Show TWO DIVORCE COMPLAINTS airs Tolless Brief Talo Charges Against a Wife Louisa B Tolles flIed an action for divorce against Hay H Tolles In the Third District court yesterday The complaint com-plaint is the shortest of any similar one ever filed in this court The plaintiff alleges al-leges that she and the defendant were married at Heber City in 1890 and that the later deserted her something over a year ago Wherefore she prays for a decree de-cree of divorce DESERTION AND ADULTERY J James Morris Is seeking for a legal separation from Sarah Morrisl through the medium of the Third District court The parties were married in this city in December 1890 and less than a year later the defendant deserted plaintiff according accord-ing to the complaint and has since commuted com-muted adultery at divers times In view of these alleged facts the plaintiff prays for the usual relief |