Show farmington FRACTIONS county court notes the appointment of meat inspectors thought 0 will b IIA a saving to county the county cour court t met in adjourned session on Blon monday day sept 1894 thero there being a full board present minutes of session held sep september tem eth 1894 1804 were read and approve ed cd the report of L blamires amires BI of work done on roads in district no 20 was presented accepted and hied filed mr blamires reported the bridge near john S smiths was in a delap condition necessitating a new bridge a he be adgate ta on the west nest side the road when shut down would back up the water so as to flood the road the matter was referred to judge haight and selectman nalder A complaint of emery W soule and it appearing that hat his land was assessed at double the amount it should be one half of his taxes was ordered abated selectmen nalder and cook reported in the matter of meat inspection that they had investigated the mode of procedure in the inspection of meat in weber county a portion of winch which was lone done by inspectors appointed by the county court who were not necessarily veter veterinary inary i surgeons they were of the opinion that meat inspected by meat inspectors appointed in this county would be all right and would be a great saving to the people judge haight and selectman lee made a similar report the matter of adopting rules for the guidance of meat inspectors was discussed and referred to the attorney to draft a code of rules subject to the approval of the court the clerk was instructed to procure a record and tags and seals for the use of the meat inspector on motion of selectman nalder of the taxes of T J robins was abated on account of error b being general and 90 cents being special school taxes in dist no 8 the taxes of win hughes amounting ing 0 to was abated on the gounds of the petition of the administrator of the frank crocker estate for abatement of taxes on the grounds of a portion of said estate having been condemned and taken for public purposes by salt lake city the matter was referred to the attorney to investigate r and report CLAIMS ALLOWED lawrence layton bounty account lamoni call exp eap printing 1325 lam blamires sup roads account far C mag mfg co 1245 joseph walker janitor E A vail county maps adjourned to monday october 1st ast 1894 at 10 a in |