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Show Lake Side! Look out for The School Train To leave at Si.50 a.m.; return re-turn G;20 p.m. Every Saturday! EVERY SATURDAY! If you wanfc to Bithe, Go to Lake Side! If you want to Boat, Cio to Lake Side! If you want a dance in the grove, Go to Lake Side! If you want to hear the music, Go to Lake Side! If you want to swing, Go to Lake Side! If you want a right good dinner, Take it with you when you Go to Lake Side! Mountains of Cakes, Candies and thiDgs, and Oceans of Lemonade. Bathing Dresses, Perambulators and all the modern conveniences to rent eheap At l ake Side! Baggacs wagon in attendance to haul bandies, babies and oiher baggage, bag-gage, to the grove, when you go To Lake Side! Half a mils to tbe grove; three-fourths three-fourths of a mile to the Lake, From Lake. Side! Scholars from 5 to 15 years, 75 certs. All over 15 years, round trip, 1.00. All under yars, frea. ZIDN S CO OPERATIVE MERCANTILE TO CITY ATND COUNTRY CO-OPERATIVE STORES And the Trade generally. Wholesale Bry oo&s. EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) In this Department will always be found the choicest brands of American and Ensrlish Prints, Lawns, Onnndies, Percales and Press Goods, Ginghams, Cnamhavs, Brilliantes, &c , - Sheetings, bloacbed and brown, of . the most approved makes Hosiery, Notions, &c. &c. Also, a heavy stock ot Loots, Shoes, Hats and Leather, home made and imported. Shoe Findings complete. Retail DRY GOODS Department. Eagle Emporium, (Ground Floor. ) This Department is constantly receiving, by express and regular freight, such additions to its already large and varied stock of Staple' and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Ribbons, &c, foreign and domestic, as to have to make this branch a public necessity. . Much of our stock is purchased exclusively for this room, and is offered at prices uniformly low. We would call the especial attention of the Ladies to our varied and seasonable sea-sonable varieties of Shawls,' Sacques, Perfumed Handle Parasols, Skeleton Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Flowers, &c. We have just received a fine addition of Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Mats, Matting, Window and Table Damasks, Nottingham Lace Curtains. ' .'' Our especial feature The Ladies' and "Misses Shoes, 'which cannot be excelled for variety and price. . - To arrive in a few days Window Cornices, new and unique. X T H:JLN!:G...... Three doors South or Eagle Emporium, , SFRJN3 CLEANING AND FURNISHING. ; This Department has a fine assortment of C All PETS, OILCLOTHS, DOOR MATS, AND WALL PAPER, including Low, Medium and High grades, with Borders to match. A first-class paper-hanger always on hand. Just introduced a great variety of ILune made Trunks, to which public attention is invited. Also just arrived, a lull stock of Gent's, Uoy's, and Yoiilh's Summer 'CJlothinfg,! From fine French Cassiniere to Linen, at low prices. Drugs and Medicines. (BASSETT& ROBERT'S OLD STAND) ' A full Hnfl of Drags, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Colors, Perfumery, and Toilet P.equisites. A choice assortment of Foreign and Domestic Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, &c. Competent Prescription Clerks in attendance night and day. These Establishments offer at the very lowest figures, the largest and most varied assortment of goods of all kinds in the Great Basin. H. B. CLAWSON, Sui)t. . . . 1 ' MACHINERY! All kinds of Machine Work, Turning, Turning, Boring. Screw Cutting Cut-ting and Fitting. Ilrass Castings, &c. WM. J. SILVER, 10th ward, 5 blocks north of the Tab-j Tab-j ernacle. WARM SPRING BATHS ! ... v Tbese Celebrated Baths are Open to the Publio at All Seasons THEIR MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Are so Widely Known that it is needless need-less to enumerate them, H. ARNOLD. P.O. CAl.PEBf TTM. CALDilB, O.TORfJE CAI.TER Calder Urothers, Salt Lake City, Bookseller Stationers. AndJDoalors in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE and FANCY GOODS. Miscellaneous Books, for Public, Private and Sunday School Libraries; School Itooks, Maps, Globes, Charts, and all other articles used in Schools. A complete assortment of Uiunk liouks Writing Paper, Pocket Cutlery, and Stationary. Albnms, Pucket Books, Engravings and Cromos. A lull ctock of Musical Instruments and Musical Merchandise. General Agents for all of the best piano aud organ inauuiacturera, and for the publishers oi subscription bucks. A Large Assortment cl SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZES Just Received. I U V I A (i ll O U S E. A First Class Hotel. European Plan. Location unsurpassed, being near Union Square.'Wallack'sTheatre, and A. T. Stewart's 'new (up town) store. Broadway & Twelfth ! Sts. ' JVeiv York., G.P.IIARLOW, riofi'r. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, I Cor. Third and Market Streets, ST. LOUIS, MO. TERMS S2 PER DAY. HOUSE FURNISHED WITH THE BEST SPRING BEDS. Honse centrally located. Buss for all trains. General R. R. and Steamboat ticket offico in fh bouse. ; J. CHESLEY, Propr. Dyspepsia met and Conquered. Pain has its ases. It indicates the seat ot" disease and its nature. na-ture. If the locality, progress and intensity of a pisordor wore not manifested by tho torture it occasions, oc-casions, the victim would be surprised by death before he was conscious of danger. Tho indescribable indescrib-able tortures which accompany Dyspepsia, preclude pre-clude all doubt as to the character of the malady. Combat the enemy promptly with Tarrast's EfFERVEBCEXT Beltzer Aperient. This pleasant specific meets the disease at all points in the weakened stcn ach, the torpid liver, tho constipated consti-pated bowels, t he Bhattered nerves and by r-storiugall r-storiugall th rganst o their natural conditions affect viiri- lire- S3X3 BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Farmer's Wives ! How to Make Good Strong Vinegar! IN ONE DAY, From Cider, Soi slium, Molasses, Mo-lasses, Siiyar,' "Wine or the Juice of any Fruit. Directions Di-rections simple ami easy. Cost not one-half that of he old process of allowing Cider to sour in barrels. Anyone can make. it;full directions sent on receipt of Fifty cents. Address: W. II. Bishop, St. Louis, Mo: PIONEER STEAM WjlODJVORKING C0f W. II. Fot.som, Titos. 'Latimf, Geo. Romney, G. II. Taylor i FOLSOffi, ROME! & Gfi- (South Temple Street, one block west of the Tabernacle,) -" j OF! Having added to their already extensive stock of Machinery, are now prJ to furnish all articles in their line, a first class article, at greatly reduced'-' fn" from the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. i,b, We have a complete set of Sash and Door Machinery, by which J p'- : fill large or Siiiall orders with great dispatch. j ASM ANW It'! We publish a list of sizes of Doors and Windows which are always W hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and sizes of doors made to ord;.- p,(P i. Sash Sizes. Door Sizes. 8x10 windows, 2 ft 4 in x 3 ft 9 in 2 ft 6 in by fi!l '1,l 10x12 " 2 101- x4 t 2 8 " 6 i 10x14 " 2 10 x 5 2 2 10 " 6 Ce"' 0xl6 . ' ," 2 10i x 5 10 3 ieet " ;;1 ' lUiisris, Frames aud Mouldings. J Sheriff : Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to fill all kinds of jP' ings. -Door and Window Frames, plain aud panneled. Having oue of. SDlendid No 1 moulding machines we can furnish every variety of Moii. ri.tj r , . . foontv School wood Timrira. We have a No. 1 Turning Lathe, and have engaged Fred- Fis'er, ri'i best turner in the Territory, and will furnish turning of all descriptions, ding wheel heads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kinds of wood turning at low d Inl LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY.'', j ' Our ruachinerv is the very best that could be purchased in the Eii "0 sistin" of a No. 1 Planer and Matcher, for surfacing lumber and tonguirian. grooving flooring; a Daniels Planer, for planing lumber out of wind; aif ing: Machine; a heavy 'power Mortising Maching ; machines lor ratj j,.r,h plowing, making sash, doors, blinds and mouldings. ' As a great variety of work can be done on these machines, it gm s'r great advantage in contracting and building. . sum 1 Jrk, K - VT. II. FOLSOAl attends to the building department, and experienced architect, and having on hand all the latest architectural w T,,p" prepared to make plans, specifications, details, and contract for building: lur kinds. . . , . , , ' ; The old firm of LATIMER & TAYLOR have charge of tne r departmpnt and in connection with the above machinery, run a set of ijiciii.. saws," and are prepared to rip boards, plank, pickets, fence rails, strips k '.All who intend to beautify, improve and build up, and want ck. co good work, call on " 1 8upr p. o. Box 366. Folsom, Hoinney Sl Cfll THE SALT LAKE Sii 13 IS JklLID A Xeio Morning Keicspoper, Published eTery morning except Monday. Office: OLD CONSTITUTION Building, East Temple Streot, It contains the latest 1 degraphic Dispatches, Keics by Mail, Editorials on Citrrem Topics, Spiy Locals, hitertsting Correspondence, Agriadtural Information, Horticultural Items, ' Selected Headings, Foreign, Domestic, Commercial,. - - -Radway, and Mining ' " ' Intelligence, Being a complete Compendium of Current History. terms: 1 Yor, : : : i : : ls.00 e Montlu, : : : : : : 4.00 8 Mouthn, : : : : 3.00 1 Month, t : : : : 75 IffHk, : i : 1 : : 36 i lit M j H. McEwa, S. M. S::j jj UTAH I" ih JOB PRINTING OFFij"1 lis 1st South Street, West of Meat il ; ",t We take pleasure in, announcing' patrons ih"t ice are prepared tup ly fill all orders for HAND-BILLS, . CONCERT BILLS, mh' PROGRAMMES, , CIRCULARS, BALL TICKL. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, ' ' BLANK CHECKS, NOTES OF DEl'O PROMISSORY NOTES, DUE BILLS, W RECEIPTS, Out ORDER BOOKS, WAYBI7" BILLS OF FARE, s- SCHEDULES, i CERTIFICATES, J j TRANSFERS, f DEEDS. le And every variety nf Business, Visiting and WedJi, ' 'CARDS! J Ordftri from th counfr.T ar wlioilwl, A rMTi prompt iktoimi. |