Show 7 1 f LOCAL NEWS read bead the professional card ads in this paper pure bred brown leghorn eggs 50 els per 13 A L buckland read the coop co op ad and see what a dandy supply of summer goods it has purchased we understand that A L buckland has gone to the mercur gold mining milling districts home missionaries from farmington elders charles stayner blayner and edward stephenson henson exhorted the saints at tile the tabernacle sunday mr A L short has replaced ills his all ad in the ER which indicates that he Is prepared to comm commence elige ili his summer business samuel B owen and family were accepted as members of tile the east bountiful ward last sunday they formerly resided in the waid of satt lake city brigham Brig in hain dilly arid and wife who were violently thrown from a cart arid and dra figee for sope some distance by a run away horse on tile the bolh filst anti and pretty badly scratched and bruised are recovering as fast as can be expected city marshal mabel informed us that lie he would be obliged to enforce the city ordinance prohibiting stock from running at large ile he said stock staked in ili the roads was liable to entangle and thereby fiig liten teams passing aud cause them to W run away lie ile declared this practise must be stopped the bountiful 0 K X base ball club have accepted the challenge of the layton team and will meet meat them on the first of may at tile 0 K X hall ball grounds in ili last east bountiful lovers of this sport are cordially invited to attend the game seats scabs will be provided for spectators arid and every means will be taken to bave uie the spectators seated arid and well entertained the jury in the case of joseph holt against charles E pearson on tues bues found that tile the defendant had over charged his clients c in the sum gum of ka lland gave judgment in upon lle application of counsel thirty bays were allowed to prepare and file tat emerit in support of a motion for new belill the issue has developed feeling among the de of bountiful it i vast if whom were interested in tile the result of the trial david jackon of randolph Ram lAph gave asive us its a call last week and ie ported led that quite lie did not lot get his for ten tell lays days after it is bissu A d and asked us haw it was this is a question that we can call not answer as only a few before we grecol elect lect of having havill a woodruff man mail ay that lie ile got ins his paper uie lite saine day that clial it left bountiful and ne e know that randolph is located but a few miles from woodruff we think that no one but uncle sam knows tile reason why it takes lakes papers nine lays days to 10 go about six miles another of our boys over tac aily four i vars cars of age it has been fudle fud Lg in lite hie good old ohl book and come cross the where in here it 11 says 11 II 1 is not good for man 0 lo 10 o be alone and in uniformity with tile advice of that book took look anto lihn him a wife As the 3 oung couple had tio serva servants ants to send dolth to invite guests to the lie wedding as was wag customary 1 in I olden ti times mes they decided leel dd that tile the should tild print hero hem some beautiful wedding caido for this purpose iliin read US as follows your ili is desired at i lie ilie wedding party of mr IF fisher lid miah adia L 3 dt E join a 10 lo lie given ill ille bountiful house lit ill 8 clatl i III n Aril arila 2 aili 1894 1804 I 1 I 1 all t it I 1 allt I 1 ot f nt on tl 1 1 ail wl 11 f irr r v III 1111 lii liv 1 clr v u 0 iiii t I 1 i i 11 i i ll if shinn it I 1 aitay itay av li la lii i it 1101 t 1 hi 1 i 1 lit hi 1 I 1 a it will hil ell it i II eipl v 11 I 1 10 I 1 ut ul ilc IOUs us hinl a r i it r uri art ni pal pails ts of to n alzo e r in ill I 1 ain I 1 it day da V it brigs briggs bri on gs a noy hoy of about thirteen years I 1 was harrowing in mr Tutt tattles cuttlers lers lower lot near by were tuttle and bedim pulling out trees with another team when by chance they had just hitched onto a dry one and on starting starling starlin in up the team mr tuttle spoke in a rather earnest manner and the tree broke with a noise fright frightening eiling davids team which pulled away away from him run a short distance cal catching the harrow on a well curb arid and liberating the lite exciting horses from that dangerous implement the animals rau ran into the bountiful meat mans team which was tied of ephraim briggs 0 residence ence alj causing them to run away mr tuttles team was captured in centreville Cen treville no damage was done to speak of |