Show LOCAL NEWS sarah ann sessions is on the sick list mary call is still very sick mrs dr van is attending her there will be EL a dance at the opera house tomorrow sept 1894 james neville has been quite sick for a week or two but is now on the improve again tax payers we re daily calling on the county collector at his office in the CLIP CLIPPER rEit building to pay their taxes this week county bleik phillips issued a marriage license to charles F hogan and rose I 1 E wood A cute little boy appeared at the home of deputy marshal davis a few days ago all concerned doing well samuel stewart tile young man who taught school here a few years ago took unto himself a wife this week the republicans of bountiful will meet on saturday night and organize s club sir mr glassman of the ogden standard will be present the davis count county y nursery las has several sevy sety signs hung bung out at different points along the county road stating that it pays cash for peach pis prof whiting of the utah university was seen around some of our slews alews gathering frogs toads boada and other amphibians on monday the first meeting of the davis county public school teachers for the coming year will be held at farmington Farmin glon sat sept at 10 a m wm will holbrook has been called to lo fill a mission in the northern states he expects to leave on the of october 1894 the semiweekly semi weekly herald or the semiweekly semi weekly tribune for six months and the CLIPPER clippen for one year for 2 it if paid in advance all of our district schools started here on monday last with a good attendance except the highest department which has but few pupils oar choir will give a dance at the opera house bouse on friday evening sept the choir leader says the choirs funds are low so BO this has been suggested to increase them the city marshal was seen going toward the city pound the other day holding to a long rope to the end of which was tied a cow the animal we think had bee in the street mrs william holbrook met with a rather painful accident list last monday evening while standing on the cap board of a board fence picking plums she made a miss step and fell to the ground wrenching her shoulder in some way or another it is hoped the injured limb will soon be well again charles and judson mabey israel and parley willey john stoker an nie sessions zoe cornia and jonetta duncan started to school a at the university this week eveline stoker made preparations to start but was taken sick on the day school commenced she will likely start later on prest JH grant and family returned home from their trip last saturday eveni evening Dg the pleasure seekers visited cache gentile bear lake and weber valleys and report good crops in those valleys talks they noticed that many improvements had been made since they passed over the same route four years ago |