Show DAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER euln M AND PUBLISHED SEED st iff f THE CLIPPER rUB publishing LISHING CO A weekly V Netti newspaper Valler published at bountiful utah in the interests 01 0 the county and all having removed JOHN BT AUlK EDITOR per fer year 65 cents G months month entered at the post office at bountiful full utah as second class mail matter I 1 A fe few vr good suggestions editor not having seen anything in your columns res respecting the recent reunion n of tile the cho chous I 1 ra held at farmington permit me it if you have the space pace to make a few comments men ts on the results so far from these reunions in the f first place it needs no ar arguto 9 u convince the observer that those choirs bat that have taken part up upon 0 a those 1 occasions have improved themselves wonderfully not only is it noticeable at the reunions ie reunions unions but bue at our sunday sany worship a greater interest is man maui tested both by conductors and sing ers the selections are more classic and the rende rendering ring of the same does them credit in so short a time still there is great room for improvement it if I 1 may be allowed to offer some suggestions I 1 would sy say that on the points of promptness and precision there is great room for improvement also alo in the pronunciation of words which badly pronounced in singing gives a very bad effect it would be well for the singers to commit to memory as much as possible both words and music they would not only be able to give better expression but could give more attention to the conductor if our last reunion could have been hold held indoors instead of in the bowery I 1 think we could tave lave done ourselves more credit than on previous occasions i the best beat eif effects acts being lost pa pardon rdo me for offering another suggestion if there could be ba a day set apart tor for these gathar gatherings not ea esea eardly rily at our stake conferences we would have more time lime and a better time all of our previous gatherings have been in the evening and in a hurry burry we have met upon three occasions occasion and we wa meet as strangers yet whereas could we take the day da for it we would have plenty of time to associate with each other and become better acquainted and to make the occasions more enjoyable and include our brass bands in the program hoping that these suggestions will not be considered out of place and that ere long all the choirs in the county will wili participate and receive the benefits derived from these reunions s I 1 remain respects respectfully ally A FLAT IN AN EVEIr EVERGREEN REEN TREE WITHOUT COST we will send you by mail postpaid post paid one small evergreen tree adapted to your climate with instructions fur planting and caring for it together with our complete list of nursery stock if I 1 you cut out this advertisement mark on it the name of this paper and tell how many and what kind of trees and plants yon would like to purchase and when you wish to plant them we ve wi I 1 quote you lower prices on the stock you want than have ever been offered y you ou write at once E E X NURSERIES NUnSEl HES E evergreen evergreen ver green door co wis 1175 THEO E MILLER RUPTURE COMPANY R U P T U R E C U R E D two week weeks s trial treat treatment men t free no in charge unless successful no cie operation ration rooms 0 2023 2 3 constitution building SALT LAKE CITY UTAH CHARLES W STAYNER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC attends to au all kinds of Lu business siness in the lu su supreme brente D district astr i c t and probate courts and before the U S q land lana ace deeds wills and mortgaged Mort gaget drawn estates settled offices at residence bountiful utah and mccornick building salt lake city w J RICHARD I 1 CHARD SOLOMON BOOT AND SHOE MAKER repairing a specialty work done prompt ly on short notice barnard barnarda Barn ards ablo k BOUNTIFUL UTAH WM WAL tuffield I 1 BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED repairing done on short notice at reasonable prices place of business in the barnard hotel building BOUNTIFUL UTAH JUST aal n M ORF a consisting OF prints Ging ginghams liams dorss barss goods outing flannel misses straw hats flowers mens and Boys Straw hats ladies and misses hisses oxford tie low cut slices shoes and to cap the climax we offer oner a tip tov top gents cents congress shoo shoe at 1 I 50 remember times are hard and cash talks loud we have bought cheap and you shall have the benefit bountiful coop co op mado in oil styles and sizes lightest strongest easiest safest simplest most accurate hobt compact and most modern for sale byall dealers la arms cataloguer catalogues Catal mailed freo by the marlin piro arms co new HAVEN bonx U S A J DEMARKs C a CATS CAN I 1 OBTAIN A PATENT rw for a rot answer and an honest opinion write to gi ba BI UZ U NN i N i CO who havo bavo had bad aau dearte nearly fifty aay years experience lence in the tha patent business om munica tlona A ot in formation I Io va ten tenta to and bow to obtain them sent ent free also alo a catalogue of meehan mcclam lun lent and booko sent cent free patents ta tonta taken through munn co receive thecial F notice in the tie nc american A merle io and abna us are brought widely bein rethe out ost o st to the tho in inventor tola this limbed weekly haa hy by paper 1 arthe a lan virgest oat circulation aaion of 0 anny work 1 in a the tn w worl ld ilsa arr sample ci n pe copies les c seat ent tree frew r building edition monthly ydo 60 a year single coples ts 2 cents eatery cry number P condom buu beau ellul phi tiB 0 in colors colora and to manlia of now new aiom w th ith plans enabling anit builders to how tho so E 11 and teoduro contracts acta address C CO 0 NEW THE EDIS ON ahl V f J U N mimeograph H T E wa IT LAM LACKS THE highest 11 spead I 1 IT IS FAST ENOUGH a IT HAS STEEL TYPE IT IS EASY TO le IS STRONGLY BUILT IT HAS PERFECT ALIGNMENT IT DOES GENERAL ing ine IT DOES RUN CLED DOLLAR machines IT if IS guaranteed IN apy or tp CT 78 characters CATALOGUE SENT ON APP jc s ciu 2 0 S J GRIFFIN TYPE PA MANGE bi manufacturer of metal and stamps s stencils wood auw Erig engravings ravings 0 o i etc dealer aler in Kerai remington neton typewriters type writers ariter mime Mimeo M Kach safes all kinds of office supplies etc cal YOUNG PIGS FOR SALK SALE young pigs for sa sale le enquire ajl IS s THE BEST A brown Cen centreville treville 0 0 3 S H 0 E w 0 squeaking ais 5 CORDOVAN CALF SUBSCRIBE FOR THI 4 as policed 43 V POLICE 3 SOLM SOLES SALT LAKE HERALD it div 4 A ss FINE the latest and best alews 2 1 as BOYS capies any paper in the west th TA fa sunday HERALD is a ver ve d SEND FOR Wl DOUGlAS interesting paper and shoni rou iou can tare save money bror BROCKTON by MASS AV L be sought by all classes sul the largest manufacturers 0 ol 01 I 1 prices because bebau se we are advert isca shoes in the world and per yea the arraj arr bottom which sj stamping protects the name you an against high daily 1000 weekly 2 25 prices equa ic ff custom and the work we ii in have style profits iya theta easy sold f our eting every shoes h and 5 S semiweekly semi c M i weekly in a ad wearing whereat ower prices for the value given tin an vance other make take n no substitute if your any dealer cannot you we ve can coldby sold by no air menu e it f 6 tl at tak why a fa NYC 0 riet I 1 salbi bit B WW 1 n t 11 I be bafo A L it M monts agents tell sell fo tor ari ta 51 our nt at tie ra same a 01 U as at lor aw ours at wood woo drion rims 25 lbs bame agent a as ae alss gaeel Us oti to fco ROCK SPRINGS I 1 PLEASANT VALLEY CASTLE GATE AT HATCH 11 BROS 11 II NEW 11 II YARD MIME AG ROADSTER 5 we have all kinds and will guaranteed bame ns as agents sell lor for rna to t deliver to any part of tile the city ACME ROAD RACERs RACER 25 lbs soo send in your orders we WOOD RIMS want your custom and will perfect lines perfect stee rhia perfect me as arents agents sell bell for sms and i tl insure full and written warranty with every machine you yon weight you anya abny a bicycle th an agent you aply SOKi more than our wholesale hole sale price for am fair treatment it costs costa about as much to bicycles itron agents and dealers as it 16 does to make them I 1 prudence and economy suggest the bet hetter er W wari 8 an burtrom buy from us direct at 1 1 pric HATCH BROS ted catalogue tree free P SOUTH OF U P DEPOT WOODS CROSS acme cycle coin company pany EAST OF R R riK HAfT IND aoe lulb C L sa 10 1 I 1 0 90 VB LA 3 D aj X mm BIST oti oil mil IRTH STAPLE AS WHEAT STRONG AS AN OX SWIFT AS A I 1 IRD R D A combination of ever every y known quality of excellence t 01 IP IF YOU SUE SEE IT ITIS A z IF YOU SELL IT YOUR IP YOU DONT SELL IT YOU lr IF YOU HAVE NO r SEEN IT YOU SHOULD in the bicycle line BUILT LIKE A CLEVELAND PRICES FROM TO T 0 THE LADY CLEVELAND 91 S nil tor for ofir ga I 1 page nige catalogue of 11 kt WRITERS and sapt aliee we ive want to sell 23 25 bicycles Bicy clea iu in bountiful this bis y rear OSCAR prest pes P es C A sec trea tat L T LAKE cn g r U L E ua I 1 main alain st SALT LAKE laim CITY UTAH P S our oar shop can call repair anything i SEND US YOUR WORK |