Show Real Estate Transfers James Anderson et ux to Joseph A An derson part of lot a block 43 plat AS 400 Charles K Ellis et al to E Cainiineld lot I block > 13 pint 2300 Lorenzo Pettit and wife to John M Cannon Can-non loin in section 23 township 1 north range I wet n 1 D A Engler et UX va L 0 Sludge lot 4 biocU u2 plat D 23UO James Mulrooney et ux to Charles Van Alstlne part of lot 6 block 8 plat A 3200 < > Solomon F Kimball to Lorenzo H Kim ball part of lot 2 block 42 tenacre plat Big Feld i Adam apeir et aL to William Pendleton part of lot 1 block 2G plat B J Le Grand Young and wife to Andrew Pe terson part of lot 5 and all of lots 6 7 and 8 block 44 Sandy Station plat 50 Andrew Peterson to John Mulmstrom lots 6 7 and 8 and part of lot 5 block 44 Sandy Station plat 160 Peter Malmstrom and wife to Annie C Malmstrom section 23 in township 2 south range I west i Charles A Dale et ur to D D Johnson Slots in block 1 Dales addition 1900 E I Pitman and wfe Lillian T Brad lay lot 52 block 03 plat H Tiiorndykes budivisloa hn 350 L H Kimball and wife to B Fullmer part lot 4 block 42 ten acre plat A 500 Glen R Bolhwml et ux to charles A Dale part lot 3 block 58 plat B 6000 Brnjamin Duncan to G B Blakely lot 15 block 1 DeLongS second addition 150 Charles E J7ltHinn At1 tn Uo > ha > > Dale lots ao to 29 block 18 Buena Vista addition 200 W H Leverick et aL to John Beck part section 14 township 1 north 1 Joseph H Winslow to Sarah P Neiaen lots 24 25 and 26 blocks plat F Khr ichs subdivision of block 30 3200 Thomas Hamer to Alice B Kerber lot 18 block 1 Watkins addition 1 Alma S Kendall and wife to J W Houston part of lot 5 block 97 plat A 1 James W Campbell et al to Daniel Par ker section 3 township 1 south range 1 west n 300 W H Leverick and wife to John u H I Bailey lot 6 block J H Whaions addition 200 |