Show IMPORTANT EVENTS of important events even ts of home and abroad just one week after the debate began in the senate on the wilson willson tariff bill senator hill of new york made his big long awaited speech it was directed mostly against the income tax feature of the bill such a bill as the mills bill he would support but he would not hot support a bill which would not raise the needed revenue except by a direct tax which he denounced as class legislation the speech created considerable comment and not a little feeling among the democrats both houses of the new york legisla ture passed a joint resolution thanking mr hill for his big speech senator allen alien introduced a resolution for taking a vote vole on the bill june ath allow in ing three lays days for debate under the five minute rule patrick walsh was sworn in as successor to the late laic senator colquitt colquilt of georgia the senate agreed to a resolution providing for the coinage of mexican dollars at american mints the senate agreed to begin the debate on the tariff bill bil each day it at one it at least for this week the republicans agreeing not to delay business owing to the impossibility of getting a voting quorum in the house the committee on rules on thursday brought in a rule providing for a 10 fine for every case of a member refusing to vote mr reed and the republicans successfully cess fully filibustered against it the democrats not succeeding a in obtaining a quorum A severe storm swept over the country and along the atlantic coast early in the week driving a number of vessels ashore and causing z considerable loss of life much damage by fire and loss of life has been cabied at milwaukee lynchburg va scranton and buffalo the trial of bishop Bona bonacum cuin opened at omaha before archbishop hennery ne asty whose rulings were displeasing in to the complainants who have appealed to egr mgr Sa tilli the projected lookout in the building I 1 it tri trades d ea at chac chicago ago lo 10 proved a fiasco ex united states senator cattell of new jersey lied died in a private vate insane asylum A temporary excitement was created iu in the early part of tile the week 1 by 1 17 i the arrival in washington in freight cars of a band of forty men under the command of capt primrose they were out of employment an and d lad had come all tho way from texas in search of work it was thought that they constituted consi oue one of the numerous wings of the coxey army but this they denied the entire party was received by the police placed in a station house taken before judge kirn him ball and dismissed as it was not thoroughly demonstrated that they were tramps the members of the party subsequently either left lef t the city or found means of support here tie crossing of the maryland line by the army gave additional impulse to the preparation made by the authorities ties forthe for the reception of the visitors the pollard case was given to the jury this afternoon and a verdict rendered for miss bliss pollard awarding her damages of i N IN FOREIGN LANDS the rosebery ministry in england I 1 successfully passed a crisis early in the week the absence of many of its it irish supporters gave hope to its OJ opponents but the radicals supported it the bering sea bill to carry out the provisions of the paris tribunal passed the commons and was sent to the lords where it has passed second readi reading Dg the government has an bounced that it will not introduce a bill to give home rule to scotland the Parnel lites want parliament dissolved and have expressed their dissatisfaction with the ministry the german kaiser has been visiting king humbert of italy and the Au strain emperor admiral da gamma and his big insurgent followers landed at buenos ayres tile the insurgent vessels v es son bombarded rio grande in southern brazil and tile the government claims were repulsed the general elections in holland resulted in a defeat of the government L 1 P A |