Show low rates till la effect to eastern points via lio 10 grande western ry remember G OV W la Is noted for the c tle I 1 ganea of its new coaches its free cars B its tourist or colonist sleepers new and artistic pullman do double uble ing 09 room palace Sl cars tl run ann through to chicago without B speed safety and comfort Is ia earned milto two main line n tt alas to the east daily t ESTATE sales negotiated PT territorial county and city script bought and sold TWE policies foli cies written EDI list ot of lands or houses for ease ase or sale sala D 0 WILLEY clipper building home for sale A house bouse slid and seven acres of laud land for sale enaire of john hatton II allon bountiful utah any one who wants buy a good home ell cheap 0 1 11 will learn of a bargain in real estate by writing to IV W A hydo hyde co layton lay ton UT FIFTY TWO NOVELS FOR FOB 50 CENTS we have made arran arrangements with one the largest book publishing co in this antry whereby we can make this liberal affer send us our regular years year subscribe n of 0 for the semiweekly semi weekly herald d GO cents cent extra and we will send toi to lur address under separate cover each eels one of a series of 52 novels a year id subscribers can avail themselves of is rare opportunity by remitting full 12 oaths in advance and 50 cents extra 1 1 hl aiau w novels are standard works by the est cst authors and were selected with greata great aro arc aud and attention they are just thal tha i isi farour tor our home avail yourself oi of lukity at as we make thit 1 i ity once fir hi wr 1 limited time only send archi auney order rust office order or in tuii TIL Ili sAif rua co ball bait lake city theres no choice in bicycles the victor pneumatic tire has no rival it is more durable than any other and the inner tube can be removed in case of puncture in less victors vic than five minutes the only inner tube removable are through the rim RES BEST T all victor improvements are abreast with the times and meet every requirement qui rement OVERMAN WHEEL 00 BOSTON OSTON philadelphia DETROIT NEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER SAN FRANCISCO rih r i H 0 fl 11 P P R P fp 1 P 9 ff n M V ajl HV y 61 UH has a large and well assorted stock of gent V and childrens which they are selling at bottom prices they h e also a ISO carry a large stock of GROCERIES 11 R D ga R F OILS PAINT riN WARr WOOD WOO D FISE FIBER TUBS PAILS WASHERS OIL 01 LINOLEUM DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS NOTI GRAHAM FLOURY FLOUR BRAND abib SHORTS GRAIN we are selling flour 71 71 1 bran and shorts mixed so 80 FLOUR IN quantities AT A DISCOUNT ya CHICAGO LIQUOR HOUSE FRED S SHADRA hadras proprietor 44 and 46 east south st SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TY aho DT mam Q au ma wa ft P aa Sg adwa 8 agents for ST LO LOUIS UIS bottle and anda A B 0 BOHEMIAN beers NO CHARGE FOR JUGS WITH GALLON ORDERS bountiful lumber andr afifi Thil building ding CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN DAVIS COUNTY ji it you are in n jedof S of f any description OR SHINGLES LATH FLOORING SASH DOORS LOCKS BUTTS SCREWS NAILS OR GLASS OF ANY SIZE COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE HATE AND GET OUR PRICES remember you will not be asked to buy unless prices suit you we have a superior combination fence at the regular price L S HEYWOOD mgr F III M mem m IV wasai WB R Sai I 1 WALL PAPER all new styles choice and cheap A bics variety PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES GOODS DELIVERED IN THE THREE AND centreville CEN TREVILLE FREE T 0 A LEADING DAVIS FURNITURE COUNTY HOUSE IN north room ot of opera house main street bountiful m HA r A I 1 N L E SS 0 E N T ish T IR ff all work at the lowest prices satisfaction guarante guaranteed cd or money refunded will be at mrs mccaige house va Ean one week commencing april ath DR BR ELLIS dentist the tinte time to buy baity combination fence david moss is brunnig john lewis combination fence machine and selling good Fen fence ceat at I 1 the following low prices 2 inch chicken fence fen ce 38 3 8 lath 70 acts per rod 3 inch field fence fance 34 3 4 picket 75 21 2 i 2 inch field fence 3 34 4 pic picket k et 82 2 inch field fence 3 34 4 picket 90 all ron to h rint im pointing AM 3 scents CHIS DOI roil rod RIM extra |