Show LEGAL NOTICE in the probate court for the he county of davis territory of utah in the matter of the estate of mary illary I 1 E marett deceased notice of time and an place of sale cf real estate R AUTt AUTHORITY ioni TY or OF AN ORDER OF SALE granted by the probate court of the county y of davis territory of utah dated reb feb 1801 1894 1 I will vill sell at private sale cither cither 7 as a whole or in subdivisions the following described pieces of real estate commencing twenty six 26 rods north and ten 10 rods west of the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of sec 24 in tp two 2 north range one thirteen 1 west salt lake meridian thence north thirteen and one third rods thence west sixty G GO rods thence south thirteen and one third 13 rods thence east sixty 60 rods to place of beginning containing five acres of ground more or less 2nd ad lot one 1 block thirty two 32 plat aa A bountiful township davis county utah said lot being one and two hundredth 1 32 acres of land in N E cor of NE N E of sec 23 tp 2 N R I 1 IV salt lake meridian together with house thereon and all appurtenances the sale mill be maddon made on or after may ath 1801 1891 and written bids will be receive received at the cooperative co operative store in said bountiful township or delivered deliver ed to the under s signed at room constitution salt lake city utah terms of sale cash ten per cent at time of sale and balance on confirmation thereof by said court I 1 lorace horace stayner Stay ncr administrator of estate of mary ml ary E marett larett deceased daniel harrington attorney for estate LIGAL LEGAL NOTICE bids are still being received by tho ho undersigner undersigned Under signed administrator of the E state ot william william deceased for his la lite 1 I at Cen centreville treville two and thrpo in bleek 31 plat A cen baville townsite survey purvey containing one etere nud and thirty two and one half rods ot of land also an all undivided three eights interest in that certain patented mining claim known as a 3 tile the ravine mine situated in lettla cottonwood min mining edg district salt lake county for further particulars apply to the undersigned undersigner under signed at his residence in bountiful or pt at his office mccornick WC ornick block salt mire lake city CHARLES E fearson dated april ard 3rd 1801 1894 |