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Show ' j INKLINGS, j ' i The chimpion oarsnim of Pitts-i burg is a wuman. j Omaha will erect 1000 new build- ' ings this year. ' The Toronto Glohe gi a list of ten Feftiaus killed ai)(UhirteenvoiinJ-i ai)(UhirteenvoiinJ-i ed in the recent raid. ' i A secret order, with rif.nal, signs, ! and grips, called the Earthquake, has originated in Tipton, Indiana. Its i object and purposes are unknown. Craw-rdiviUe, G.i., the home of A. 11. Stephens, is said to be the Bhab-j Bhab-j biest and most tumble-down town in i the United States. People of Wyoming don't know I whether to call their female judge a i justicess of the peace or a justice of 1 the peacuss. Ex. A little boy at Webster, ' Mass., a few days since, got his foot entangled in bis mother's crinoline- aud Droice his leg. J In a country graveyard, in New Jersey, is a plain stone with this in-Bcriptiou: in-Bcriptiou: "Julia Adams, died in thiu shoes, April 17,1839, aged nineteen." nine-teen." ! A Richmond paper, calling attent- ion to some improved spotted pigs l bred there says: "Our maxim should be to encourage our own people in preference to all others." I Decoration day was celebrated in Canton, Oiiio, by burying a soldier. Whether he was specially killed for the occasion is left in doubt by the local dispatches. . There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at its flood leads on to fortune. A Massachusetts man, who for some months sold a patent j medicine, nas just in the nick of time turned undertaken ' At a railroad bridge at Hannibal, ' Mo., a party of boys and girls, while fishing, heard the whistle of an ap- proaching train. The whole party started on a wager to beat the train j across the bridge. One of the girls I missed her footing, fell, and was cut j in two by the train. ) A Dutch woman kept a tollgate. One foggy day a traveller .asked: I Madiime, how far is it to B?" Shoost a leetlti ways," was the reply. "Yes; but how far?" sgain asked the traveller. tra-veller. "Shoost a leetle way," more emphatically. "Madame, is it one, ! two, three, four or five miles?" The good woman ingeniously replied, "I dinks it is!" The railway companies of the conn-try conn-try are reported to be watching with Boms interest the experiment of the employment of Chinese labor by the Union Pacific Railroad; and the bucccss of that company will be tbe signal for the introduction of "John to the employ of the railroads ell over the country. |