Show NOTICE FOR publication no 2255 lind land L ind office at al salt lake city utah september esth 1 notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filkil notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register or receiver U S land office at salt sair lale lake city utah on friday october loth 1891 viz carlos L sessions I 1 entry for the lilt SEI SE 4 of cwg SV and WY of SEI andew and SW V of NE 11 sec 31 34 tp an R III IE lie he names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz richard duerden Duer deu jeremiah willey george mcneil and orson sessions all of bountiful davis county utah territory BYRON byno i GROO register bird lowe attys for applicant |