by ,ie force of h'l'it. .Nobody thinks of paving an 'Morn or western man in store orders "b produce ; and there is do ur , y roasol why local bMls should be met the same as foreign ones. sunan has flour and molasses and to pay bilS) why doos he not ""'bis produce and square his account "'J the tircuUlh,R medium, instead l' hauling around his lieavier com-'Mitios com-'Mitios from ono placo to another? "'We is a ready market for produce M in fact, there being a sullicionc "f currency circulating to rueet all the fxrposcs of trade, it would expedite ls'css in a hundred ways to adopt lie ystom of doing business adopted "ciywhoie except ill remote rural d-striois. The, sooner this thing of l-yng in orders of various kinds mos, tho better it will be for all f i'tice wmcemed. |